Ongoing Mass Shooting Thread #3... that's right, a third thread. Because 'Murica.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Don’t mind me, I’m just compiling a list of places that I should avoid if I ever visit the United States again:

Movie theatres [emoji777]
Music festivals [emoji777]
Schools [emoji777]
Church [emoji777]
Nightclubs [emoji777]
Video game tournaments [emoji777]

What am I missing?

Cafeterias, workplaces where anyone has been fired ever, political meet and greets outside of grocery stores.

I just hope that our Secretary of Video Games earmarks some funding to arm video game instructors.
It’s a tragedy and we have to fix the awful culture and law we have, but no need to be irrational about avoiding being in public places.
I understand what you're saying, and I know it's not rational.

However, I've said this before, but I've traveled around and been in what some world leaders might deem "shithole" countries. I have never felt unsafe in those countries. The only country in the world that I've been to where I make escape plans in my head when I go to public places is the United States.
I go to public places in the US and I do it without fear. Do I think about it? Yes. I even had a situation in a movie theater of very suspicious behavior, had to basically run out and get the manager because everyone else there was sitting doing nothing. Luckily nothing happened, but yes as I followed the manager as he was running to the theater I was afraid I'd hear gunshots. I still go to that movie theater often.

Honestly I avoid places I don't go to for reasons other than fear of mass shootings.
Really gonna go there?
I know you lived in Florida, and I know you've been touched by gun tragedy there.

This does tend to happen more often in Florida for whatever reason. The leadership and their relationship to the NRA is a good start.

To the greater point, no - I don't have irrational fear of being in public.

I do, however, have a heightened sense of awareness in public settings. I undergo yearly training on what to do in an active shooter situation, and have to scout out locations in advance and come up with a written plan for active shooters.

All of which is bullshit, and things that aren't necessary in other countries.
It’s more than having lived there. I’m from there. I’m here right now. That was my community in Parkland until I was 18. That was my community in Orlando after 18.

It’s a bit unnecessary to make a joke about it directly towards me when I’m expressing my lack of rationalized fear.

Just seems like you’re making fun.
I take public transit daily and work on a college campus, I am not scared but I do think about it.

Same. I worked at a bookstore in our local mall, so anytime there was a story about a shooting that happened at a mall, it was hard not to have it in the back of my mind when I went to work. I did occasionally find myself thinking things like, "Okay, if somebody came in with a gun, where would be the best place for me to go to hide/escape?"

Hell, I remember way back right after Columbine, I and some of my other classmates felt a bit on edge when going to school.
It’s more than having lived there. I’m from there. I’m here right now. That was my community in Parkland until I was 18. That was my community in Orlando after 18.

It’s a bit unnecessary to make a joke about it directly towards me when I’m expressing my lack of rationalized fear.

Just seems like you’re making fun.
I was absolutely not making fun. I was actually being serious.
The NRA is the problem. How does this change that whatsoever?

The majority of mass shootings are taken up by white males. That's merely a fact. It doesn't change that it's way too easy for people to get weapons of mass death in this country, and the number one organization that allows this to continue is the NRA.

What does the Toronto incident and this guy in New Mexico have to do with that?

Why won't Republicans support banning people on the no fly list from getting a gun?

good post Headache

you are right, most mass shootings are done by white males and most street shootings are done by black and latino males. females shoot people way less than males. i have no idea why the numbers follow those demographics.

actually getting weapons of mass death legally is very difficult if not impossible since 1986. no new machine guns have been sold since them and if you are able to get a class 3 license to buy a pre 1986 gun, your state has to approve it. oh, and a 1985 auto would run you around 25,000 dollars to start. generally people who jump through those many hoops, don't shoot anyone. in fact i can't remember a mass shooting where an auto weapon was used. can you?

i get it, some people want all guns to go away and it is a noble idea if it would work. the problem is it won't work since there are around 300 million guns already on the streets.

consider this: there are around 5 million NRA members. none have ever done a mass shooting and gun violence among them is lower than the general population. they aren't the bad guys. the bad guys are the angry white guys shooting crowds and the street thugs making chicago third world every weekend. both ends of the political spectrum need to come together a little and stop vilifying and name calling each other. the NRA nor the far left who want just gun violence to end are the bad guys. the bad guys are the bad guys. the focus needs to be getting guns out of the bad guys hands without taking away rights of the good guys. it is common sense. nice post Headache.
good post Headache

you are right, most mass shootings are done by white males and most street shootings are done by black and latino males. females shoot people way less than males. i have no idea why the numbers follow those demographics.

actually getting weapons of mass death legally is very difficult if not impossible since 1986. no new machine guns have been sold since them and if you are able to get a class 3 license to buy a pre 1986 gun, your state has to approve it. oh, and a 1985 auto would run you around 25,000 dollars to start. generally people who jump through those many hoops, don't shoot anyone. in fact i can't remember a mass shooting where an auto weapon was used. can you?

i get it, some people want all guns to go away and it is a noble idea if it would work. the problem is it won't work since there are around 300 million guns already on the streets.

consider this: there are around 5 million NRA members. none have ever done a mass shooting and gun violence among them is lower than the general population. they aren't the bad guys. the bad guys are the angry white guys shooting crowds and the street thugs making chicago third world every weekend. both ends of the political spectrum need to come together a little and stop vilifying and name calling each other. the NRA nor the far left who want just gun violence to end are the bad guys. the bad guys are the bad guys. the focus needs to be getting guns out of the bad guys hands without taking away rights of the good guys. it is common sense. nice post Headache.
So which alter are you? Lots of new members to U2 forums start off with 3 drive-by postings in FYM...

Can we end this horseshit argument about "NRA members"? The NRA made $160 in dues in 2016. They spent $412 million on the campaign. And that's just the actual NRA - it doesn't include the money their PAC spent.

And I'm sure LaPierre and Loesch are doing their work for a meager non profit salary because golly gee they just want to protect the rights of the farmer to protect his herd.

You really think that organization exists to support the rights of a hunter paying $40 a year for a membership?

The organization exists to support the rights of gun manufacturers. Period.

So please, enough of this "oh it's not the members who commit these crimes" bullshit.

Good post, guy who's hiding behind an alter.
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it's bloodysunday972. who else would go straight to FYM to make their very first post about how gun control will never work and to defend the NRA?

rookie move, dude. like, at least oregoropa keeps his alter generally in the U2 threads and only comes in here occasionally. it's still blindingly obvious who it is, but nobody gives much of a shit cause at least he's talking about the band and not pizzagate crap anymore.
it's bloodysunday972. who else would go straight to FYM to make their very first post about how gun control will never work and to defend the NRA?

rookie move, dude. like, at least oregoropa keeps his alter generally in the U2 threads and only comes in here occasionally. it's still blindingly obvious who it is, but nobody gives much of a shit cause at least he's talking about the band and not pizzagate crap anymore.
:reject: I don't know who it is
remember the shitbird who got banned about a year and a half ago (i think it was in april 2017ish) for posting a super-racist list of native-american "nicknames" for elizabeth warren after she said she supported stronger gun control following a mass shooting? we both got a one-week ban after he did that and i told him where to shove his stupid list, his expired like 2 hours before mine and he came back to talk shit to diemen and got perma-banned before mine expired.

well, he's back.
So which alter are you? Lots of new members to U2 forums start off with 3 drive-by postings in FYM...

Can we end this horseshit argument about "NRA members"? The NRA made $160 in dues in 2016. They spent $412 million on the campaign. And that's just the actual NRA - it doesn't include the money their PAC spent.

And I'm sure LaPierre and Loesch are doing their work for a meager non profit salary because golly gee they just want to protect the rights of the farmer to protect his herd.

You really think that organization exists to support the rights of a hunter paying $40 a year for a membership?

The organization exists to support the rights of gun manufacturers. Period.

So please, enough of this "oh it's not the members who commit these crimes" bullshit.

Good post, guy who's hiding behind an alter.

i am John in Atlanta and i joined a few days ago. took a while for the mod to approve me so i could post. i went to the first three threads in this section and to the last page as they run chronologically and posted a few things last night. just random thoughts. i used to post on zootopia at and found the political section there interesting but traffic has slowed down so i thought i would look for a new forum. interference looks very active.
i'd rather not, but i'll just say that our friend oreg really liked posting in /r/fakebandnames with bad parodies of existing artists' names and using stills of male characters from 70s/80's movies as his avatar, and someone signed up with the username that sounds suspiciously like a bad parody of an existing artist's name and uses a still of a male character from a 70s/80s movie as his avatar about six weeks after our good buddy oreg was banned. and said "new user" also just happened to have their very first post in FYM, and seemed to know exactly who BVS was, too.

i mean, it could be the craziest coincidence in the history of interference though, i guess. :shrug:
i'd rather not, but i'll just say that our friend oreg really liked posting in /r/fakebandnames with bad parodies of existing artists' names and using stills of male characters from 70s/80's movies as his avatar, and someone signed up with the username that sounds suspiciously like a bad parody of an existing artist's name and uses a still of a male character from a 70s/80s movie as his avatar about six weeks after our good buddy oreg was banned. and said "new user" also just happened to have their very first post in FYM, and seemed to know exactly who BVS was, too.

i mean, it could be the craziest coincidence in the history of interference though, i guess. :shrug:
So uh... which thread?
remember the shitbird who got banned about a year and a half ago (i think it was in april 2017ish) for posting a super-racist list of native-american "nicknames" for elizabeth warren after she said she supported stronger gun control following a mass shooting? we both got a one-week ban after he did that and i told him where to shove his stupid list, his expired like 2 hours before mine and he came back to talk shit to diemen and got perma-banned before mine expired.

well, he's back.

i'd rather not, but i'll just say that our friend oreg really liked posting in /r/fakebandnames with bad parodies of existing artists' names and using stills of male characters from 70s/80's movies as his avatar, and someone signed up with the username that sounds suspiciously like a bad parody of an existing artist's name and uses a still of a male character from a 70s/80s movie as his avatar about six weeks after our good buddy oreg was banned. and said "new user" also just happened to have their very first post in FYM, and seemed to know exactly who BVS was, too.

i mean, it could be the craziest coincidence in the history of interference though, i guess. :shrug:

Could be the Russians, too. Bastards! :giggle:
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