My pic page is back up!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Addict
Jul 28, 2001
I finally got to pay up my fotki page, so it's back up and now the pics can be posted again! Please feel free to rightclicksave anything you like, and YES it is okay to post pics from this page! I don't care if you 'hotlink' or use my bandwidth because with fotki once it's paid up for the year, it doesn't cost another cent or matter how many pics get posted. I understand this is not the case for most people and I do understand others do have to worry about hotlinking, but in my case it's okay so don't worry about it and post and hotlink all you want. I don't have much new stuff from the latest tour because it's been down so long, but I will be adding some in time. I do have a goldmine of Bono pics and band pics from all other eras, and a small collection of other band members and other friends, including Ali. I hope you find something you like! :wave:
Thanks everyone :hug:

Kelly, there was a time when I had the hugest pic collection here, well, except maybe Olive, but you and Granny have so many I lost count! I have a lot of some of the older ones that came from now defunct websites that are rarer now. When I add more pics, I will be rightclick saving from your stash! :wave:
:| wow


I had no idea his hair was that long again......... I love the older sexier Bono. However, back in the day I never thought it was possible for someone to be more sexy and, well... he is....... unbelievable.

merci beaucoup!!
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