PLEBAn Girl Party: Is it July yet?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Well people think he is. I don't like them smooth and girly, I like my men strong, rugged with a bit of furr on the cheeks and belly! No forest on the chest, but a little bit is nice!
smooth & girly?


I'll bet there are some "smooth & girly" men that are strong & rugged in strength & outdoorsy abilities out there ! :D

as for me a little hair chest is fine. And it depends on the beard/ mustache Don't like big, or big & scraggly beards. Meh ..... :|

Some beard/mustache combos on some guys/men are :drool:-worthy! :lol:
Yeah, he's way too girly for me. Maybe he's trained, but he's still waaaay too smooth.

Anyway, time for bed. :wave: See ya!
Portland ...
i forget-- friends /or family there or "just" a place you like to visit/ return visit ?

talk about a different climate and look of nature! :ohmy::D

Going up for my sister's memorial service (at Multnomah Falls, on the Colombia River :drool: ) but also getting together with my two best friends from college - every few years the three of us get together. AND meeting an online friend for the first time too :hyper:

Hope Corel unfreezes for you.

Sorry I disappeared for awhile, I had to actually work! Teach them kids some readin' an' writin'!
Going up for my sister's memorial service (at Multnomah Falls, on the Colombia River :drool: ) but also getting together with my two best friends from college - every few years the three of us get together. AND meeting an online friend for the first time too :hyper:

Hope Corel unfreezes for you.

Sorry I disappeared for awhile, I had to actually work! Teach them kids some readin' an' writin'!

it did unfrezze! :D:applaud:

oh, right, the memorial :( :hug:

and old college friends! w00t! lucky you got a balance there!
At least we know GG and won't be fighting over guys!

Unless it's Edge :shifty:


I'd fight over edge, too! :drool:

and all the B grrls! :lol::D

have to leave

see you tomorrow or thurs!
At least we know GG and won't be fighting over guys!

Unless it's Edge :shifty:

Oh you can have mr wussy bond anytime! :up:

Well, Edge would first have to wax the forest on his chest before I'd go on a date with him. :wink: Otherwise, I could use a couple of guitar lessons.
I don't know about the hottest Bond, but the Brosnan years definitely had the hottest Bond *villain*... (see also, Sean Bean as Alec Trevelyan (006) in Goldeneye :drool: :drool: :drool: )
Ohhh true. :hmm:

:lol: And the funniest Bond girl too, in the same movie. The hysterious mood swing woman! I forgot her name(she was a Russian I think?) but it was hillarious! And ofcourse I'm proud of our Dutch girl as Xenia Onatopp.

:wave: to Thora when she comes back and to gg and Drea

LOL Drea, for a second, I thought Twine was a knitting movie :lol: (a little slow on the uptake, I am)

Ah, my bad. :p The World Is Not Enough.
Good afternoon! Are people still here, or are you all leaving? :)

Oh well, guess I'll stop by another time. Hope you're all doing well!

:wave: thora :hug:
... sometimes I'm here till 7 - 7:30PM :D
but there are times even if I'm here late I'm spending long stretches of time on my 'puter art and forgot, or don't check back in here as often.

hope you ate doing well.

:wave: gg1 :hug:
hey, hope life is good for ya.
oh well hi laura :)

i was writing up a Big (probably imopsible) Idea for the song opening and using The Claw as part of the drama in the "the Claw thread in the Tour forum :lol:

I had a lot of fun! :lol::lol::hyper:

see you alll tomortrw

more likely thurds! :love: go well everyone!
I need a drink from watching the Phillies-Mets game, but have work at 6am tomorrow.
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