No, this is not a Sicy appreciation thread. But she still KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Nov 19, 2000
Black Lodge
Thanks for the Phoenix bootleg! I love it!

New And Improved!
Originally posted by TheU2:
Hey, why don't you just email her.


PS Sicy's Aiiight.

Cause I don't feel like it.

New And Improved!
LOL YAY SICY! She's one hell of a mod too!

I wish I was a sentimental ornament you hung on the Christmas tree....
I wish I was the star that went on top.

(??.?(?*?.? ?.?*?)?.??)
?.???. *Monica*.???.?
(?.??(?.??* *??.?)??.)
Damn you what a bomb! shut up!

And where the hell is U2girls picture???

Originally posted by mikal:
Thanks for the Phoenix bootleg! I love it!

i echo that, as shes helping me too; very giving person she is! thanks in advance Sicy!


U2: Rock's Unbreakable Heart!
Originally posted by Sicy:

And where the hell is U2girls picture???


That's a good question. I have no idea.

Stephen's right - it's not his fault pics haven't arrived yet. I just hope they didn't get lost somewhere...

You know, my horses are new at these things-they never had to travel this far before.

Hmmm - either that or my pics got scared by all the expectation threads and are afraid to show up. LOL

You know what i've been pondering lately though?
(this is crazy, but hey, it's possible)
What if some weirdo freak got my pics by accident? EEK! I wrote my address on the back of the envelope too. (so that Stephen can return them)
YIKES! What if the freak tries to contact me?

[This message has been edited by U2girl (edited 12-27-2001).]
Originally posted by U2girl:

You know what i've been pondering lately though?
(this is crazy, but hey, it's possible)
What if some weirdo freak got my pics by accident? EEK! I wrote my address on the back of the envelope too. (so that Stephen can return them)
YIKES! What if the freak tries to contact me?

[This message has been edited by U2girl (edited 12-27-2001).]

Wow. I used to have a paranoia problem too.

New And Improved!
Originally posted by mikal:
Wow. I used to have a paranoia problem too.



you can try the best you can
you can try the best you can
the best you can is good enough
whats it to you sicy, its for sicillian goddess not you.


*cant breath

seriously i cant breath, ho man

im so lame

-death bear
I'm the cheap knock off, I'm just as good though!!!

You are indeed

Sicy is great for her sparkling smile & the fact that she is bulletproof, because I named her, because she has a HOT car, because she's always there for you, and most of all her wonderful personalities (both of them)

Even z-edge loves SICY, thats where her name came from
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