My *New* Appreciation for Larry

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MacPhisto's serving wench
Jun 6, 2001
Inside a bubble
Alright, so I went to the Hamilton concert knowing that Larry was absolutely gorgeous. I loved his sense of humour, and um *ahem* other things.

Right, but then, being close enough to actually SEE HIM PLAY gave me a new apprecaition for him. When they played 'Bullet,' I couldn't take my eyes off of him! He was so into the song; he just had this little look of determination on his face, gritting his teeth, concentrating so hard. It was so cute!

As I watched Larry throughout the show I noticed the same thing. Many people think of Bono as exuding the most passion, but watch the way Larry plays. I've never appreciated drumming before. He's incredibly talanted.

Oh yeah. And he's soooo much cuter in person!

*It's not why you're running
It's where you're going
It's not what you're dreaming
But what you're gonna do
It's not where you're born
It's where you belong
It's not how weak
But what will make you strong* you know why we love the man...

He's talented, smart, hot, emotional

Did I mention Hot?

Yes seeing Larry up close is probably one of the kewlest things that has happened to me...he's so gorgeous and he has this soooooooooo makes me wanna melt kinda smile

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

"I am a sexy mofo, what can I say?" --What Larry really says to himself when he looks into the mirror every morning
Muahahaha...resistance to Larry is futile!

Member of Larry's Stick Keepers Association. "It's all about drums."

"What's with all the glitter? I thought you didn't like our mirrorball lemon and shit. Well it's too late to change your mind now." -- Bono, Indianapolis, May 10, 2001

When you stop taking chances, you'll stay where you sit, you won't live any longer, but it'll feel like it --- Summer Rain
Originally posted by The_Sweetest_Thing:
Right, but then, being close enough to actually SEE HIM PLAY gave me a new apprecaition for him. When they played 'Bullet,' I couldn't take my eyes off of him! He was so into the song; he just had this little look of determination on his face, gritting his teeth, concentrating so hard. It was so cute!

As I watched Larry throughout the show I noticed the same thing. Many people think of Bono as exuding the most passion, but watch the way Larry plays. I've never appreciated drumming before. He's incredibly talanted.

I agree. I was lucky enough to see him up close last night in Chicago and it was amazing to see him get so into what he was doing. *And* both nights he gave out his sticks at the end of the show. How sweet! What a guy

"I buy socks."
-Adam, when asked what he does with the money he would have spent on drink.

"The babes, the feast, and the toga conspire to give Adam the bearing of a Caesar (one of the late, inbred, lunatic Caesars, perhaps, but a Caesar nonetheless.)"
-Bill Flanagan, at an after-concert soiree with the band and Co.

"We're thinking of playing a show in Chicago every Monday night. What do you think? We could get a place here. Edge could open up a corner grocery. Ok, a hardware store. Larry could open a securities business. Adam could be Larry's body guard."
-Bono, Chicago: 10-16-01
Lawrence was on FIRE in Montreal. It was spectacular to see.

got a bad desire...oohhhoh i'm on fire

Love is a temple
Love the higher law

Go baby! -->* *<--Updated w/ new song!

[This message has been edited by oliveu2cm (edited 10-17-2001).]
YAY! What a good realization Sweetest! I "fell in love" with him not becuase he was gorgeous, but becuase he ROCKS at drums! Then I realized.....;-)


We love you Larry!
Wow, where do I begin with my appreciation for Larry?! (Eyes, arse, lips, nose, arse, drumming, etc.) Oh my...not tonight, it's been a long day...hehe

I can tell you one thing, after Monday night my already sky high appreciation rating skyrocketed even more!

He's such a sweetie!!

Proud Owner of Larry's Stick!!


*~The Official POP_Whore of Interference~*
I totally agree! When you watch him play the drums up close, you can see how talented he really is. It shows that he loves it too.

*Men should not be forced to wear pants if its not cold* ~Adam

*Larry's always been noticed cause he's the pretty one*

"Do you have a final message for the crowd today, something they can take home with if this wasn't enough?"
Larry: "Something they can take home with them?...I'm not taking off my clothes."--MuchMusic tv show, May 2001
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