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War Child
Sep 26, 2005
So, sitting in my therapy session yesterday, I totally outed myself as a transgender person. It's been rattling in the back of my head for about two months (as evidenced by the strangeness of most of my fanfics), but I pretty much let that out.

What it means? I'm in for a very rocky road ahead.

In law school I had 3 best friends. And one of them was a very masculine woman who went by the nickname "Bit" because her real name was very feminine.

Our group of four was very, very close, and finally in our 3rd year Bit started dropping little hints that she might want to become a man.

Lo' and behold, after graduating, taking and passing the Bar Exam, Bit announces to us that "she" is going to begin the legal process of becoming a man.

That was about 2-3 years ago. Now, I have a great friend named Malcolm, whom is one of the finest attorneys I know, contstantly receiving promotion after promotion, and generally just making our profession proud.

Being a gay man, I can understand a little of what it's like to live life outside of the supposed "norm" or mainstream, but honestly I can never fully understand what my friend went through, or goes through on a day-to-day basis. All I could do is love and support him as best as I knew/know how and listen to him when he needs an ear to bend.

It takes time. It takes patience and understanding. It takes a willingness of everyone involved to open up their minds and embrace the unknown.

Though my friend's life is not perfect (and whose life if perfect anyway?), to me he seems so much happier being able to present himself to the world as he's always felt he should've been. He is now a great and well-respected man. We don't really talk in detail about his intimate, sexual life . . . and I do know that area is the most difficult for him, but then again, sex and intimacy can be a rocky-road for the most "normal" of people.

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you surround yourself with loving and accepting people, who will support you and look upon this event as the opportunity to get to meet the real you.

My friend is still the same person I've known for 6 years. He's still intelligent, hard-working, dedicated, funny and above-all, manly. It's just that now he seems more comfortable in his own skin.

A smooth road to you my friend. I wish only the best for you. And don't forget--above all--love yourself, the rest will follow.

:hug: :)
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devlin :hug:

Do what you feel and where your heart takes you , fuck everyone else.
:hug: Devlin

That's so awesome. Yeah the road may be rocky, but who doesn't have obstacles in their life?

Live your life to the fullest, and keep following your heart regardless of what others say. For every person that gives you shit, know that there are loads of people (especially here) that think you are awesome and support you!
Devlin, good for you for being true to yourself. Not everyone is, so you're ahead of the game in that respect! I wish you the best and applaud your courage and strength
:up: :hug: :hug:
Wow. These are great honest stories and I give you both kudos Fitz and Devlin for your honesty. All the best to you and I only hope your lives won't be struggles. To me, people are people. We all have and are entitled to our idiosyncracies and beliefs, choices etc so I always try to accept people for just that. :hug: to you both.
FitzChivalry said:
It takes time. It takes patience and understanding. It takes a willingness of everyone involved to open up their minds and embrace the unknown.

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you surround yourself with loving and accepting people, who will support you and look upon this event as the opportunity to get to meet the real you.

A smooth road to you my friend. I wish only the best for you. And don't forget--above all--love yourself, the rest will follow.
:up: I don't think it could be said any better than this. Good luck and peace to you, Devlin.

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