PLEBAn Girls and Guys Party - Bringing Bono For VP's Birthday

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Aaaargh!! :mad:

There's kids outside yelling and screaming, which is causing my dogs to run around the house and bark and go nuts. This is not helping my stress level. :madspit: :sigh:

Hi to everyone that has come in. :hug:
daygloeyes2 said:
BG, your friend does realize that if he gets caught he's royally fucked right? :yikes:

Yep, he reaslises he is going to be one fucked donkey if and when he gets caught :yes:

It's his own friggen fault any way, he should have worked harder in the first place, he's capable of passing them but doesnt want to waste a year of his life re-sitting :shrug:

I warned him, and told him not to go through with it but he wouldnt listen to me :no: Ah well, so far he has got away with it and has got into two colleges....but if he ever gets found out, he'll get trialled for fraud aswell as booted out of college.

:shrug: what am i supposed to do?
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