PLEBAn Girls and Guys Party - Keep On Rockin' In The Free World

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sami0201 said:

:yes: :drool:

but the end was kinda sad! :(

I know, sami, I know. :sad: But you gotta admit, it was believable. I could see Rose feeling exactly like that at the end. I probably would have felt the same way if I were her then.
Sad_Girl said:
:bono: Yeah, Well, maybe I am short, and I can't dance, but at least I never got rejected for a pineapple!


And the one who got rejected is quite tall...6'2" or 6'3" there. That proves height doesn't matter. :wink:
jobob said:

I know, sami, I know. :sad: But you gotta admit, it was believable. I could see Rose feeling exactly like that at the end. I probably would have felt the same way if I were her then.

yeah. I would have felt like that too. It was so sad that he just left her there! I was like nooo he has to come back and realize she's not there! :lol:
Sad_Girl said:

:yes: I loved that Drunk Bono is so much fun

:lol: Not that I'm keeping track but I think I owe you a few

Do you have U2: Wide awake in America?

I don't have it!!!! :bow: :kissesSGsfeet: :wink:

And all you ever owe me is your friendship....

undying love, all your assets, your concert tickets, Mr. The Edge would be a nice start, a flat in Dublin, and whatever else my evil brain can come up with. :wink: :evil: :laugh:

uh...stand back for 3 different reactions.... remeber i've notbeen on as much and lagging this week

uno... ....:ohmy: :shocked: WHat??!! :no: No...sniffle....more.....SImmsssesss???!!! <and I didn't get any?!? >
:scream: AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrggggg!
:sad: :( :sigh: *ends tantrum* :wink:

dos...... your little sweetie is OK?!!!!:dance:
{morehappy dancing figures if i hadn't wasted tgem all on the above!!!!}

tres..... :hug: SG....thanks for giving US SO MUCH Serious and Silly Fun with Pleabaville, allthese months!!! I know you did a 'yeoman's job rebuilding and trying to save it!

***HUGS AGAIN** for the FUN!!!!!!
sami0201 said:
SG- the second one :cute:

the third one- what kind of hat is that? :lol:

:lol: I'm guessing Coonskin :wink:

Actually, I think it's one of those Russian Fur hat jobbies - but I don't remember what the name is for them.

It's cute, though :lmao: In a 'WTF was he thinking?" sort of way

Russty, you know I love ya :sexywink:
dazzledbylight said:

dos...... your little sweetie is OK?!!!!:dance:
{morehappy dancing figures if i hadn't wasted tgem all on the above!!!!}

tres..... :hug: SG....thanks for giving US SO MUCH Serious and Silly Fun with Pleabaville, allthese months!!! I know you did a 'yeoman's job rebuilding and trying to save it!

***HUGS AGAIN** for the FUN!!!!!!

:hug: Thanks Dazz I loved doing something fun with you guys, and who knows what the future will bring :shrug: :wink:
Hey all!

:hug: for JB, SG, Drea, Sami, and VP who I know are all here.

:bow: to SG

and *licks* for Russty.

I'm in finally. been gone all bleedin' day. First it was my second guitar lesson :hyper: Then it was shopping (Wee shopping!) then dinner. I'm waiting ot see if my mom's in bed feore I go catch up at a U2 naughty story journal.
CeeCee said:
Hey all!

:hug: for JB, SG, Drea, Sami, and VP who I know are all here.

:bow: to SG

and *licks* for Russty.

I'm in finally. been gone all bleedin' day. First it was my second guitar lesson :hyper: Then it was shopping (Wee shopping!) then dinner. I'm waiting ot see if my mom's in bed feore I go catch up at a U2 naughty story journal.


guitar lessons :hyper:

U2 naughty story journal? :shifty: care to share? :lol: :wink:
Hi Cindy :hug:

Ok, the Napoleon Dynamite jokes about Adam were funny ...
until I saw this picture and it made Pepsi shoot out my nose I laughed so hard!

And Yes, I am aware Bono is :combust: dangerously hot in that pic :combust:
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Sad_Girl said:

I loved doing something fun with you guys,

I'd love to joke around with photos, and ("I'm bored ,give me something to :evil:" } Photoshop <that's Sicy's line and i still think it's hysterical> for you all but until i can afford Internetnet and PS ...iyt's not yet to be:madspit: :(
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sami0201 said:


guitar lessons :hyper:

U2 naughty story journal? :shifty: care to share? :lol: :wink:

Yes! My second! :hyper: My teach joked that he's gonna get me an electric, an amp, a couple of foot petals and we'll go on tour next week. I think my total chord number is up to 6 or 8. Though I can only do three fluently. And he taught me how to take the A chord and play chords that use the same fingers, just on different frets. :hyper: :hyper: And he showed me how to play Tequila Sunrise and the James Bond song. What's it... um.. Secret Agent Man? :hyper:

Umm... I dunno if you're old enough for hte good stuff :wink:
CeeCee said:

Yes! My second! :hyper: My teach joked that he's gonna get me an electric, an amp, a couple of foot petals and we'll go on tour next week. I think my total chord number is up to 6 or 8. Though I can only do three fluently. And he taught me how to take the A chord and play chords that use the same fingers, just on different frets. :hyper: :hyper: And he showed me how to play Tequila Sunrise and the James Bond song. What's it... um.. Secret Agent Man? :hyper:

Umm... I dunno if you're old enough for hte good stuff :wink:

I don't know anything about guitars :reject: but that sounds really exciting!

:madspit: :wink:
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