New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I believe Adam completely. That question had to be cleared by PR beforehand. I think if there was a real issue, they'd prefer not to discuss it at all rather than a "oh ho! everything is fine!"

Is there any hard proof that Larry wants out? like even the tiniest sliver?
I believe Adam completely. That question had to be cleared by PR beforehand. I think if there was a real issue, they'd prefer not to discuss it at all rather than a "oh ho! everything is fine!"

Is there any hard proof that Larry wants out? like even the tiniest sliver?

he hasn't been seen with the band other than the Kennedy Center - had years to get this surgery and waited until the time that he needed to get on stage - HAS been seen out without the band, so it's not like he's in traction somewhere unable to go out (and, ya know, could certainly be helping Bram prepare - even just from a mentor position) - and called U2 a benevolent dictatorship in the same article where he came off as kind of stand offish about the band's plans for Vegas... a few quotes from various band members, for the first time, about what might happen if a band member were to ever leave?

certainly all can be written off as "larry being typical grumpy larry." and you wouldn't necessarily be wrong. and it's certainly possible that that's the case - that larry just had surgery that he didn't think was an issue but ended up happening at a bad time - that he's got the sads about it and that's why he doesn't want to be around the band and help Bram prep (or maybe he IS helping Bram out but is just being really quiet about it and not going out in public with the rest of the group because he's a grump).

but you can't say there isn't a lot of smoke. there's certainly quite a few "slivers"

it's not crazy to ask the question, and/or wonder, if there's something more going on here.

also - that's not how good PR works. good PR will tell adam that the question is inevitable, and to be prepared with an answer. if he says no comment, or if someone demands the interviewer not ask the question as part of a fairly low key interview? yea - that'll get out and make it look worse.
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Whether Larry is fine or not fine they are going to say that he’s fine, even if he isn’t fine, but also if he is.

It would also seem to me that grumpy Larry should also realize that he’s had just about the best life imaginable and that, even if he is personally done, he should respect the institution that he built (and that gave him everything) and can and will cite understandable “health reasons” — my god, look at Phil Collins — as a way to gracefully exit a band that has always been about the four of them even if the real reason is he’s leaving is because he’s sick of smelling Bono’s farts.

Or he’s not leaving and the “benevolent dictatorship” comment has to do with going ahead with Vegas and not waiting for him to recover so he can be there and that’s why he’s salty.
Many possibilities. While I’ll wish for the best (U2 goes on another 10+ years), I will also pragmatically hope that any ticket challenges raised by a Larry’s final/U2 farewell tour will be mitigated by my long-standing, never interrupted fanclub membership.

Oh shit
I will also pragmatically hope that any ticket challenges raised by a Larry’s final/U2 farewell tour will be mitigated by my long-standing, never interrupted fanclub membership.

I’ve been a fan club member since Elevation, and setting aside the fall 2001 shows where I failed to get tickets — and I called and talked to a human and complained and they were like “sorry, we (Propaganda) ran out” and now I feel really badly about that entitled bs — I’ve never had a single issue getting a good seat at a fair market price.

I assume I’m on Bono’s “nice” list.
I’ve been a fan club member since Elevation, and setting aside the fall 2001 shows where I failed to get tickets — and I called and talked to a human and complained and they were like “sorry, we (Propaganda) ran out” and now I feel really badly about that entitled bs — I’ve never had a single issue getting a good seat at a fair market price.

I assume I’m on Bono’s “nice” list.

Same. This dummy been lucky. But the demand associated with a final tour will be nutso, not even considering the major fuckup that launched the Vegas show onsales. Not that I expect the next tour to be the final, necessarily.
Aw much as I got hosed originally by the Ultra and Violet fuck ups, they fixed it - and it all worked out in the end thanks to a lucky number 7

Oh yeah. And they added enough shows to satisfy demand. People are still looking for tickets, of course, but not 20k people for the same night. And no one wants to pay full premium price for those overhang 100s.

We’ll see what the production releases look like for the sold out shows when they hit.
Oh yeah. And they added enough shows to satisfy demand. People are still looking for tickets, of course, but not 20k people for the same night. And no one wants to pay full premium price for those overhang 100s.

We’ll see what the production releases look like for the sold out shows when they hit.
I think, for the most part, the only hardcore fans who are still actively looking for tickets are those who were hesitant at first, and/or have very specific needs (i.e. a single date, or are only interested in a specific section).

They definitely hit demand almost perfectly. Any more dates and they'd have issues moving seats, any less and we'd have more of an issue with people being shut out.
I know we call them lazy, which is funny, like calling Bono fat is funny, but when they want to they actually work very hard when they want to.

I remember that being one of the main insights from the UTEOTW book when he describes them going off stage in Sydney to watch down and edit second by second the Zoo TV schedule — the dirty secret is that those on top almost always work harder.

(I was trying to get tickets in the fall of ‘01 in NYC, which still devastates me as I feel I missed a real cultural moment and a way to at least alleviate some of that post-9/11 dread I can still remember)
I have a hard time understanding how winding down and maybe considering retirement after a 40+ year career makes Larry a "grump." Seems reasonable to me he'd want to sit back and enjoy his wealth rather than play One and Vertigo for the 8 billionth time.
Think there’s a gif somewhere of MTV interview of Larry (and Adam) where the host asks Larry of Songs of Ascent or some follow up album of NLOTH, and you could see Larry’s mind go what the fuck Bono
he hasn't been seen with the band other than the Kennedy Center - had years to get this surgery and waited until the time that he needed to get on stage - HAS been seen out without the band, so it's not like he's in traction somewhere unable to go out (and, ya know, could certainly be helping Bram prepare - even just from a mentor position) - and called U2 a benevolent dictatorship in the same article where he came off as kind of stand offish about the band's plans for Vegas... a few quotes from various band members, for the first time, about what might happen if a band member were to ever leave?

certainly all can be written off as "larry being typical grumpy larry." and you wouldn't necessarily be wrong. and it's certainly possible that that's the case - that larry just had surgery that he didn't think was an issue but ended up happening at a bad time - that he's got the sads about it and that's why he doesn't want to be around the band and help Bram prep (or maybe he IS helping Bram out but is just being really quiet about it and not going out in public with the rest of the group because he's a grump).

but you can't say there isn't a lot of smoke. there's certainly quite a few "slivers"

it's not crazy to ask the question, and/or wonder, if there's something more going on here.

also - that's not how good PR works. good PR will tell adam that the question is inevitable, and to be prepared with an answer. if he says no comment, or if someone demands the interviewer not ask the question as part of a fairly low key interview? yea - that'll get out and make it look worse.

Flood used the term “benevolent dictatorship” in From The Sky Down in 2011.
Adam's answer is one of those where it doesn't really say anything we didn't know. It's kind of weird (if you don't know U2) that it's like a company press release rather than someone talking about their lifelong friend and band-mate - I know Larry wasn't the subject of the interview - but it doesn't even say that Larry's excited about getting back with the band does it? Just that he wants to get back to drumming?

I get that they're famously private, but if you don't say much, the void gets filled with speculation and the way the whole thing has been handled since the Kennedy thing has been amateur hour and bizarre. But then that's kind of been their default mode for a very long time now.
Would be great to get a quick video clip on their socials from Larry saying hi to the fans and he will be back soon, miss us, cant wait to return etc. He would never though.
Playing catch up

(Edit: nevermind lol)

Someone in here recently said they think there’s one more tour and that’s it for L …recent info was one more tour and that’s it period. But pretty sure that’s already out there in the gossip-sphere
As sad as I’ll be when it ends, I will be sadder if they don’t use the end to open the vaults and share the millions of things they’ve done and not released
Playing catch up

(Edit: nevermind lol)

Someone in here recently said they think there’s one more tour and that’s it for L …recent info was one more tour and that’s it period. But pretty sure that’s already out there in the gossip-sphere

I have a tough time seeing B&E hanging it up anytime soon.

Bono was *loving it* on stage at the Beacon. He seemed so happy and in his element.
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