My friend got "U2 Fan- Shamed" last night!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Feb 20, 2001
Weird situation. My friend recently went through a divorce, moved out of the family home into a small apartment near a college campus with another friend of mine. All 3 of us are 35 years old. My divorced friend is kind of going through an early midlife crisis, and my other friend pretty much finished college and just stayed there. I personally am married with children and live an hour away, but these 2 are some of my oldest, best friends, and I'm trying to be a good friend to my divorced buddy, so I came out for a visit.

Anyway, we end up going to this bar that we are all CLEARLY too old to go to, but they are regulars at and are kind of the resident old guys. My divorced friend runs into a 22 year old girl that he hooked up with a couple weeks ago (like I said, midlife crisis), and she must've moved on, because she was there with a more age appropriate guy. She was making fun of my friend (who she willingly had sex with), and told the guy "OMG... his favorite band is U2!!" They both bust out laughing, and go on to describe how lame U2 are, Bono's a dick, etc. I interject and tell him that what's truly lame is to make fun of other people's taste in music, etc, but they're young, stupid and that stuff is truly important to them.

It was a weird night, made me appreciate even more what I have at home, and that I am comfortable being 35 and doing things that 35 year olds do. Not saying everybody has to grow up and be boring, but at a certain point it just isn't natural anymore. I guess my point was just to tell you all a funny story about what 2 college aged people think of U2.
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Was she hot?

Somewhat. My buddy has dove headfirst into the tinder/dating scene, which just sounds confusing to me. But the last time I was single was during the Vertigo Tour before I started dating my wife, so I'm sure a lot has changed in the dating world haha. But she was drunk and immature to the point where I couldn't stand to be around her. I still feel 22 until I'm actually around 22 year olds and then it's like "Nope... definitely not 22..."
I'll bet that college girl would change her tune if she actually met Bono.

You all disappoint me, I mean I read through countless threads that turn into bad U2 pun on top of bad U2 pun and no one has even started that here?????

Perhaps her vibrator was "Even Better than the Real thing", so she ditched him.

Was she an "Acrobat" in bed?

Jokes on her, now she has "chlamydia"....for those of you that don't know, "chlamydia" was the b-side to Boots but only in Sweden and on Cassette format.

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i saw the title of this thread and say "hey, this looks like a thread i need to be involved in"

then i read the first few posts, and i went "yup, this one's a winner"

and then the fucking puns started...
"hey baby, check out the miracle - i got a boner! jump on it before it's gone - it's not going to last until the end of the world."
"I put the 'wood' in 'cedarwood,' and I'd love to put in u 2..."

alright I'll stop, sorry

but yeah, I second the feeling 22 until I'm around 22 year olds. I don't feel the way I did then - thank God - but I don't feel old either. Whatever that feels like. I guess I just feel good!
Weird situation. My friend recently went through a divorce, moved out of the family home into a small apartment near a college campus with another friend of mine. All 3 of us are 35 years old. My divorced friend is kind of going through an early midlife crisis, and my other friend pretty much finished college and just stayed there. I personally am married with children and live an hour away, but these 2 are some of my oldest, best friends, and I'm trying to be a good friend to my divorced buddy, so I came out for a visit.

Anyway, we end up going to this bar that we are all CLEARLY too old to go to, but they are regulars at and are kind of the resident old guys. My divorced friend runs into a 22 year old girl that he hooked up with a couple weeks ago (like I said, midlife crisis), and she must've moved on, because she was there with a more age appropriate guy. She was making fun of my friend (who she willingly had sex with), and told the guy "OMG... his favorite band is U2!!" They both bust out laughing, and go on to describe how lame U2 are, Bono's a dick, etc. I interject and tell him that what's truly lame is to make fun of other people's taste in music, etc, but they're young, stupid and that stuff is truly important to them.

It was a weird night, made me appreciate even more what I have at home, and that I am comfortable being 35 and doing things that 35 year olds do. Not saying everybody has to grow up and be boring, but at a certain point it just isn't natural anymore. I guess my point was just to tell you all a funny story about what 2 college aged people think of U2.

that is a funny story.

right before we went into the Seattle 360 show, we were at a bar, and an early-20-something bartender (fat, lots of tats, basically nasty) was going off on us when she learned we were going to see U2. It was amusing how she had to remind us how OLD they were and so naturally uncool.

Of course, most chicks in Seattle - either natives or transplants - have developmental issues. So we just laughed at her.
You all disappoint me, I mean I read through countless threads that turn into bad U2 pun on top of bad U2 pun and no one has even started that here?????

Thanks for ruining a thread with lots of potential.
an early-20-something bartender (fat, lots of tats, basically nasty)

Nice to know that having some tattoos whilst not being slim makes somebody "basically nasty".

You must be lovely company. Let's see...

Of course, most chicks in Seattle - either natives or transplants - have developmental issues. So we just laughed at her.

Yep, definitely lovely company. All the class and decency in the world right here, folks.

Please think twice before your next silly misogynistic post.
that is a funny story.

right before we went into the Seattle 360 show, we were at a bar, and an early-20-something bartender (fat, lots of tats, basically nasty) was going off on us when she learned we were going to see U2. It was amusing how she had to remind us how OLD they were and so naturally uncool.

Of course, most chicks in Seattle - either natives or transplants - have developmental issues. So we just laughed at her.

Wow, just wow...
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