Pleba Girls party thread- Hide the beer, here come the guys! ;)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I've gotta go. :sad:

I'm more nervous than I've ever been. But I think I'll be OK.

If it weren't for you all, I would not be going today. :heart: you all. :hug: :hug:
DG my doctor okayed me going off the meds, cuz they've been making me so darn nauseous all month. I couldn't stop throwing up all the time it was a real pain in the ass. They did warn me though that I would probably crash pretty hard at first.

I actually have an old tape of War someplace. I stole it from my brother when I was little. :lol But JT is definetly the one that got me hooked for life.

Bri long story short, but I was told when I was 18 that I would never have kids. When I was in college I was attacked by a "friend". He beat me up so badly that he did alot of permanent damage to my organs. That combined with not having regular periods, the doctors told me to give up the thought and just adopt. Well they were wrong. We have two sweet little girls. My husband has always wanted a boy though. So a bit ago the doctors told me that if I wanted to try again I'd better do it sooner as my auto immune disease is getting progressively worse quicker then they thought. So they gave me a bunch of steriod treatments for a bit and then gave us the go ahead to give it a go. I have lost one baby in the past so I think thats why its just so hard. The not knowing whats gonna happen is just nerve wracking. And I don't know if I can handle going thru that again.
~BrightestStar~ said:

I used to think I was good at expressing things, I've decided I'm not. lol. But Jamalia did a good job summing a lot of it up. :heart:
And it's not just them and the music. Through them, I got this place. :heart:

Bri your so right! Its not just them its all the love they have brought into my life. This place as well as a new friend I found locally. There is a guy at church who I use to sing with in choir. A few weeks ago he asked me when I was coming back to choir, cuz everyone missed me. It was so sweet! I told him that I missed them all too and the music especially. We started talking about how big a part of our lives music is. Somehow we started talking about U2! He said he has a secret love affair with The Edge! :lol :giggle: He told me that he would die to meet him and love to talk with him about guitars and all the equipment he uses on stage. I'm still thinking about it weeks later. It was the nicest conversation I've had with someone in a long time.
Russty Cat said:

Bri your so right! Its not just them its all the love they have brought into my life. This place as well as a new friend I found locally. There is a guy at church who I use to sing with in choir. A few weeks ago he asked me when I was coming back to choir, cuz everyone missed me. It was so sweet! I told him that I missed them all too and the music especially. We started talking about how big a part of our lives music is. Somehow we started talking about U2! He said he has a secret love affair with The Edge! :lol :giggle: He told me that he would die to meet him and love to talk with him about guitars and all the equipment he uses on stage. I'm still thinking about it weeks later. It was the nicest conversation I've had with someone in a long time.

This place may have been the worse thing to happpen to me academically, :laugh: (allnighters due to blue crack procrastination are fun), but it's the best thing for the heart and soul. :heart:
I have Fibromyaligia and they think Lupus as well. LOL But I'm a pain in the ass and won't let them test me for Lupus again. hehe My mom has Lupus and I figure I don't need to know if I do. It would just mean more drugs eventually. I'm already taking care of my diet and staying out of the sun so its all good.

Big old hug back attcha! :hug: I'm feeling a bit better just being able to talk with ya. You can never be to sad for too long on here with all the great Plebans. :D

Blue crack is hell on my house work! LOL We are living in a mess, thanks to U2 and you guys. ;) hehe But lately its kept me sane so its worth it. My girlfriend told me last night "Heck you could be doing worse could be hiding in a bell tower shooting people with a rifle. ;)" I swear she is such a nut. lol
:hug: Mullen. I've been meaning to tell you that I love your sig avatar. I love me some sheep too. ;)

Blue crack is definetly a miracle drug. A bit of a smutty one, but you don't hear me complaining. ;) I'd let Doctor Bono give me a shot anytime. :wink:
Doctor Bono...:drool:

:kiss: He'll kiss it all better ;)

Yay smut :heart: :laugh:
Damn isp:madspit:

Anyway, Ruff called me a while ago. She thought the portion that was aired was her being interviewed by the GMA film crew (she didn't get to see it, either)...but she found out since, as Russty said, she was filmed WHILE talking to Bono!!!!

Jules :D :hug:

A kickball league sounds so fun!

Doctor B can kiss me anytime, anyplace. :wink: hehe

Well girls I have to run to town to pick up some stuff before my daughter gets out of school. I'll be back later. Thanks for all your great support. :heart: :hug:
U2Girl1978 said:
I want a job where I can teach and travel the world. You would think these things come so easily...:mad:

Unfortunately, it takes an awful lot of hard work and determination to get to do what she's doing!!

8 to 10 years of university, plus the stresses of teaching/writing/research (profs actually work their asses off, so I've learned from my advisor - lol)...I think Ruff was due for a good time. :yes: :)
A little frustrated because things keep conspiring to keep me away from my blue crack. :grumpy: :lol:

But other than that, great...beautiful day here, have a long weekend to look forward to. :)

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