Not fair

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Jam Jar

New Yorker
Dec 28, 2001
In the middle of the Pine Barrens with the Jersey
*sigh* i hope this isn't too personal of a topic to discuss, but hey, it helps me, and I know how nice you all are :) It really cheers me up everyday when I come here..anyhoo I guess i'll start by saying i hate guns, they're the worst, and perhaps best invention ever made. But in anyway you look at it, tehy're bad, and i knwo this, because this week 6 years ago a gun took my friend's life. And the funny things is, it was at the mall- some dumb guy was trying to rob the bank *sigh* how stupid do people get? another funny thing- if it was the mall, there would've been alot of people, but sadly, not enough the place is usually swarming with them..a few years too late, i suppose? lol hehe this isn't good but em, one time i was there, i lost it and started yelling at some cop saying he should have been there..but then again, the place where it happened, deptford, is known for bad things,and it's bad police force. my car was stolen there, and the cops didn't do anything. *sigh* it's true, nothing in life is fair, but this time, it really really isn't fair. so my question is, has anyone felt that way about something? when you know life isn't fair, but that time, it really should be that way?

It's always sad when you lose someone you love in such an unnatural way, and before their time. It is easy for me to say, "things happen for a reason," however your friends death was just plain senseless and probably preventable. It is one of those things that don't have any logical explaination, so you just do the best you can to get through it.

There are lots of times when life has been unfair to me....that is when I try to take a moment to think "how could it be worse" I always can think of how things could be worse, and in a weird way that makes me feel better.

[story time]

This week would have been my father's birthday (he died in 98). Instead of being too sad that he is not around, I am thankful that he did not suffer for a long period of time (he was diagnosed with a fast spreading cancer and died about a month after his diagnosis).

i know exactly what you mean, but not to the same extent....things that happen for no reason....they make me so angry that the world is like it should still have your friend.....but then again, you've learned to live better through it....i just don't know....

*hugs* you're a strong woman
I'm really sorry to hear about that. I've never had anyone close to me die but I, like a lot of ppl here know what it feels like to feel like life isn't fair or like Bono said in Pop "God's got his phone off the hook babe, would he even pick up if he could?"


I think you're handling it really bravely. God, I freak out over MUCH smaller things lol.

*UBER hug*
I know what it feels like to have someone close to you die. I've had my dad die. But i guess everything happens for a reason, even if its not fair *hugs*

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