Quick Question from the other side of the writer's block

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continue the ongoing story 'No secret at all' or move on to 'Bards and Highwaymen'?

  • "No secret at all"

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • "Bards and Highwaymen"

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Blue Crack Supplier
Mar 3, 2005
completely out of touch
Hey! Anybody here remember me?

I've hit something of a serious block in my fan fic 'No secret at all'. It's at least partly due to a lot of stuff going on in real life, but partly also just simple motivation/idea shortage. I know where I want the story to go but for some reason it just doesn't come out right when I try to write it down.

Despite creative difficulties with 'No Secret' I have been having some glimmers of an idea for a different story; this one being an alternative reality setting, putting our four favorite musicians and their acquaintances in medieval Ireland. I know I've already written one story of this sort (On the rising tide) but I think this idea is still different enough from that to be fresh and entertaining.

I'm not much on walking away in the middle of a story though; and I don't want to throw together an ending for a story for which I had so many things planned out that would fall by the wayside.

- Here's the question:

Would you as readers prefer me to press on and keep giving 'No secret' the old college try and see if I can make it work, or should I walk away from it for now and write something totally different, hoping that perhaps I can come back later and finish 'No Secret' as well?

1. Keep working on "No Secret"?

2. Move on to "Bards and Highwaymen"? (tentative title - may change :wink: )
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:wave: Hi SG. Well, I can only say as I find with myself and that is if I come up against a brick wall in one of my fanfics *DrawersCoughDrawers* then I write something else for a while. I found doing Christine alongside the Diaries was quite good cos if I couldn't think of anything for one then I could turn to the other. (and we all like a bit of the other don't we...:evil: ). Anyway, that's me.

Good luck. Meantime picture this:

Larry, ripped shirt, tight jeans (naughty Larry), a Harley Davidson between his legs.....:drool: :evil: goings now...
No secret, No secret!! I have been checking the fan fic section everyday since I discovered your story (and read all the Catalina ones, while waiting - I was shocked and perturbed as I have written a story myself 15 years ago that had so many points of contact with the Chronicles that it's scary!:eek: ). You have so much talent anyway. It will come back to you. If writing something else makes it come easier, why not?
E. :eek:
Keep working on "No Secret" pleeeease :yes:
But maybe working on both simultaneously will provide some inspiration and take some pressure off at the same time?
I really enjoy your stories SG and hope you are able to write again soon.
Best wishes!!!!!
Oh wow! SG...you rock. Your stories, ohmeohmy...

No Secret...I kid you not...I reread the whole thing last night as a departure from a tryin day. Keep that puppy goin. The Cat Cron and all of those character's are soooo real and engaging to me. Moni is my shero! I would love to read how all fairs with our boys, Laney, Cat, Tessa, all the kids *Trine's had her little one, right?*...and of course Simone.
I agree w/ YDW. Take a break from it and dive into mediveal IRE for a bit. ORT was such a ride to read. Again, rich character's in a time line that blew me away.
It's all good. I trust wherever you take us will be a grand adventure, indeed.
gluey said:
Don't force it SG or you'll never be happy with it.....so, yeah :shifty:....men in tights...... :D

I second that!!
We will be patient for " No Secrets", and await your new story ANXIOUSLY. GOOD LUCK!!!! we know you'll do it!
Just don't force it, perhaps distract yourself with writing the new story, and who knows, the inspiration might flow and you'll be able to write for No Secret At All again :)
One thing you can ALWAYS count on from me is Larry Action :wink:

thanks gals - I don't know what is up with the voting, it was supposed to be open for five days :scratch:

anyway, I AM busier than I used to be, but my mind has started working again

and I won't give up on Secrets completely - I'm not a fan of leaving anything unfinished. But I think maybe I'll do better with it if I walk away for a little while and work on something new, then come back to Secrets with a fresh outlook :up:

sorry to hear you got writers block SG your stories are always good so I will happily read anything you write. I had to give up on my story Model Behaviour for the very same reason I knew what I wanted to happen in my head but just couldn't get it on the page.

I've been lurking and hiding and reading everyone elses fan fic on the forums but all my inspiration and motivation for writing U2 fan fic seems to have gone I fear:(

I have been unable to write anything for months and months, but I am working on a story now, its not Bono or U2, but at least I am getting my creative juices flowing again.. I hope it works for you, its hard when real life issues takes over I am looking forward to reading your medeival story:)
What I say is (and this is from someone who suffers almost every day with writer's block, and I WANT IT TO DIE) work on your new fic while you feel you want to and are able to, and you don't have to post it right away. Take some time to work on it and just enjoy writing, and if you end up posting then great, I'd love to read it myself! But then you might find in the course of private writing that your other fic comes together a bit more. Sometimes you just need a break. I alternate between this and slash (slash is what I write most of) so I see posting here as a lovely break. And then when I get really stuck I change fandoms. But recently it's been nothing from me... booooooo!

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