MLB 2010 - The Second - B. Wood struck out swinging

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There's no way he gets in.

400 HR is not regarded the same as it was a generation ago.

His career BA is .256, including the last 4 seasons being .222, .158, .214 and .210. He hit over .300 for a season only once.

A couple of monster seasons during the height of the steroids era does not a hall of fame career make.
There's literally nothing else on TV, which is most of the percent of the reason I'm watching. The commentary is atrocious. But I wanted to see the Swish knock a few out. And was curious how Hanley and Cabrera would do. Hanley looks to be killing it so far. No surprise.
It's bad enough that the Derby is reaching WNBA levels of boredom inducement, but Berman's shtick just makes it insulting. The Legends/Celebs softball game is more fun to watch at this point.
"Hanley Ramirez doesn't swing like a shortstop, he swings like Alex Rodriguez." - Joe Morgan

"Unbelievable, but predictable." - Bobby Valentine
Ortiz's shipment of magic rice and beans got here just in time.
damnit. just turned on Dan Patrick and it was the first thing i heard.

Mr Steinbrenner, all i can say is: Thank You
The Boss is a dude from New Jersey with a Telecaster who sings about the workingman and travels with a giant black saxophonist.

The man who died today is THE BIG STEIN!
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