PGP - U2 rules our school!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
OMG! :lmao: I just read the Swedish blog that had it linked, and while that wasn't that fun, the stupid translation was so bad! :lol:

Yeah, I think I'll wait and see what the next song will be...:reject:
Helt orelaterat, men jag har tidigare nämnt att vinterhalvåret är den bästa tiden för fotbollsfans. Jag undrar om inte motsvarande gäller för musikfans, dvs att den intressantaste tiden är den då det inte finns några nyutgivna skivor eller någon turné att prata om. Det är väl rimligen bara under lågsäsong som någon kan få den obegripliga idén att U2-fans runtom världen ska sjunga in en rad eller två av en låt, för att sedan sammanfoga dem till U2-fansens motsvarighet till Band Aid. Den som vill höra hur Vertigo blev kan göra det här, men det är nog bäst att jag varnar för en hel del falsksång. Men det avskräckte tydligen inte, en version av Discotheque är nu på gång.

Uppdatering: Discotheque är nu klar (både musik och en video) och en profil finns numera på

That's what the guy wrote, I just need to quote it to make a quick translation...
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Hi thora :hug: you're involved for the next one? :hyper: my singing is horrendous :drool: but id love to be involved but i have no mic :|

Jez :hug: i was just catching up and saw how many languages you speak and your going to carry on studying languages, i'd love to study langauges, im so jealous :drool:

sounds like a good career option for you :D

how many did you learn at school?
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Completely unrelated, but I have earlier mentioned that the winter half year is the best time for soccer fans. I wonder if it isn't the same for music fans, ie the most interesting time is when there are no new albums or tour to talk about. It's probably only during low season that someone can have the not understandable idea that U2 fans all over the world are going to sing a line or two from a song, and then put them together for the U2 fans version of Band Aid. The one who wants to hear how Vertigo turned out can do it here, but I better warn for a lot of false singing. Apparently, that didn't turn people off, a version of Discothèque is now on it's way.

Update: Discothèque is now finished (both music and video) and a profile now exists on

Basically :lol:
Hi bonoishot :hug: Is there another name that I should call you? Sorry I don't know that yet. :reject:

And yes, I'm contributing my part to the song tonight. I just bought a mic this afternoon specifically for this. :reject: It was around $15 - not too bad of a deal. It will be useful in the future.

Thanks Jez - too funny! :giggle:
Hi Jem :hug:
Sorry, I was busy translating :lol:
I studied English, French, Spanish, Latin and Sign Language in "normal" school. German at an school for adults, to complete their education to continue to Uni, and then I studied English for a year at uni too... the norwegian and Danish I've never really studied, but it's so close to Swedish...
The guy who wrote it has made his own translation over in EYKIW, so maybe you guys should take a look there. :lol:
Since he wrote it, he knows better what to translate it into, but it's not that much different from what I managed.
Nearly gettin out of work :rockon::happy:

i just lost a post in another forum :grumpy:

Wow Jez thats a lot of languages, i feel so ashamed over hear the most we learn is 3, though most people just study English here (obviously :lol: ) then we dont study the 1 foreign languae most people stufy until we get to High School, whereas the rest of Europe start second languages while they are 5/6/7/8 years old i think :angry: id love to have started languages younger :drool:
Jem, you don't have to feel bad :hug:
When Swedes start "gymnasiet", the equivalent to High School I think, we have to chose a program. And I chose languages. Most Swedes only learn three, ususally Swedish, English and German/French. But since I love languages... :drool:
JezSnape said:
Jem, you don't have to feel bad :hug:
When Swedes start "gymnasiet", the equivalent to High School I think, we have to chose a program. And I chose languages. Most Swedes only learn three, ususally Swedish, English and German/French. But since I love languages... :drool :

I still wish we started to learn sooner! we used to have exchange students over from Germany and France and they were sooo much better than us as they started earlier :lol:

Hey Dis :hug: long time no see Dissy :drool: how are you? :hug:

Weldy :hug: how are things with you? the youtube link is on the page where Queen Bee loaded the songs to :)

I was halfway through the damn youtube laoding then explorer went evil on me :mad: :madwife:
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Oh my... sorry I disappeared again, but I found a thread in EYKIW that I just had to read... I always read the closed threads first, they usually makes me laugh... :lol:
JezSnape said:
Oh my... sorry I disappeared again, but I found a thread in EYKIW that I just had to read... I always read the closed threads first, they usually makes me laugh... :lol:

Jez :lmao:

Weldy ive not gone yet, just checkin a few other forums, i was just saying bye to Thora as ill be gone when she comes back
What, some of them are hilarious! I couldn't imagine walking in on any artists fan forum and start bashing the artist. I mean, why would I? The sole purpose of the forum is to support the band :lol: Sure, there are songs by U2 that I'd rather not hear, but I'm here because I think they're great :shrug:
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