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Dr. Faye and Megan are on my Mad Men Rushmore with Trudy and Jane.

2-1 Draper.
Sally's teacher and Anna Draper's niece Stephanie are definitely on my Rushmore, with Megan and probably that chick with the Eurotrash parents in "The Jet Set".

You peeps need to think outside the box more.
Zou Bisou Bisou places Megan on my Rushmore regardless of what else happens in the show's run. That wasn't even fair.

And Jane definitely. The LSD scene :heart:

Then I don't know. Alexis Bledel was right on the alluring side of insane. And then what's her face from the Jet Set.
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Forgot about that Hare Krishna chick that Harry Crane boned. She was hot. Or the daughter of the dead executive that Stan got in one of the offices. Or Megan's adventurous L.A. friend.

You know, some people might say that they don't care about your boners, but you know what? I do. I care.
The FYM person seems more like Aeon.

Regarding the recent Foster the People album, I really like "Coming of Age." Is the rest of the album worth a listen?

That was my guess (that it was aeon).

I'd be surprised if there's such a thing as a listenable foster the people album.
Have you listened to the new Gaslight Anthem? I'll be honest I haven't heard a single thing from the new album, but I've read some bad reactions. Waiting for a proper leak.

I didn't like my initial listen much. The slower tracks are nice, they sound like what you would expect although they aren't what I listen to Gaslight Anthem for.

The rockers are painful though. Really overproduced and clunky. Stay Vicious is my least favorite, and it's right there at the beginning, so that killed my interest right off the bat.
My contribution to feminism is never talking about women I am attracted to. Even in real life if any of you met me I never talk about what I think of people's looks. I prefer to talk about whether they would put ketchup on a cheesesteak.
I didn't like my initial listen much. The slower tracks are nice, they sound like what you would expect although they aren't what I listen to Gaslight Anthem for.

The rockers are painful though. Really overproduced and clunky. Stay Vicious is my least favorite, and it's right there at the beginning, so that killed my interest right off the bat.

ouch. you're more forgiving of the band than i am, and if you don't even like it...

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