New LCD Soundsystem album

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. . . the Juan MacLean (flown in just for this party, allegedly) . . .

I saw them at Avalon last year when I went to see The Field; I was not that impressed. The Field were great, but The Juan Maclean were mediocre at best. The thing I liked best about their music is that their drummer drums in very thin short shorts.
Regardless, it's a DJ set, so it'll just be John MacLean spinning some tunes he likes.

Also, that short-shortsed drummer died last year.
Even Wooden Shjips cannot make me enjoy this song, but that's neither here nor there. Sorry if I'm rehashing old news, but I felt that this would be a worthy addition to the thread. Or certainly an unexpected one, if you're anything like me. Holler. And listen to Wooden Shjips, as they are awesome. Moon Duo's pretty solid, too. Recommended to any lurking Suicide, Spacemen 3, Comets on Fire, or maybe even side two of Neu! '75 fans. And how can you enjoy LCD Soundsystem without enjoying those bands, amirite? Don't lose your edge.

Covert Curiosity, an Austin Music Blog
Moon Duo's pretty solid, too. Recommended to any lurking Suicide, Spacemen 3, Comets on Fire, or maybe even side two of Neu! '75 fans. And how can you enjoy LCD Soundsystem without enjoying those bands, amirite? Don't lose your edge.

Moon Duo's been on my several shopping lists for a while. I should do something about that.

I saw Suicide open for Joe Jackson back in the day. They were nearly booed off the stage, even to the point of people throwing shit at them. I joined in the general displeasure, but not the throwing.
I can't imagine "Frankie Teardrop" going over well then, now, or at any point in the even distant future, at a "regular," Joe Jackson-esque show. That's no kind of knock against Jackson or anybody else (including Suicide/Vega); shit's just true.

If you like Moon Duo, martha, then know that Wooden Shjips is even better. Often significantly so. Sorry. Not trying to derail.
Even Wooden Shjips cannot make me enjoy this song, but that's neither here nor there. Sorry if I'm rehashing old news, but I felt that this would be a worthy addition to the thread. Or certainly an unexpected one, if you're anything like me. Holler. And listen to Wooden Shjips, as they are awesome. Moon Duo's pretty solid, too. Recommended to any lurking Suicide, Spacemen 3, Comets on Fire, or maybe even side two of Neu! '75 fans. And how can you enjoy LCD Soundsystem without enjoying those bands, amirite? Don't lose your edge.

Covert Curiosity, an Austin Music Blog

i love Drunk Girls. and the song as well. (how many times has that joke been made in this thread?)

that cover was no good, in my esteemed opinion.
The explanation of the Michael Musto line:
It’s all this super, super-dumb insider crap. There’s this Paper magazine award thing—the Nightlife Awards, literally the silliest award-show possible. They give out awards like “Best Hotel With A Nightlife Scene,” things like that. [Laughs.] That’s actually an award. I went with a bunch of friends, and my friend Justine D. was up for “Best DJ Of The Year” or whatever. And the drunker I got, the more I was like, “If she doesn’t win, I’m going to pull a Kanye,” just because I thought it would be stupid. She didn’t win, so I just jumped up and grabbed the microphone—and apologized to Andrew Andrew, who did win—and said, “You’re not the best!” It was funny. Or not even funny—it was stupid, and I was drunk. And [host] Michael Musto called me a douchebag. So I thought it would be funny to put it in the song, like, “Hey, fuck you, dude.” Like, not really fuck you. [Laughs.] I just thought it would be like, “Why not?” A record lasts forever. It’s like The Downtown Book, you know, with photos from downtown New York in the early ’80s. It’s like if some bouncer had dissed him, and he wrote in the book, “Fuck you, Steven Ray.” Why not? I grew up in New Jersey reading the Voice, so I was a fan. But bitch, don’t come at me like that.
zomg so good. Danced my ass off just to piss off the rain clouds who tried to hamper things. Still wish it was indoors, but it made for a unique situation.

Us v. Them
Drunk Girls
Yr City's a Sucker
Pow Pow
Daft Punk
All My Friends (I know it's been said over and over by everyone, but I can't get over how much I love this song and how much it means to me)
I Can Change
Movement (!)
Yeah (Crass Version) (absolute monster of a song live)

Someone Great
Losing My Edge
New York

Standard setlist, but abbreviated for whatever reason (weather?). Very much enjoyed the Holy Ghost! set and was too tired to fully appreciate the afterparty, which was also pretty good. It's still going, I imagine, but it was time for me to call it a night.
they've been playing All I Want as well, but yeah, it does suck a bit considering how many good songs are on it.

surely they wouldn't play NY,ILYBYBMD last when they come here? maybe they'll play Home instead. :heart:

now imps, feel free to answer or not but i'd love to hear you elaborate on All My Friends there...
That fat fuck should start practicing Dance Yrself Clean and Home right about now.
Those need to be played every night on this tour. I'm mystified.

Not to mention that Drunk Girls and Pow-Pow (both played last night) aren't exactly the highlights of the album.
I was disappointed with the lack of new stuff too, but getting the unexpected "Yeah" and "Movement" just about negates how badly I'd like to hear "Home" or "Dance Yrself Clean." What's more curious is the lack of "All I Want" and "Get Innocuous," both of which they've had in their setlist (which really hasn't budged) for this tour.

now imps, feel free to answer or not but i'd love to hear you elaborate on All My Friends there...

There's not really much to say that does it justice. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but I really feel that way. Can't remember if you're definitely going to that show with Hot Chip or not, but you need to do so.
lighten up, please. i was being a bit of smart arse, not that big a deal. :)

this is an amazing post. i don't think i've ever seen a post i agree with more entirely, from the inside jokes on this forum to thinking that the abbreviation was just a really good, entertaining joke. i didn't laugh at all.

well done sir :up:
There should be a word-limit on abbreviations. 5? 6?

We all knew what "New York" was when Imp posted the setlist.

lighten up, please. i was being a bit of smart arse, not that big a deal. :)

this is an amazing post. i don't think i've ever seen a post i agree with more entirely, from the inside jokes on this forum to thinking that the abbreviation was just a really good, entertaining joke. i didn't laugh at all.

well done sir :up:

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