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Can't decide if I should

1. Listen to Oceania and laugh
2. Listen to Siamese Dream for the 7000th time and pretend this never happened
3. Never listen to Smashing Pumpkins again

I'm very much excited for this. Granted, Billy is insane, but it's been getting really good reviews.

The Smashing Pumpkins - Oceania (album review) | Sputnikmusic

Smashing Pumpkins album review; 'Oceania' reviewed - chicagotribune.com

The Smashing Pumpkins "Oceania" Album Review — 5 out of 5 stars - ARTISTdirect News

SNAP JUDGEMENT CD REVIEW: Smashing Pumpkins "Oceania" | Popdose
Oh, I'm going to listen to it. I listen to everything. I've already heard 90 albums from this year.

Honestly, this gap between huge release weeks (nothing I'm thrilled about until July 10 with Dirty Projectors and Twin Shadow) would be a good time to re-listen to some records I've neglected as of late.
Oh God, Maximo Park, Justin Bieber and Lostprophets are among the highlighted albums on metacritic this week. Unless something leaks, Fiona's new one is getting all of my attention.
My favorite post-Machina thing Corgan did is still Zwan. I probably even liked it quite a bit more than a number of Smashing Pumpkins albums. Bummer his douchiness made all the other band members bail.
It's deep deep deep south, near the border. I can't muster a shit to give about Morrissey, so it's a moot point, but I just found the locations curious.

Morrissey has a huge Mexican fanbase. He has talked about it a lot. He says it's because he's a crooner who dresses well. :wink: I think it's really cool he's playing border towns.
Sicy says she was refunded. I think I saw a tweet about when the presale was, so I'll have to snag a ticket.
Clearly I need to check this one out.

Just realized the SLC show is on a Sunday here. Looks like I'll be going to that one solo, one of my friends who's also a huge Morrissey / Smiths fan is also incredibly Mormon. :wink:
It's good. Real good. It sounds more like Grand Prix than Stands For Decibels though; they've definitely been inspired by latter day Teenage Fanclub.
Sicy says she was refunded. I think I saw a tweet about when the presale was, so I'll have to snag a ticket.

I don't think he's a jerk to his fans unless they're a jerk to him. No reason why you wouldn't get a refund. When did all these cancellations happen anyway? He showed up twice here and if there's anyplace somebody wants to blow off, this would be a good place, especially when people realize how high the altitude is and that they might not actually be able to sing!
Maybe I'm just completely crazy today, where I'm thinking concert tickets weren't refunded if the artist cancelled ... but isn't Moz kind of notorious for cancelling shows? Or has it not been that frequent?
I know he canceled one tour because he'd been sick and was having voice issues. It was the whole tour that was canceled, but I think the entire thing was rescheduled later.

I know he's come here 3 or 4 times in the last decade, and every show happened as was scheduled.
I'm sure that was one of Sicy's shows that got cancelled; I could have sworn there'd been a rash of them and that he was kind of known for flaking out.

Happy to be wrong, though! Would love to see him.
I'm sure that was one of Sicy's shows that got cancelled; I could have sworn there'd been a rash of them and that he was kind of known for flaking out.

Happy to be wrong, though! Would love to see him.

Yeah the article says three Oakland shows had been cancelled over the years. Just make sure there's no aroma of burning flesh nearby and you should be fine.
...one of my friends who's also a huge Morrissey / Smiths fan is also incredibly Mormon. :wink:

Those are two characteristics I would not have predicted.

I don't think he's a jerk to his fans unless they're a jerk to him. No reason why you wouldn't get a refund. When did all these cancellations happen anyway? He showed up twice here and if there's anyplace somebody wants to blow off, this would be a good place, especially when people realize how high the altitude is and that they might not actually be able to sing!

If I remember correctly, a few years back he fell ill, and then also walked off the stage when he got hit by a bottle that some fool had thrown. The illness was serious enough that he collapsed on stage, though, so I don't think he was just flippantly cancelling shows.

As for the Pumpkins, I would say they have at least ten great songs. Even as late as Machina you have Stand Inside Your Love and a few other standouts. Then there are buried gems on things like Pisces Iscariot. Obscured springs to mind.
I do like Stand Inside Your Love.

Didn't they have a song on one of those middling Batman movies with Nipples Clooney? I liked that one too. Something about Beginning Is the End is the End of the Beginning of the End .... (I exaggerate a bit).

Has anyone heard that album by Friends? I don't remember where I read about them - Rolling Stone, maybe? I really like it.
I like the Smashing Pumpkins songs that I've heard. But I agree that Billy Corgan is...a weird fellow, to put it mildly. I like the Uncle Fester comparison :D.

is it just me or is he losing his mind?

I honestly don't know. I've had some good conversations with him in the past, so whatever's going on lately...I really don't understand. But it is irritating, absolutely.

10/30 Clear Lake, IA - Surf Ballroom

...holy shit, seriously? He's coming to little ol' Clear Lake, Iowa?

I have a friend who likes the Smiths, and we've talked with another friend about getting together to do something around Halloween. I wonder if she'd be interested in this?

I actually think it'd be great for more big name pop/rock artists, old or current, to come to the Surf. Often it seems we get some '80s hair band (or some band who's a knockoff of that sort of cock rock sound-I think Buckcherry came there last year or something) or country artists or people of that sort. It'd be fantastic if some of my favorite bands could make the Surf a stop on their tour.
So I see the surgeon tomorrow for my shoulder. freaking out a little bit, that's why I'm sitting here with a half-gone bag of doritos and on my second slurpee of the day.

Or i'm just stoned from the muscle relaxers and I've got the munchies.

Re: Smashing Pumpkins: I like the hits from MC&IS and a couple of songs from Chinese Dream I've picked up over the years. Never really got into them and all I've ever heard about the band themselves are the tales of Corgan's douchebaggery.
The new Smashing Pumpkins is a good, arguably great record. There's no denying it. It's so weird that he can craft something that sounds like a follow-up to Machina and is full of well-thought out melodies/crisp production, etc. yet has spent about the last 12 years putting out the worst drivel imaginable (especially anything Pumpkins that was loud and completely faceless).

I might have to actually keep this one. I'll admit that they're (or should I say "he"?) are one of my all-time favorite bands. I consider their run from Gish-Adore including all the non-album stuff to be one of the best in history.
I don't know; I just wanted to hear from someone who'd had Moz bail on them for confirmation.

Maybe my brain is stuck in olden days thinking ... didn't a lot of concerts have "no refund" policies with the tickets? I thought that used to be a thing. Maybe I'm thinking about the "rain or shine" caveats for outdoor shows.

I could be wrong, but I don't think the services charge is refundable
cobl04 said:
So what is that I live under a bridge thread about? It seems funny but I don't understand.

Interference's friendly neighborhood death dealer's curious manner of speaking.
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