question about melbourne tickets over the phone

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The Fly
May 14, 2005
hey guys.

i have a question because i'm really worried. when i got my melbourne tickets over the phone, after going through the details and all that and before hanging up, they gave me some sort of number that was apparently important. i have the one from the 5th, but the one i got on monday is missing.

does anyone know what this number is for and if it's important? do i need it??? :yikes:
sokki said:
hey guys.

i have a question because i'm really worried. when i got my melbourne tickets over the phone, after going through the details and all that and before hanging up, they gave me some sort of number that was apparently important. i have the one from the 5th, but the one i got on monday is missing.

does anyone know what this number is for and if it's important? do i need it??? :yikes:

i would imagine they could research your order via the credit card you used to purchase the tickets? worth a shot!
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