New(er) 1 minute Mr. Roberts Trailer!!

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Okay, I am using all of my willpower to resist watching that. I've already watched so many tiny clips from that movie, but this is where I draw the line. When I see it on the big screen I want it to be new and fresh and exciting. So no more spoilers.

But tell me, is it awesome? :drool:
I think the song sounds really cool, but the movie looks pretty lame.

Hippies really annoy me... almost as much as hardcore feminists.
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DreamOutLoud13 said:
Okay, I am using all of my willpower to resist watching that. I've already watched so many tiny clips from that movie, but this is where I draw the line. When I see it on the big screen I want it to be new and fresh and exciting. So no more spoilers.

But tell me, is it awesome? :drool:

makes me want to have hippie free love

:drool: :drool: :drool:
Bono is also singing Lucy in the sky with diamonds - says and
Ye gods, that's hilariously psychedelic.

I think watching this film, if it's anything like the clip, will let those of us who don't take drugs know what it's like.

And I still maintain Bono just looks like Popmart Edge... :D
shart1780 said:
I think the song sounds really cool, but the movie looks pretty lame.

Hippies really annoy me... almost as much as hardcore feminists.

Yeah, them and their stupid, naive message of loving everyone and trying to live in peace with them. Where have I heard THAT before?:hmm:

I'd say something about the feminist dig, but I'm not sure what you mean by "hardcore". For most conservatives (I'm not sure how far you lean that direction) it's any woman who's not staying home barefoot and pregnant. For me, it's a woman who feels she's superior to a man; just as most men felt they were superior to women for thousands of years. Funny how a certain Savior, turned that belief upside down too.
U2isthebest said:

I'd say something about the feminist dig, but I'm not sure what you mean by "hardcore". For most conservatives (I'm not sure how far you lean that direction) it's any woman who's not staying home barefoot and pregnant. For me, it's a woman who feels she's superior to a man; just as most men felt they were superior to women for thousands of years. Funny how a certain Savior, turned that belief upside down too.

I hear you completely, but it's a waste of time to bother :|
It looks good, I'm just not big on the instrumentation of this. It's too lowkey for me.

Maybe it'll be better in theaters.
I really love the whole trippy aspect to it! Bono as Mr.Roberts is AWESOME! I can't wait to see this movie! :)
bono's pretty cool in this one, better than i expected. i like the swagger, and a very good vocal too. i wish i had more power to resist 'til the whole song came out but that wasn't gonna happen.
U2isthebest said:

Yeah, them and their stupid, naive message of loving everyone and trying to live in peace with them. Where have I heard THAT before?:hmm:

I'd say something about the feminist dig, but I'm not sure what you mean by "hardcore". For most conservatives (I'm not sure how far you lean that direction) it's any woman who's not staying home barefoot and pregnant. For me, it's a woman who feels she's superior to a man; just as most men felt they were superior to women for thousands of years. Funny how a certain Savior, turned that belief upside down too.

Having sex with everyone, getting high on drugs, being smelly and acting like they knew something about how to maintain peace in the REAL world... those were the hippes. And that attitude annoys me very much.

Feminism is the idea that men and women should have equal rights, which I agree with. Hardcore feminists blame most of the world's problems on men, would openly call most men animals and rapists (because they like sex), call themselves "womyn" and get an attitude when you pull their chair out for them.
^^^Hippies (as a generalization) may have indulged in some questionable behavior, but they never claimed to be moral experts. But their love and acceptance of people regardless of gender, class, sexual orientation, race, etc. is extremely close to that of the Gospel. There are still some true hippies that exist today that I've read about recently. They may still take part in said questionable behavior, but the people who spent time with them (who happened to be Christians) said they were most the loving, caring people they'd ever met. That's what's important to me. People with "bad" morals I can take and usually get along well with; people with judgemental, self-righteous attitudes like many Christians-not so much.:|

As for the feminists, it's pretty easy to blame most of the world's problems on men. Up until 100 years ago (and really much later than that) men held all positions of power. Women were second class citizens and barely had any rights, period. Men still hold a pretty big majority of power positions, so while I'd say men and women create problems equally in their own lives; on the world stage I would say men are the bigger players. As for the chilvary, pulling out the chair, opening doors, etc. I still enjoy it. I feel like it's something romantic and just a kind gesture. However, I feel women should do that for their boyfriend/husband if given the chance. Based on those girls and women I know who don't like having that done for them, it's more based on viewing the behavior as a man saying "You need me to take care of you." As I said, I personally don't feel that way, but it's a perfectly valid view for a woman to hold I've never read any thing about your other feminist claims, and I doubt there's many women on earth that feel that way, ergo I won't bother.
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I'm still iffy at this movie. But Bono as Dr. Robert might be okay. Who knows. I'm picky about who sings Beatles songs.

And sideburns like that don't look good on too many people.
Having sex with everyone, getting high on drugs, being smelly and acting like they knew something about how to maintain peace in the REAL world... those were the hippes. And that attitude annoys me very much.

While I do find this quite a generalization, I agree that it was a subculture that amounted to absolutely nothing at all and we should forget about it.
The Sad Punk said:

While I do find this quite a generalization, I agree that it was a subculture that amounted to absolutely nothing at all and we should forget about it.

Just not so. Read your history if you really want to know.

Bono sounds great as Mr. Roberts, and I like his attitude. I do hope the movie is good.
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