PGP -Is It JULY yet????????

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Mum is home and doing fairly well. I'm drooling over Edge, of all people. When he looks like Paul McCartney and Joe Strummer had a love child, it's not hard. Also, I have kind of an odd question for you, but I think I already know the answer. Is there room in your inbox?

About twenty minutes ago, I became an EdgeGirl. I was always a fan, but a picture of babyEdge started doin thangs to me.

OK, uno momento.

Ads lost me to the drummer boy a few months ago, I'm sorry to say. Actually, no, I'm not sorry. Mullen:drool:

A) Glad to hear your mom's doing okay - I've been thinking of you.

B) Mullen :drool: but you knew that already

C) Welcome to the world of "LEdge" love. The view is rather nice.

Great pic Zooey. :cute::love:

Just a quick post, ITS SNOWED HERE!!!! :hyper::hyper: Only maybe 1 - 1 1/2 inches though. :grumpy: A few extra inches would have been very nice. :shifty: can't remember last time snow stuck here, when I was in high school maybe. :love:
nevermind, found 'em :heart: :cute:

Mercy even pointed at the monitor and went 'Oooh!'

:giggle: that's my girl!

She's definitely your daughter :lol: Wish I could've got a shot of Larry laughing as he ran over the bridge at the end of CT remix the 2nd night here, closest I was to him all night *snerk*

As for the Adam love...

Night 1 - You know I have some songs signed.. well, Elevation is one of the crapload of songs I *don't* have fully signed yet :wink: So the first night I'm second row rail in between Bono and Adam but more to Adam's side. They get to Elevation and I sign the first bit, then they get to "corner of your lips" and since I don't have that signed I put a finger to my lips... just when I caught Adam's eye *g* I got this big grin, which encouraged me to do a little hip circle move for "the orbit of your hips" - which got me an even bigger grin *g* Made my night to say the least :wink:

Night 2 - I'm on the rail, a bit to Adam's right... Adam's on the bridge on his side fairly near me during WOWY and a bunch of us are trying to take pictures... I lifted my phone and just happened to meet his eyes as I was setting up for the pic.. he grinned and started moving, the bastard *snerk* I think he was having fun teasing all the people trying to take pics while he was on the bridge :lol:
:love: Snow is awesome. Even my cat loves it! :lol: This morning she was all fidgety and couldn't sit still, couldn't decide if she wanted to go out or not.. and when I got back from measuring the snow on the outside table she started licking my shoes and it finally clicked with me.
I took a bowl, filled it with snow and put it on the mat, she happily started licking it all up. :cute: Kitteh loves snow almost as much as I do!
The dog at my work wrecked our snowman's arms:angry: They were sticks/branches

I wish they had a cat , Cats>Dogs for me.
:lol: Your cat sounds like it would love Canada

welllllll she doesnt' like walking around in the cold. :hmm: We should get her socks! :lol: Though she already has four white socks(that's how we call the white coloured cat feet here).

She mostly sleeps when it snows, last night she was strangely enough meowing to get outside! she barely meows, well apparently she had to pee really badly or so :lol: After a short trip out she stood at the door again begging me to let her back in.

Do you have any animals?
<-- notes that there were brief flurries this morning but the only snow in TO is still the remnants of the snowfall we had a week or so ago :wink:
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