Norman Oklahoma u2 setlist watch party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Tonight's Setlist:

1. Breathe
2. Get On Your Boots
3. Magnificent
4. Mysterious Ways
5. Beautiful Day

I will keep updating the Booblist until I have to go

1. Broobs
2. Get on your Boobs
3. Magnifiboobs
4. Mysterious Boobs
5. Beautiful Boobs

At least they aren't playing Trying to Throw Your Arms (boobs) Around the World!
Just trying to get over some baaad news... a long-time friend and mentor is apparently not going to make it through the week - gawdamned cancer has taken her down in less than a month. So, drinks and the boys and new friends are necessary tonight. Thanks for listening. Enough about that...

I'm so sorry. :hug: This is probably the least thrilling setlist party we'll see all year, but I hope our bemused comments will take your mind off of things. :)

I'm a long-time member but shy poster. Is there any way to see posts real-time or do I just have to keep refreshing? Thx.

For premium members, there's iSpy. For us, a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
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