New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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GOYB, stand up comedy, Joey ramone, volcano, blackout, American soul?

I'm getting old and forgetful. SUC was the other one I remember now you mention it - was that not where the infamous "Edge is on fire" comment came from?

Even Joey Ramone sounded pretty tame - which maybe comes back to the final production and mix that takes the rawness off things.
I'm getting old and forgetful. SUC was the other one I remember now you mention it - was that not where the infamous "Edge is on fire" comment came from?

Even Joey Ramone sounded pretty tame - which maybe comes back to the final production and mix that takes the rawness off things.
Was that not before Vertigo come out,or was that punk rock from Venus?
Ya know - Lillywhite could just be recording with someone else in that IG video, if it's recent... unless you believe they're recording a new song without Larry.

is this the Lillywhite vid?

looks like Adam's sweet purple bass is standing near the kit about 2 seconds in

when it comes to music, I know placing blame on the producer and not the musicians/songwriters is kind of dumb

but based on his recent track record with U2.. I'm not jazzed about Lillywhite behind the desk. Red Flag Day is the only song he's been involved with in the last 15 years that I dig
Everyone’s at fault. If the track comes out poorly and the band still releases it, that’s on them
when it comes to music, I know placing blame on the producer and not the musicians/songwriters is kind of dumb

but based on his recent track record with U2.. I'm not jazzed about Lillywhite behind the desk. Red Flag Day is the only song he's been involved with in the last 15 years that I dig

To be fair, isn't he mainly involved in finishing up the tracks, rather than initial writing etc? If I recall correctly he worked on Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby, and Songs of Experience (among others), all of which had distinct identities, which were probably more defined by the band's ambitions or Eno/Lanois/Ryan Tedder.

I would have guessed the core music/writing will be defined by whoever else the band has been working with up until now, with Lillywhite tying it all together, and focusing on the instrument sound (like how he gave the SoE tracks a more 'live' sound).

Admittedly I don't know all that much about the process, but I'm cautiously optimistic - or at least curious - about the next album(s) based on Bono's recent quotes acknowledging their 'hits' days are behind them, that they want to write 'fuck off to the pop charts' music, and Edge's comments about bringing guitar back to the forefront.
Their last good album.

i can deal with MX - and Eno co-wrote most of the songs on that album even though he didn't produce it. i'm guessing they're a lot of leftovers from Viva la Vida. But even on MX it was clear that they were going down a road that I wasn't going to be overly thrilled about - and low and behold, yep - they did.

such a shame - Viva la Vida was such a good album.
such a shame - Viva la Vida was such a good album.

Love Viva la Vida - there was a lot of Jon Hopkins work on that album too (I think the opening track was a Hopkins piece that the band took and built into a new song) which really gave it a fantastic sound.

I think he'd work wonders for a more contemplative U2 album.
i can deal with MX - and Eno co-wrote most of the songs on that album even though he didn't produce it. i'm guessing they're a lot of leftovers from Viva la Vida. But even on MX it was clear that they were going down a road that I wasn't going to be overly thrilled about - and low and behold, yep - they did.

such a shame - Viva la Vida was such a good album.

Princess of China was the warning shot, they went full radio pop and that was that.
To be fair, isn't he mainly involved in finishing up the tracks, rather than initial writing etc? If I recall correctly he worked on Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby, and Songs of Experience (among others), all of which had distinct identities, which were probably more defined by the band's ambitions or Eno/Lanois/Ryan Tedder.

fair point

They call him The Closer for good reason. But I wonder what "finishing" tracks actually means as far as he's concerned.

For SOE I was fortunate to have a connection who gave me bits of insight into the recordings. I heard that Lillywhite's feedback wasn't kind about YTBTAM in particular, and in those final weeks the track was rearranged and re-mixed to the point where the single release was delayed.

And the end result...? To me, it sounds overworked, deflated and nothing like how this band sounds when they play a song together. The fact that this was reworked again for the live shows suggests how far his final mix was from something this band would actually come up with and play, were they writing as a band

But then again maybe the song was a dud to begin with :lol:
That's very interesting - the insight you received certainly suggests Lillywhite's input could have significantly changed things.

I can't really verify this, but the 'beach clip' of YTBTAM from a year before it's eventual release (not the dance mix, there was a separate band mix too) had a very similar composition (the verse/drums in particular) to the sci-fi soul mix, so I'm assuming that mix could give some insight into the pre-Lillywhite version of the track.

Based on that, I thought Lillywhite actually did a great job on improving the verse, and the drums and bass in particular - if anything, I felt the chorus (which existed before Lillywhite's work, and also sounds tacked on) was the weakest part.

(Having said that, I think the Kygo remix was hands down the best expression of that song, and it's a crying shame they didn't use some form of that as the lead single instead).

It's all subjective of course, but if whatever he's producing right now has a solid hook/chorus, I reckon he could do a good job - but I'm doubtful because ultimately, I don't think the band has created a truly strong hook for a single since Vertigo. They still have brilliant sounds, sonic explorations, lyrics etc, but not what I'd consider truly special pop hooks. Hoping they can catch the lightning in the bottle once again, but after 3 albums I'm not feeling too optimistic.
I think it was summer of 2016 when we heard leaks of Best Thing

It had a very bouncy vibe to it. Dance / club beats, but Edge's guitar had less generic rock chords, and played with the club influence.

What we got on that single release felt so sterile compared to what we had heard before. Even the club remix that was released didn't seem to match what was leaked
I actually feel slight rage anytime U2 refers to any of their music "Rawk". It's like Hard Rock and Metal just don't exist to them.
I am sometimes struck with this thought out of nowhere - the Edge is a really bizarre thing to be called. Even for a nickname. It’s so odd.
However, we are told work continues on the single, and we are told that the band will be back in studio in Los Angeles this week

AKA - Fucking up what started as a pretty cool song.
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