Name that pup...any suggestions?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mikal, feel free to contact me at if you want advice/second opinion/just to talk about your dog. I deal with this issue almost every day unfortunately :( And actually, I would extend that invitation to anyone facing this decision or who has experienced the death of a pet :hug:

Cass - he is so cute! He almost looks like a rottweiler/shepherd cross to me :) This site has several cool ways to help you pick a name for your dog:
Like everyone mikal, I really feel sad for you and your family. You've owned him through a very significant part of your life. Cherish the happy memories. Like I have said here before, with reagrd to Miss Potter and Gusto and all the other beloved animals here that others have had to do that for, it is the ultimate act of kindness by a responsible owner.
When/if you feel like it, I'd love to hear about your dog or see a picture...when you feel like it.
Our pup is still un-named. I'm leaning towards Jack. A dear friend rang me yesterday and she straight away said I should call him Bono...:hmm: :confused:
Thanks for the extra ideas everyone.
:yikes: BLS....I trust your experience, but I kinda hope you are wrong. Gusto was a rotty/shepherd cross...all that grey undercoat they shed, "tumbleweeds". I hope this fella has a single coat.

again,mikal :hug:
thanks for the support everyone, especially bonosloveslave for offering to talk.

good news, my dog's condition actually improved a little today. things are still looking down, but not quite as down.


I dunno cass, this guy doesn't look that far off from Gustovox to me......;)
My 4 year old daughter likes your new dog and thinks his name should be......drum roll please..............

Blackie and Brownie....I think you could shorten it to B&B
hi Cass!

I'm so jealous of you! I've been dying for a dog for a long time, it's actually the only thing my fiance and I fight about. It's actually a very sensitive subject at the moment.

I like people names for dogs - my cousin has a dog that looks a lot like yours and his name is Wyatt. It suits him so perfectly.

He looks like a trouble maker... :D Fred?
That dog is awesome, cass! He sorta looks like Triumph (the insult comic-dog on Conan)!

Anyhoooooo, have you picked a name, yet?? He looks like a McDOOGLE...or possibly a MR. DINK (from the "Doug" cartoon show...Doug's next-door neighbor that always shouts "HI DOUGLAS!"....


....). Yeah, so your pet rocks! I give him two thumbs up...

:up: :up:

no one appreciates the special genius of your a dog

Thank you everyone for your ideas. There are some great names you offered. It was so hard to make THE decision. He was called Happy for a couple of days but that didn't seem right.
He's wonderful, so full of energy and a quick learner and very very funny. I think I have a friend for life:heart: he and the chihuahuha have sorted things out. Tambo still snarls at him quite a bit, but it is just the last vestige of him trying to convince himself he's the top dog:laugh: I :heart: chihuahuas. I'd highly recommend them to anyone who wants an easy to care for dog that will love you intensely and make you laugh.
So, it was getting on to two weeks and "pup" didn't have a name. I bought the "Dog's Life" magazine, because it had a feature article about dobermans. I never really managed to capture a good photo of the new dog. i only had a loan of a camera for one evening. I'll try again in the future , when possible. But to me, he does look like he is part doberman. of the men who contributed to the development of what we know of today as a dobermen was............


I hope you like our was difficult. It has a kind of U2ey connection:) We have a wonderful photographer here in our midst of that name.I like the way it is spelt the same backwards and forwards.
So I feel very lucky to have mother in her own inimitable way said..."you need another dog like you need a hole in the head":eyebrow: I told her he makes me feel safe and that I get lonely out here . He's just what the doctor ordered. He wandered in at the right time.

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excuse me...I'm all typos this morning...woops

aww, beth, I just noticed you posted the collage of Gus
:sad: :heart: :)
It feels a little bit like Gus has returned, they are alike. Gus had a funny habit when you gave him a bone. He would take it in his mouth and walk with a very stiff-legged gait and look back over his shoulder with that droopy face of his, to make sure you weren't watching him. Important "secret dog's business":laugh:
Otto is now going around and retrieving all the long-buried bones.
He has a new collar ...that fits him. It's red too.
My youngest son asked "do you think he will drool like Gus did?" I hope not, I think that is a rottweiler trait.
I bought some chewy toys for Otto, but I think his favourite thing is a sheepskin steering wheel cover he found for himself in the carport.
He's a bundle of energy...we love him.
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Otto is an UBER name (I kid you not! It's true...5 stars!!)! Kind of spiffy you did some research for the title of your new PUPPY ( :hyper: ) God Bless and have a good time with the PUPPY ( :hyper: )
aww thanks guys, I'm glad you like it. It seems to suit him.
I tend to give my animals nick-names as well. He gets called "the hund".
He is going to visit the vet on Wednesday to begin his immunisation program. I hope he gets a clean bill of health. There is an element of risk in taking in a stray. He is very frightened of the garden hose, so I guess someone sprayed him to make him go away.
He earned his keep yesterday. Because of all the weekend heavy rain ( heaven sent, it bucketed down at night and we had beautifully clear autumnal days:heart:. I took the dogs walking in the moonlight last night...heavenly) Anyway, hub was digging out the drains along our driveway and he said Otto really helped..the diggingest dog. Once given some direction, he dug quite a long trench , just in the right place:laugh:
Thanks again dog & musiclovers

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