Official Cricket 12/13 Thread

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I think it's safe to say this is the worst Aussie cricket team in our lifetimes.

Well, you mob have had it damn good for a long time, and probably will again in the very near future, so I'm going to relish this series and the Ashes while I can.
Oh my god, India's sailed past Australia's total for the loss of one wicket. ONE. :lol:

On a spin-friendly track, Australia's spinners haven't even bagged a single wicket despite bowling heaps of overs. The one wicket came courtesy of Siddle.
India from 1/387 to 4/460 to all out 503.

As Richie Benaud would say "pretty piss poor effort that"

Hard to be too critical when they more than doubled the Aussie score and took a first innings lead of 266.

Wonder if India will even have to bat again?
If you're a fan of cricket history you may enjoy this feature I did on Brighton Cricket Club, which is celebrating its 170th anniversary. I spoke to former Aussie Test opener Colin McDonald for it, who is now 84.

I just sent an email to Gideon Haigh, I read one of his books for research and he replied within two minutes. *fangirling*
If you're a fan of cricket history you may enjoy this feature I did on Brighton Cricket Club, which is celebrating its 170th anniversary. I spoke to former Aussie Test opener Colin McDonald for it, who is now 84.

Very good innings forBrighton Cricket Club | Bayside Review Local

That's a pretty good read. :up:

I can't recall a lower point in Australian cricket in my lifetime.

Oh my god. What a humiliation. I thought Australia was going to make a go of it after the openers showed some early life, and then... well fuck me. Stunning. Not sure they even have the talent to bounce back from this either. Lots of the team show promise now and then, but "promise" isn't what Australia needs right now.
Holy shit, look at what New Zealand's doing to England in Dunedin!
Absolutely destroying them. 158-run opening stand. 171 on debut for Rutherford.

Now 4/321. Most likely result all out for 350, England make 300 declared, NZ bowled out for 92 and lose.
Watching highlights... Rutherford got out to an extremely soft dismissal.

Loving watching the Poms struggle though.

And Michael Vaughan is a fucking flog of the highest order.
Looks like it'll be a draw in Dunedin. Damn. New Zealand looking unexpectedly good.

And Wade managed to sprain his ankle playing basketball on an off-day! Australia has got no luck going their way this tour, though if they have to fly in Haddin that may actually work out in their favour.
Good riddance. Symptomatic of a pathetic attitude that so many elite sportsmen in this country have. Pattinson is the only one who will truly be missed for his performances. Anyone who has ever been involved with the resurgence of a club will tell you that culture comes first. You can't build a winning team without a good culture.

Watson has now flown home in a sulk, quitting the tour. Hopefully he never plays test cricket again.
Murmurings seem to suggest that there is significant disharmony in Australian cricket among players, coaches and administration.

Anyway I tweeted this pic to Richard Hinds today, who retweeted it, and it has now been retweeted 55 times. Dave Warner's submission to Arthur and Clarke

Cue predictable "Steve Smith what the fuck not even NZ would pick him" comment from me.
I've always said smiths ungainly technique leads people to judge him more harshly than deserved. His was the innings if the day yesterday, and if he gets some lower order support, could score a big one. Never looked in trouble.
He's just not very good at anything. He's a classic example of a jack of all trades, master of none. He can occasionally bat a bit. His bowling's halfway competent. He's decent in the field. So somehow this combination gives the selectors this delusion of adequacy about Smith. I don't follow state cricket any more (because it's never fucking covered anywhere) and even I know that Smith isn't one of the top players in the state tournament. My pot plants deserve a run more than he does.
His technique is a genuine mess, and he looks like he should struggle in grade cricket - but it works. The selectors keep him around because of this and the fact that he is still only 23. If he turns himself into a test cricketer, he could be our most valuable player. He has work to do, and a comeback on this tour is a good start
Frankly I think he's the worst cricketer I've ever seen play for Australia. I may hate Watson but at least he can bat.
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