well - to be fair, this time there is a legitimate concern about the future of a band member.
i think they're facing the end times as a band - they know it - and are trying to figure out how to proceed.
playing Sphere, or even touring, without Larry is one thing.
recording new music without Larry is a horse of a different color.
they likely want to continue to tour - would prefer to do it with new music - but can't figure that part out until they know what's going on with Larry.
so they're stuck.
This exactly!
Yes, this approach is necessary for them due to Larry's health. But I'm looking at the up side.
I'm just trying to enjoy the ride as much as possible without being overly concerned with what comes next. It's been liberating for me as a fan. I'll never forget late 2008/early 2009 my every move and mood was dictated by whether or not there was news or leaks of NLOTH. Then the album and tour came and I was disappointed. Wasn't a big 360 fan until they started focusing more on the back catalog and put on some truly amazing shows in 2011.
I've been happy with the back catalog focus of JT and now AB at the Sphere!
It's now safe to say this Sphere endeavor has been their best move in many, many years and I'd actually like to see it extended again! Absolutely loved my show. Exceeded very high expectations.
You're so right! It's the end or close to it however you slice it.
I truly believe they'll get this rock album out (whatever that Bono speak looks like in final form), and I believe Larry will be back for a tour as well. I just don't see any benefit whatsoever in rushing either moment. First and foremost, it would actually shorten whatever time they have left if Larry comes back less than 100% and gets hurt again. Second, I just think there's zero downside in extending the Sphere or otherwise doing something that leans into their legacy.
I'd love to see Larry back, but Bram is unreal- injects energy into the songs, plays them straight for the most part but isn't afraid to add his own twist where he can! Keep playing the Sphere, go to a few smaller venues in select cities after a break. Would be great by me! If there's a future where they've decided, as you point out, that recording without Larry isn't a line they'd cross but touring is, I'd be perfectly fine with them keeping Bram on speed dial!
The band are a bit perfectionist (or, depending on how you look at it, over-tinkerers).
Based on past quotes and U2songs reports, I fully believe that they actually do have a lot of material that they've recorded. But the way they "write" is unusual. Messing around in the studio is their way of writing, they make a song by pooling through the various ideas generated and structuring them and producing them into something they believe is fit for release.
When they say they haven't recorded anything for the rock album, I believe that means that they're planning on essentially rerecording their disparate ideas that they combined into songs with more coherent performances, this time aiming for the rawer live recording feel that they're going for on this album. I certainly don't think they have all their songs ready and are just waiting for Larry to be ready to jump in the studio, but I strongly suspect they have a lot more than just some Bono notebook scribbles and Edge home demos.
Very well said!
This is exactly where they've indicated they are at for some time now. Not just Bono. Adam, people around them, etc, etc. Anyone familiar with how they work would assess it the same way.