No more....sing more!!!!

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The Fly
Jul 8, 2005
wellington, New Zealand
Raise your white flag and wail at the top of your lungs NNOOOO MMMMOOOORRRRREEEEEE!!!!!! while at the same time strugling too lift a blonde bimbo with your skinny irish arms.
And let me tell you something. I've had enough of Irish Americans who haven't been back to their country in 20 or 30 years come up to me, and talk about the resistance - the revolution back home. And the glory of the revolution. And the glory of dying for the revolution. Fuck the revolution! They don't talk about the glory of killing for the revolution. What's the glory in taking a man from his bed and gunning him down in front of his wife and children? Where's the glory in that? Where's the glory in bombing a rememberence day parade of old age pensioners - their medals taken out and polished up for the day? Where's the glory in that? To leave them dying, or crippled for life, or dead, under the rubble of the revolution, that the majority of the people in my country don't want.

SING NO MORE!!!!!!!! :drool:
What a pity Bono can't do similar rants against the Iraq war, which has killed many thousands more than the IRA ever did, or perhaps he is too concerned about pissing off his new buddies Bush and Blair.
I would tend to agree with you about the lack of rants against Bush and Blair EXCEPT that more Africans die in a week than Iraqi's and Americans have died since April of 2003!!! So really, what is more important. I would guess Africa???
I agree, The Vertigo version of SBS is awesome! the whole Coexist bit sends shivers down my spine.
financeguy said:
What a pity Bono can't do similar rants against the Iraq war, which has killed many thousands more than the IRA ever did, or perhaps he is too concerned about pissing off his new buddies Bush and Blair.

Yeah, how dare Bono be nice to the people who have the power to fix problems. He should just piss them off so that they're less inclined to listen to him!


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