MLB 2010 - The Second - B. Wood struck out swinging

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The Phillies scored eight runs in the 9th and 10th last night. They have no baserunners through eight.

He could lose a perfect game and the game in the same inning the way Halladay's going.

props to cliff lee for throwing a complete game in his rangers debut
The numbers don't indicate it, but Lee had a good game. A couple of those homers barely snuck out, one travelling only 339 feet. His efficiency in getting through innings is going to be a big help, but as proven in Seattle, if he's not going to get any support on the offensive end, it's a bit of a moot point. No hit through six? Come on.

Now if they don't win tomorrow and complete getting four-game-swept at the hands of the Oreos, we can officially call it a pre-All Star tailspin. But hey, at least the Angels are dropping games too.
Actually, I'm pretty sure overall he was getting decent run support. The guys getting screwed for run support have been (without looking it up) Felix and Doug "I'm Gonna" Fister "In The Ass".
Me and my wife giggle whenever we hear his name. Because it's Doug (dug?) Fister. Brings up a cornucopia of wonderful imagery.
Sad say for Yankee fans. :(

Pimperor, didn't get a chance to congratulate you on the Rangers obtaining Lee. So glad it was you guys. Now, whether you win the West or not, at least you went for it....and you got Lee before 7/31, which is when deals like this usually go down, so you got a few extra starts out of the cat. Good stuff.
Sorry to hear that about the Yankees announcer.

Andruw just hit career homer number 400. Pretty cool moment. We're puttin it on the Royals HARD.
Ah, Geoff Baker. The guy who very recently said that in retrospect, the Erik Bedard deal was a good one, despite the fact that it's generally regarded as one of our worst trades ever (along with Varitek and Lowe for Slocumb; Bill Swift, Dave Burba, and Mike Jackson for Kevin Mitchell). He's a moron.

Moron or not, I thought it was an interesting read and he made a few good points.
Wow, it looks like Kenny wanted Cliff Lee. Asked the Mariners. Mariners said "We want Beckham." Kenny said "HAHAHAHA, get the fuck outta here." Hung up the phone.

I saw your original post and had a good joke lined up for it. Anyway.

8 in a row, 25 out of 30, the Q with six homers in his last four games, and all alone in first place. What a beautiful ride into the break.

Wait, wait, let me...let me repeat that. 25 and 5 over our last 30 games. I'm no statistician or historian, but that kind of run can't have been duplicated too many times in recent history. I know the A's had that 20 game win streak, and the Rockies went on that insane stretch to end the year a couple years back. Those are both more impressive, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of similar runs. But still. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
I left it up there for like 10 minutes and no reply. I had to change it/attempt to insult you, surely you understand that.

And, yeah, your Sox are on a giant roll and perhaps don't even need Lee. I don't know. I mean, I was clear that I didn't want the Yanks giving cats up for a 3 month rental so I can see how a Sox fan might feel likewise right about now.

Yanks up 8-1 in the 7th, CC with one tough inning, cruising otherwise.....nice way to head into the break.

I think the 1984 Tigers won 35 of their first 40 games and sauntered their way into the post-season. I'd ask the Chief but he's on the fire water or something.
I saw your original post and had a good joke lined up for it. Anyway.

8 in a row, 25 out of 30, the Q with six homers in his last four games, and all alone in first place. What a beautiful ride into the break.

Wait, wait, let me...let me repeat that. 25 and 5 over our last 30 games. I'm no statistician or historian, but that kind of run can't have been duplicated too many times in recent history. I know the A's had that 20 game win streak, and the Rockies went on that insane stretch to end the year a couple years back. Those are both more impressive, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of similar runs. But still. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Kudos to the Sox. It has been a nice run.

With Mauer and Morneau banged up, we'll see what happens come Thursday.
Andruw just hit career homer number 400. Pretty cool moment. We're puttin it on the Royals HARD.

I can't recall a more meaningless sports milestone that should mean more.

When I was a kid (like I'm some ancient prospector...), they had a baseball card set with all of the 300 home run club. Me, my brother, all of my friends, we knew every one of those motherfuckers. Even Lee May. Who? Yeah, that's what I mean.

Now...Andruw Jones was a fucking stud with the Braves...and the fact that he's hit 400 doesn't surprise me at all and I think it's likely most of those were clean (if not all, I couldn't say).

I think the fact that I don't really care is what pains me.
-signed, Drunkenly stating the obvious.

I still think it's the dark cauldron of my cynical gut.
What do we think about Andruw's chances of making the HOF?

Bobby Cox called him the best centerfielder he's ever seen. Not many people have seen more baseball, or are more respected, than Bobby Cox. That's gotta count for a lot.

And he'll end his career with a very impressive placement on the all-time home run list.

I don't actually really give a shit. Just bored and throwing it out there.
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