Ohio- How does setting 89 FIRES Compute?

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
i am shocked and dismayed at the violence that spread across Ohio late Monday night and into Tuesday. and for what? because your football team won? who will try to "justify" the motivations behind these garbage 'riots' and actions.

Goal post torn down, 89 fires set after Ohio State's national title win - Chicago Tribune

just LOOK at these hooligans!


and they wonder why we all get nervous or tense when a white male between 18-24 wearing a black trench coat enters a movie theater or elementary school. do they not bring this on themselves with their mass shootings and post-game rioting? why won't whites take collective responsibility for the actions of a few?

i call upon leaders of the white community -- Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mitch McConnell -- to CONDEMN these acts of senseless violence and destruction, and for us to have a national conversation about the usually unpunished lawlessness that's rampant in the white community. how long will they look the other way while their children drink underage, smoke marijuana, date rape coeds, and set fires when good things happen? what kind of message are we sending to these children that you can do awful things and get away with it, simply on the basis of your skin color and socioeconomic status? why do they deserve to be called "celebrators" and not "rioters"? where are their parents?
i am shocked and dismayed at the violence that spread across Ohio late Monday night and into Tuesday. and for what? because your football team won? who will try to "justify" the motivations behind these garbage 'riots' and actions.

Goal post torn down, 89 fires set after Ohio State's national title win - Chicago Tribune

just LOOK at these hooligans!


and they wonder why we all get nervous or tense when a white male between 18-24 wearing a black trench coat enters a movie theater or elementary school. do they not bring this on themselves with their mass shootings and post-game rioting? why won't whites take collective responsibility for the actions of a few?

i call upon leaders of the white community -- Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mitch McConnell -- to CONDEMN these acts of senseless violence and destruction, and for us to have a national conversation about the usually unpunished lawlessness that's rampant in the white community. how long will they look the other way while their children drink underage, smoke marijuana, date rape coeds, and set fires when good things happen? what kind of message are we sending to these children that you can do awful things and get away with it, simply on the basis of your skin color and socioeconomic status? why do they deserve to be called "celebrators" and not "rioters"? where are their parents?

Thank you so much for this post.

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i call upon leaders of the white community -- Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mitch McConnell -- to CONDEMN these acts of senseless violence and destruction, and for us to have a national conversation about the usually unpunished lawlessness that's rampant in the white community.

Yeah, the usual race-baiters are remaining tight lipped...

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A lot of football fans are absolute morons. I am a big fan of my team, enjoy going to matches, but these kind of rioters ruin the game for everyone. Never, ever understood the fun in destroying property, setting stuff on fire or fighting with other hooligans.
A lot of football fans are absolute morons. I am a big fan of my team, enjoy going to matches, but these kind of rioters ruin the game for everyone. Never, ever understood the fun in destroying property, setting stuff on fire or fighting with other hooligans.

what do you think would happen if white people -- especially white college kids, in particular, the ones at UVA and BYU and UVM and UMASS and UCONN and countless southern schools like Ole Miss -- were to start dressing better (pull up and wash that baseball cap!), maybe do more volunteer work (one saturday a semester with your frat doesn't count), maybe give money to strangers on the street (frat dues don't count), maybe have their leaders collectively denounce violence of all kinds, not least of which the plague of destroying their own communities when their sportsball team wins?

white people need to take responsibility for themselves and realize that they are responsible for the fires and the girlfriend punching and the alcohol poisoning? maybe things would change and we wouldn't wake up to these stories every sportsball season.

but i won't hold my breath.it's not going to happen with a half-white president in office, that's for sure. he's so beholden to white interest groups -- the GOP, NRA, FRC, AIPAC, Wall Street, Silicone Valley -- that he's just a puppet and seeks to divide us rather than unite us.
we need to be careful here and not stereotype

Just because most crime is committed by white males,
one should not presume most white males are likely to commit crimes
I don't think that is much of a race issue, it's a stupidity issue. It's an issue of the fact that many OSU fans are psychos and people (doesn't matter which color) are in total disregard for others. I used to live in Toledo, Ohio right at the Mich/Ohio border. Those people are crazy. The night before OSU-UM is pure madness.
However, I would definitely like to see the media condemn these crazy morons. To get that invested into a frikin football game is unreal, yet typical OSU thing to do.
I haven't watched Fox News much in about 4-5 years, are they covering this story and hopefully condemning it? How about other cable news outlets? I surely hope someone is covering it. It really seems like a double standard if they cover the Ferguson stuff but not this.
I'm just so sick and tired of this constant rioting. And this is just totally pointless drunkards. We don't need anymore of this, we already have this going on in the rest of the country! This has really got to stop.

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Hey look, right there, you see that thing flying over your head? That was the point...

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However, I would definitely like to see the media condemn these crazy morons. To get that invested into a frikin football game is unreal, yet typical OSU thing to do.
I haven't watched Fox News much in about 4-5 years, are they covering this story and hopefully condemning it? How about other cable news outlets? I surely hope someone is covering it. It really seems like a double standard if they cover the Ferguson stuff but not this.

The media covered it for literally the evening of the game (although some covered it the day after) and then moved on. It's typical of America to ignore white criminality and make excuses for it. A white American can commit a crime and not represent their ethnic group, but black Americans do not share the privilege.

Here's a good article on the topic of how riots are covered: http://m.mic.com/articles/108372/on...eaction-to-white-people-rioting-at-ohio-state

And here's the most relevant passage from that article: "The rhetoric is particularly striking given the responses of media outlets to past events. For instance, five months earlier a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, killed an unarmed teenager. Residents of that city, which is 67% black, took to the streets in protest, demanding accountability from a law enforcement apparatus that had disproportionately targeted them for years. One fire was lit, burning down a convenience store. Yet the media referred to the events in Ferguson as "riots," and their participants as "rioters." Meanwhile, the broader conversation around the incident shifted toward shaming these people, dismissing them as "thugs" and "savages" and criticizing them for "destroying their own communities.""

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Hey look, right there, you see that thing flying over your head? That was the point...

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I still don't get it. If he's trying infer that I'm somehow racist vs. black people, then he has nothing to support that claim. I haven't made a remotely racist comment.

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I still don't get it. If he's trying infer that I'm somehow racist vs. black people, then he has nothing to support that claim. I haven't made a remotely racist comment.

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I think you missed the entire point of the thread.

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I think you missed the entire point of the thread.

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No. I know it's some attempted sarcastic slam on conservatives about double standards, blah blah blah. (Liberal humor, I guess. I thought it was pretty stupid.) I just responded to the actual issue here because I say what I want.

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No. I know it's some attempted sarcastic slam on conservatives about double standards, blah blah blah. (Liberal humor, I guess. I thought it was pretty stupid.) I just responded to the actual issue here because I say what I want.

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Or so you think...

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more white lawlessness.

when will white community leaders like Blake Sheldon and Lena Dunham stop telling their communities to blame Obama for their problems and start telling them that they need to be strong white parents for their white children?

The piss-stained wreckage from a now infamous weekend-long University of Michigan frat party at a ski resort will cost more than $430,000 to repair, according to the resort's management.

On January 17, over 100 University of Michigan students—most of them members of Sigma Alpha Mu and its sister sorority Sigma Delta Tau—packed into 45 rooms at the Treetops Resort in northern Michigan. By the time the weekend-long party was over, the resort was a wreck; ceiling tiles were smashed, furniture was destroyed, and students had reportedly urinated on everything, including the hotel's carpet.

Initially, the resort's general manager Barry Owens estimated the damage at about $100,000; now Owens says the bill is four times larger.

"If you just look at our out-of-pocket expenses, things we've paid to contractors, third parties, it's around $230,000," Owens told the Detroit Free Press. "It doesn't take into consideration management time or damage to the resort's reputation. Our accountants and attorneys are saying that this could be up to an additional $200,000…We're now talking a total of $430,000."

On Friday, University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel banned Sigma Alpha Mu from campus life for at least four years and asked the fraternity's national council to revoke its charter. He also said the frat would pay "full restitution" for the damages caused. Sigma Delta Tau received a two-year disciplinary suspension.

Despite Schlissel's assurances and a statement posted to the fraternity's website accepting responsibility, a Treetops spokeswoman told the Free Press that the fraternity said it was "unwilling to accept liability and pay restitution" and has so far paid only $25,000.

Fraternities are a con designed to dupe unwitting freshmen out of even more of their money for very little (at best) benefit.

I can't believe I almost joined one last year. Ugh, what a big mistake. I eventually dropped because I didn't want to be a part of a system that perpetuates racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, etc.

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Yeah I almost did too until I realized that I was basically paying an extra 3 grand a year for nothing more than the ability to use a house for parties (nobody lived in the frat house). The only benefit was that I wouldn't have to make friends on my own, but I lived in the dorms anyways so that took care of itself.

The other selling point was that I might someday run into someone else from the frat in my career and he could help me out. There's ~30 million people in Canada, so effectively he was trying to get me to pay 3000 dollars on something that had even longer odds than hitting the Lotto Max jackpot. No thanks.
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