Neon Hearts

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War Child
Aug 25, 2000
There are always singular moments in albums that lift my spirit, maybe a single note, a phrase,a pause etc. and even though this was a live vocal at TOTP, the way Bono sings 'Neon hearts' early on in COBL has given me one of those moments. This bodes well. Very well.
OH YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL TONIGHT reminds me of sitting, late at night, watching U2 play live, all the lights on. People are crying and everyone is yelling along with Bono. It's perfect. They've done it again.
I think the part for me in COBL is "I'm getting ready to leave the ground", but I love all the aforementioned parts as well.

I actually, really dig COBL quite a bit. I like it 100x better than Beautiful Day, and I really liked Beautiful Day.

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