No Album till Next Winter!

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
the killerwhaletank
Check the Exclusives. No new album till next winter, which means at least December 2004.

What the fuck is taking so long??
don't believe the HYPE !

This statement is, in itself, marketing ! Remember just before Zooropa, Paul McGuiness publicly stated he wasn't expecting a new U2 album. The fact that this person might not be expecting something until the winter doesn't mean something won't happen before then.

That would totally screw over Bono's past statements of a summer tour and his most recent of a single in Feb. I think it's a ploy
Re: don't believe the HYPE !

mikeuk said:
This statement is, in itself, marketing ! Remember just before Zooropa, Paul McGuiness publicly stated he wasn't expecting a new U2 album. The fact that this person might not be expecting something until the winter doesn't mean something won't happen before then.


I'm going to try not to believe this. For the last year, every time I've got my hopes up about this record it ended up being pointless.
Maybe that's a sign.
this was in my rolling stone daily e-mail update from yesterday (only checked it this morning)... it hints that there will be a u2 song on the soundtrack to colin farrell's new movie... i'm assuming it would be a new song... but who knows...

Actor COLIN FARRELL puts his stamp on the BOBBY FULLER FOUR rock & roll rebellion classic "I Fought the Law" on the soundtrack to "interMission," due March 16th. The twelve-song set will also feature music by fellow Irish entertainers U2 and the THRILLS, along with songs by the MAGNETIC FIELDS, RON SEXSMITH, TURIN BRAKES and the FUN LOVIN' CRIMINALS.
Perhaps she meant the African winter, which runs during the American and European summer, with the hemisphere difference and all. Or not. I still think it's a load of crap
I'm waiting to hear back from two more contacts... when I hear anything, it'll most likely go in U2 News (or the existing thread there)
i think some people should calm down with the giving up on the band thing... if the story is true, will they lose some of the fringe with another year's delay? probably... but if the album's good, they'll be back anyways. and the real u2 fans, although disapointed, won't be going anywhere. even if this is true, i'll still be here on the ole blue crack day in and day out... i'll still be hoppin' on the train into manhattan next friday to see the unforgettable fire @ flannery's pub... i'll still drive my friends crazy whenever they ride in my car with the constant u2 cd's... and i'll still be waiting outside best buy the day the new album finally does come out, money in hand. but hey... that's just me.

now let's all hope elvis' two other contacts tell us some good news :wink:
How long is too long? 4, 5, 6 years to make a cd? You spend 4 years on an album and it better be top 10 of all time good. They're losing more than "fringe"people here, they are cutting into their core. I know plenty of fans who've all but forgotten about U2.
they could never release another song, album or tour... and i'll be satisfied. their body of work for the past 20+ years stands on it's own, and will forever stand on it's own. do i want a new album and tour? you're damn right i do... i want it real damn bad. but if it never happens? sure... i'll be disapointed as all hell. but will the band ever lose me as a fan? no friggin chance in hell... they've already done enough as it is for me to be a devoted fan FOREVER. bono would have to come out in favor of clubbing baby seals or somethin' for me to even waver on that. i dunno... but i think that's what CORE fans feel. or maybe it's just me... but i don't think so.
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I don't worship the ground the band walks on, just the music they make. If they're broken up, tell us, I'm happy with their career. If they're making a new album, release it. 4 years to make 12 songs is disgusting , and not very rock and roll. This is something Celine Dion does. 4 years on 12 songs. Try a little harder boys, Radiohead have made 3 albums since 2000, you havent made any.
Fuck . U2 can do whatever they want. Headache is dead on. As for the Radiohead stuff. U2 could do that in their sleep and you know what the last 3 radiohead albums will never be remembered. so i guess what it boils down to is people get a life and the album comes out when the boys want it to.
Headache in a Suitcase said:
they've already done enough as it is for me to be a devoted fan FOREVER. bono would have to come out in favor of clubbing baby seals or somethin' for me to even waver on that. i dunno... but i think that's what CORE fans feel. or maybe it's just me... but i don't think so.

Even if Bono "did" come out and say he was in favor of clubbing baby seals, I still think I would be a super fan. But that's my opinion. I mean, I've actually clubbed many a baby seals in my day. So I could be biased.

Hey Headache: I'll be at the Unforgettable Fire show next week too!! These guys rock Flannery's. I love how they play into the wee hours of the night. Last time I saw them they played 11 O clock Tick Tock, for christ's sake!!
MrBrau1 said:
I don't worship the ground the band walks on, just the music they make. If they're broken up, tell us, I'm happy with their career. If they're making a new album, release it. 4 years to make 12 songs is disgusting , and not very rock and roll. This is something Celine Dion does. 4 years on 12 songs. Try a little harder boys, Radiohead have made 3 albums since 2000, you havent made any.

man this arguement makes very little sense if you think about it. Radiohead have been around a little over a decade, they've released six LPs.
In U2's first 10 years, they released... six LPs.

I've said this before. If, in 10 years, Radiohead are still cranking them out at the same rate, then you'll have an arguement.
i see some of you are still in denial

but even winter is later than i would have thought (see sig)

i knew it was bad news when they were displeased with songs they stried to add strings to...
With this I really don't know what is to be said. It's like a shot to the heart. haha. After all this time having this idea that the album was coming out soon, sometime in March / April / May, and then to suddenly have someone out of no where go "No, not till next winter!" is just a huge let down. All I can say is that I hope this lady is dead wrong and in a few days we hear that Bono clubbed her in the skull for letting us all down ahah, but really I hope that Anton is right over this lady. May is a lot better then December.
Any kind of official announcement would be great...whether it's March, May, Summer, Winter, or heck, even 2005. I think the more rumors go around, the more pissed off we all get, and the band isnt to blame
I really don't belive that this is true. With all of the talk about a March release and a summer/fall tour. Hell, even Anton said May at the latest. I could see a May or even June, but to jump 6 months ahead of that, that's insane. U2 would never do that. Wait, let the smoke clear and check back to see that this news was just bullshit.
Don't believe the "hype", this is just an angry ploy to get people to stop calling and inquiring about the new album. I have stated all along that it is my belief that the album is in the can and being readied for release. Regine is just pissed at all the people bugging her.
I was just on U2.Com and it is the most boring U2 site out there. I mean I appreciate the Peter and the Wolf stuff but it really should have exclusive stuff on their. Anyone U2 fan has access to everything on their site at other U2 fan sites (Kudos to Interference and U2Log) for keeping us up to date on stuff (some real some not real) the way Anderson Cooper on CNN is getting ready to do a story about Bono and the F Bomb. On another note I typically do not get too caught up in the release date stories but I agree with some folks on the fact that U2 and their people should probably not drop hints at album release dates such as early spring or May (Anton!) and then send a press release out to interference acting like we are just making up rumors. So I suggest U2 put a timeline on that shows the progress of the album and it should be a day by day timeline for example (December 13 no new progress today...Bono was in Canada today at a political convention. new progress today Edge was at the Whatever convention in Vegas to look at new Orgasmatrons...blah blah blah)
MrBrau1 said:
How long is too long? 4, 5, 6 years to make a cd? You spend 4 years on an album and it better be top 10 of all time good. They're losing more than "fringe"people here, they are cutting into their core. I know plenty of fans who've all but forgotten about U2.

By your logic, The Beatles and Elvis should be totally forgotten about and unheard-of.
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