Pleban Girls Party - open 24/7

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sad_Girl said:

I guess you'll just have to keep reading and see :wink:

I just don't like seeing Bono so sad without knowing he has a chance at getting the girl back. :sad:

But what am I saying? Silly me! He's Bono! Of course he's always got a chance at getting the girl back!
jobob said:

I just don't like seeing Bono so sad without knowing he has a chance at getting the girl back. :sad:

But what am I saying? Silly me! He's Bono! Of course he's always got a chance at getting the girl back!

I think we all know Bono can have any girl he wants :laugh:
Sad_Girl said:
VP! :hug: :heart:

How are you guys holding up?

:hug: We're okay, thanks. Sarah's taking it a bit harder than I thought she would...but I think that's mainly because she's seeing her cousins who are around her age, and no longer have a dad...and stuff like that. But we're hanging in there, thanks.

Joanne :hug:
I have some issues with our mourning rituals, I think in some ways they make loss even harder. For some people at least.

:hug: but you'll get through it, after tomorrow the formal stuff is behind you and you can concentrate on helping her heal
Latest on my tour plans:

I need hotel rooms. Must go to boards and see if anyone's willing to share in Boston and Cleveland.

Independence Air -- the airline I have my Boston plane ticket on --declared bankruptcy this week. I plotted the route from my house to Boston on Map Quest yesterday for the hell of it/just in case. They say it's an 11 hour drive. I say that's a very long drive.

Did you know Sharpie now makes Mini Sharpies? Perfect for giving to your favorite band member at an autograph session!
Sad_Girl said:
I have some issues with our mourning rituals, I think in some ways they make loss even harder. For some people at least.

:hug: but you'll get through it, after tomorrow the formal stuff is behind you and you can concentrate on helping her heal

Curious on your take - are there any cultures that you think help the survivors to deal with it better? I have my own ideas, but I'd be fascinated to hear yours. :)

Other than that, a couple of weird things happened. Weird, in a good way. :huh:

One being this - Sarah rode home with her dad, she was dropped off 10 minutes after I got home. There was her, her dad, her grandmother, her dad's g/f and her two kids in the van. She said her dad was talking, and called his g/f by my name. :ohmy:

He's gonna be in soooo much shit. :yikes: She won't like that at all...

And is it wrong that Sarah and I laughed and laughed about it? :reject:

GG! :hug:
Ya know what VP, I bet it was just the stress.
People often slip with names when they are in situations like this.
He might have part of his mind in another place and time that was when you were in his life.
I'm she understood.
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:


:edge: Taxi!

greeneyedgirl said:
I've been thinking of you all day VP :hug:

Thanks :hug: It's been awful seeing what the rest of them are going through, feel SO badly for them, but I'm okay. :)

In other visitation news... (is it evil to be really happy about this? :reject: ) I may have a line on an excellent job in my field!!! :hyper: :hyper:

My former s-i-l (wife of the deceased)...her sister and her husband were there. Her husband is the head guy at this agnecy that takes care of many aspects of the rehabilitation of offenders/people on probation. He came up to me, asked how I'm doing, and what I've been up to. Was telling him that I'm just finishing school. He asked what branch of psych I'm studying, and I told him clinical. His eyes lit up and he told me to contact him, that their agency just opened up a mental health division in June, and that's what they've been hiring, people with BAs in clinical psych!!! :happy: I'm gonna call him next week.
VintagePunk said:

Curious on your take - are there any cultures that you think help the survivors to deal with it better? I have my own ideas, but I'd be fascinated to hear yours. :)

Other than that, a couple of weird things happened. Weird, in a good way. :huh:

Well, I think there are sub-cultures that fall under the bigger western culture umbrella which have some good practices, and it really is an individual preference sort of thing, family by family. I don't really want to go into a lot of detail on the problems I have with it, right now - unless you're SURE you want to, considering you have a funeral to attend tomorrow.

Without listing the problems, I can't point out why I think some things are better

VintagePunk said:

One being this - Sarah rode home with her dad, she was dropped off 10 minutes after I got home. There was her, her dad, her grandmother, her dad's g/f and her two kids in the van. She said her dad was talking, and called his g/f by my name. :ohmy:

He's gonna be in soooo much shit. :yikes: She won't like that at all...

And is it wrong that Sarah and I laughed and laughed about it? :reject:

:lmao: OMG, I love it! It's just one of those little moments, that you don't want to be petty, but it's such a feeling of justice in some small way :wink:
VintagePunk said:

Thanks :hug: It's been awful seeing what the rest of them are going through, feel SO badly for them, but I'm okay. :)

In other visitation news... (is it evil to be really happy about this? :reject: ) I may have a line on an excellent job in my field!!! :hyper: :hyper:

My former s-i-l (wife of the deceased)...her sister and her husband were there. Her husband is the head guy at this agnecy that takes care of many aspects of the rehabilitation of offenders/people on probation. He came up to me, asked how I'm doing, and what I've been up to. Was telling him that I'm just finishing school. He asked what branch of psych I'm studying, and I told him clinical. His eyes lit up and he told me to contact him, that their agency just opened up a mental health division in June, and that's what they've been hiring, people with BAs in clinical psych!!! :happy: I'm gonna call him next week.

That is so cool :up: Good things can come out of the worst situations.
greeneyedgirl said:
Ya know what VP, I bet it was just the stress.
People often slip with names when they are in situations like this.
He might have part of his mind in another place and time that was when you were in his life.
I'm she understood.

GG! :hug:

I'm with GG on that one. Hopefully the g/f, if she has any class or sensitivity, understood what could have been going on in his head that day (stress, mourning, seeing you/family/Sarah).

I called my stepmother -- who I've always, always called by her first name -- "Mom" a few times during stressful family- or mourining-type moments in the last year.

Man, did that ever feel :crazy: to me. She didn't care, though.
greeneyedgirl said:
Ya know what VP, I bet it was just the stress.
People often slip with names when they are in situations like this.
He might have part of his mind in another place and time that was when you were in his life.
I'm she understood.

No, I know what she's like - she'll be pissed. There were issues that arose last year when his dad passed away, and I attended the services. She is very insecure, and I think she felt that he hung out with me too much. He told me she didn't like it.

I DO know it's stress though. People revert to what they know best, familiar things that are comforting to them during times of crisis. Since this happened, he's been calling several times a day just to talk, and he did the same thing last year when it was his dad. The fact is, I know him and his family...since I was a kid. She's only a couple of years in. :shrug:

Things will go back to normal soon, I'm sure.
Sad_Girl said:

Well, I think there are sub-cultures that fall under the bigger western culture umbrella which have some good practices, and it really is an individual preference sort of thing, family by family. I don't really want to go into a lot of detail on the problems I have with it, right now - unless you're SURE you want to, considering you have a funeral to attend tomorrow.

Without listing the problems, I can't point out why I think some things are better

:lmao: OMG, I love it! It's just one of those little moments, that you don't want to be petty, but it's such a feeling of justice in some small way :wink:

That's exactly it. But then, you know what a petty bitch I can be. :wink: :lol: And I guess he did the same thing the day before, too. :ohmy:

He'll be on the couch.
Then the other things - I ran into two, very old and dear friends tonight. Weird, the last place you go thinking you're going to have these reunions. One was especially important in my life - she was one of my elementary school teachers, and we became very close. We kept in touch as I grew up, I've been to her house, met her husband, been out to dinner with them. She's met Sarah, as well. When Sarah started school, I was considering enrolling her in the one she taught at at the time (Sarah ended up going to a French Immersion school instead). The last time I saw her was about 5 or 6 years ago in a grocery store parking lot. She's retired from teaching now, and both she and her husband work for the funeral home, greeting people. :ohmy: I was shocked to see her there, but it was SOOOOO cool to see her again!! :heart: We're going to get together for coffee. :) And then I saw another woman I used to work with before Sarah was born, really great to see her, too. :) And of course, visiting with members of the family I was close to...that was nice.
VintagePunk said:
Then the other things - I ran into two, very old and dear friends tonight. Weird, the last place you go thinking you're going to have these reunions. One was especially important in my life - she was one of my elementary school teachers, and we became very close. We kept in touch as I grew up, I've been to her house, met her husband, been out to dinner with them. She's met Sarah, as well. When Sarah started school, I was considering enrolling her in the one she taught at at the time (Sarah ended up going to a French Immersion school instead). The last time I saw her was about 5 or 6 years ago in a grocery store parking lot. She's retired from teaching now, and both she and her husband work for the funeral home, greeting people. :ohmy: I was shocked to see her there, but it was SOOOOO cool to see her again!! :heart: We're going to get together for coffee. :) And then I saw another woman I used to work with before Sarah was born, really great to see her, too. :) And of course, visiting with members of the family I was close to...that was nice.

Thats really cool. Life sort of moves in circles, doesn't it? People you think are so far back in your past can become a part of your life again unexpectedly. :heart:
And...when I got home, the boy had called me. I've been thinking about him a lot the past few days. Too much for my own good. :sigh: I'd LOVE to see him tonight, but I really shouldn't. :( So, I'm not calling him back tonight.
Its really odd how you do meet up with people at funerals.
When my grandpa died, I was talking to everyone....walking around from spot to spot....just looking for something, I didn't know what.
Then I looked over at the casket. Realized that I had been looking for my grandpa. He was the one that I always hung out with at stuff like this.
Was really sad for me.
VintagePunk said:
And...when I got home, the boy had called me. I've been thinking about him a lot the past few days. Too much for my own good. :sigh: I'd LOVE to see him tonight, but I really shouldn't. :( So, I'm not calling him back tonight.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be close to someone like that right now. Just be careful that you don't get in over your head and end up with more than you want when things get back to normal
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