Pleban Girls Party - Watch out Boys there's Pleba Girls in town

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Maybe you can answer my question Drea - can I take a camera in to the ACC? I mean, legally and without issue? or will any pictures which are taken inside of there have to be sneaked?
Diane L said:

YES!!!!! Weldy, I'm so happy for you!!!! :hyper: :hug:

I'm going to get the ticket as soon as I turn the money order to was an $85 it's not that bad...since I had only $94 to spend for a ticket.

So I'm pretty happy about that....and I had my dad help me a bit too...cause he was concerned that it was a PO Box and that I would get scammed.
Sad_Girl said:
Maybe you can answer my question Drea - can I take a camera in to the ACC? I mean, legally and without issue? or will any pictures which are taken inside of there have to be sneaked?

To the best of my knowledge, as long as it's not a professional camera and you don't bring a detachable zoom lens, you should be okay...
Drea said:

To the best of my knowledge, as long as it's not a professional camera and you don't bring a detachable zoom lens, you should be okay...

Ahh crap. Why is that I wonder. I have a very nice camera but I'm not sure if it'll be allowed... it's sort of borderline
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:
I know Wild...:hyper:

SG: I've brought in a camera for the May 10th concert...and they didn't care in the don't worry.

(I'm bring my ditigal and my disposble...just in case)

The Tickets and everything for the Palace of Auburn Hills (In Detroit) have NO CAMERAS written all over them :grumpy:
SG i've taken my camera into every Gig so far and not once have i been stopped.

I put it in a little makeup bag with tampons on top just encase they looked at bags closely

And as Bono often gets a camera out of the audience and take pictures i'm sure the boys are ok with fans taking pictures
morningn girls:drool:

DREA:hyper: I read what happened too you!!!!!:hyper: OMG, sooooooooooo exciting:hyper:!!!

Isn't he beautiful:drool: :drool:

Omg, girls....evil boy progessively becoming more and more of an ass! :lol:

Just thought I 'd let ya know :wink:

I didnt get ANY sleep last night to try again :yawn:

Bye girls! :wave:

xx :hug: xx
bono_gal said:
:wave :

Omg, girls....evil boy progessively becoming more and more of an ass! :lol :

Just thought I 'd let ya know :wink :

I didnt get ANY sleep last night to try again :yawn :

Bye girls! :wave :

xx :hug : xx

Whats evil boy doing now :angry: ill come and kick his ass :mad:

have a good sleep



i so cant wait to get to TO, hope i get that close :drool:

Hope you get that close to/meet adam *g*

Weldy, congrats on the ticket :hyper:

Off to go buy some things from town

see you later girls

Drea said:
:giggle: God you guys are demanding! :lmao:

Okay... story starts around 8:45ish, when a white Subaru came up the exit ramp.. it slowed down and Bono waved to us.. and John said "We'll be right back."

Turns out Bono went to the Breakfast on Pluto premiere gala and walked the red carpet (funny, Gavin Friday's in the movie but he wasn't there, but Bono was ;)).. then around 9:30 he came back! John came out of the van as Bono opened the door (he was in the front passenger seat) and Bono sat there and signed stuff and took pics with people for a bit.. I was with a bunch of U2_GTAers, most of them got stuff signed and/or pics, then Bono had to leave to go in so they could continue rehearsing... So I was a little over arm's length away from him, even though I didn't get a chance to talk to him :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

For those who might be interested.. he was wearing the cowboy hat, red shades, and I think the shirt was blue :giggle:

yay Drea! that is so exciting...awesome to know that we have Pleba girls representin' in TO!! :hyper:

i'm off for the afternoon but can't wait to check in tonight for more details!
Hello (again) Dismantled. :wink:

It is quiet on the whole forum today:(
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