OK pickles cansneeze game on:

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and when the morning comes, we'll both realize how drunk we were and laugh about this, right, dear diary?
Well, drunk possibly in your case. I am quite sober, though admittedly depressed, bored, and hopped up on caffeine.

Can I still hug you tomorrow?
Thank you. You are right, it is decidedly uncool that I'm depressed. A good night's sleep will probably help, but I'm not ready to go to bed yet.
in truth, ive found that a good nights sleep does make the bad things appear quite a bit less...bad...the next day.

hopefully this will be the case.
As scary a place that is - I was actually in control of PLEBA for a littel while this morning.

Until Bonochick got in there - damn she is quick

there is no way of controlling it, but typically in a forum - you can reply to all the threads and there will be no change for a while.

Upon replying to all the threads in PLEBA, many of them were replied to almost immediately.

Lots of female hormones in there...

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