MLB Thread menage a trois: The Stretch Run

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Fuck the Dodgers, and fuck the Padres. They've now entered the pantheon of teams I hate, right alongside US Hockey, the New York Yankees and the New England Patriots. :grumpy:
Well, I realize they put themselves into this situation today - a mediocre at best first half of the season does not usually make a playoff contender.

But man, was I ever rooting hard for the D-backs and Giants tonight, especially after last year, too. :sigh:

Maybe next year. :slant:
Sorry Dave...but Go Blue!!! :yes: And Headache it looks like we'll see your Mets in the playoffs. 2 months ago I'd have said it was no contest, but now I only think the Mets have a slight edge. Oh sure they have much more power, but other than that I think the Dodgers have closed the gap some. We'll see come Tuesday.
Chizip said:
didnt everybody pretty much predict this happening with pedro when he signed the 4 year contract?

how much of that 56 million is still owed to him?

if he misses a significant portion of time due to injury, which he will, that portion of his contract will be paid for by the mets insurance company.

even if he never pitches again, pedro was worth every penny the mets paid him. he was the first step in bringing life back into a dormant franchise.

and of course that money that insurance will be picking up, along with the money from cliff floyd's contract can now be thrown at jason schmidt and barry zito :happy:
Reggie Thee Dog said:
Sorry Dave...but Go Blue!!! :yes: And Headache it looks like we'll see your Mets in the playoffs. 2 months ago I'd have said it was no contest, but now I only think the Mets have a slight edge. Oh sure they have much more power, but other than that I think the Dodgers have closed the gap some. We'll see come Tuesday.

three right handed pitchers against the mets lineup.

never a doubt


san diego scares me though
zoney! said:

thank you Kansas City
Those Tigers look strong, finishing on a 5 game losing streak including being swept at home by the 100 loss KC Royals(with cheese). And now they go to Yankee Stadium, buh bye Tiggers.

And the league disparity concludes this way, 4 non playoff AL teams (Tor, Bos, Chisox, LAA) finish with a better record than an NL division winner (St L).

So the question is can the NL win a World Series game for the firts time since 2003?

That hand-scrawled message hung above Lastings Milledge's locker after Friday's 4-3 victory over the Nationals. At the bottom of the two sheets of paper was written, "Your Teammates."

At a time when the Mets should be focusing on the playoffs, it was a disturbing sign.

Milledge, as usual, ate dinner alone seated at his locker, facing inward, as the rest of the Mets crowded the clubhouse cafeteria. Someone had hidden Milledge's street clothes, and one player thought they had been replaced by a dress.

The reason? According to one person familiar with the situation, Milledge - whose reputation is deteriorating quickly - mouthed off to a veteran teammate in Atlanta. Friday's rebuke followed. Apparently, his teammates are becoming more and more annoyed by Milledge's attitude.

"How much does it take to finally wake up?" the person said. "How long before you realize the way you're acting is the opposite of how you should be acting? Fine. Stay asleep, then."

Milledge shrugged when reporters asked him about the sign. When the questions continued, Orlando Hernandez waved them away in an effort to protect the rookie outfielder.

Manager Willie Randolph later came out to talk to Milledge, and the rookie eventually got his clothes back. As for his attitude, that remains an unresolved issue.
^they couldn't trade him for a cold at this point... but alas, who cares. there's more important issues at hand (although i did get a chuckle that they took his clothes)

i believe we should close this up and start the post-season thread... all in favor say I


then it is done.
Headache in a Suitcase said:
i see the cardinals bypass the champagne and go straight to the budweiser

It is St. Louis! HOME of the Bud! :up:

I would like to go back and smack all of those sportscasters who said that the Tigers were a automatic for the World Series about a month ago.
Milledge's high fiving fans after a game tying HR (in a game The Mutts then lost) should have been a telling sign.

And to think you could have had Manny Ramirez for him and Heilman if Omar didn't insist on the Sox paying $38 of Manny's remaining $60 mil last offseason.
I left town this weekend to avoid watching the Phillies blow their playoff hopes, and I actually feel better not having been here. Tailgating for five hours at Penn State can do that.
But the owner saved 17 million for next year on Abreu, and plans to raise ticket prices.
But isn't going after any high profile free agents, thinks the team is fine.
Hewson said:
But the owner saved 17 million for next year on Abreu, and plans to raise ticket prices.
But isn't going after any high profile free agents, thinks the team is fine.

God I hope they don't raise ticket prices. I love my $12 upper deck in right field seats.

We need bullpen help. Our bullpen was THE worst in the Majors, bar none.

Rick White, Geoff Geary, Fabio Castro, Arthur Rhodes, Tom Gordon, Ryan Madson, and Aaron Fultz all absolutely sucked for the last 2 months. Not a single pitcher could be relied on.

And fire Manuel, the worst in game manager in the league.
Congratulations on the Twins winning the division Zoney.

On a heart level, I am gutted. On a logistics level, this scenario actually works out best for me. I am taking my mother to the game - she's a huge fan, but she has been very, very ill this year (for a long time the doctors feared it was lung cancer) and with the medication on she is very tired most of the time. So a Tuesday night game would have been very tough for her to go to and enjoy. The Friday game should be perfect for her.

Now onto the series. If I were a betting man, I would guess the Yankees win it in 4. I think that the Tigers will win the first game at Comerica with Rogers on the mound, but I don't see them winning any of the other games. The Tigers do not match up well at all against Wang because of that sinker. As a team we are still too reliant on the home run and don't string hits together. Robertson usually pitches well against the Yankees, but they are really working the count right now. If Robertson only goes 6, we are in a lot of trouble because our middle relief just isn't consistent enough.

I think we will score some runs against Moose in game two, but I think Verlander is at the end of his rope this year. I'm guessing that the Yankees win 7-4, 7-5.

I like our chances in game three with Rogers on the mound.

I hate our chances in game 4 with Bondo out there. He will allow 7 runs in the 5th after striking out 39 through the first 5 innings...
you better read the paper, Rogers isn't pitching game one Robertson is, Verlander in 2 Rogers 3, Bonderman 4(which won't be needed). Yankees will sweep tigers, Which is fine for me because I'll get all my $$$ back for my tickets, & beat the fucking twinkies in 5. Hate to say it but they're going to the WS
Imarocker said:
you better read the paper, Rogers isn't pitching game one Robertson is, Verlander in 2 Rogers 3, Bonderman 4(which won't be needed)

I think he has it quite right... note the words "at Comerica"..

Dalton said:
I think that the Tigers will win the first game at Comerica with Rogers on the mound, but I don't see them winning any of the other games. ...

I like our chances in game three with Rogers on the mound.

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