MLB 2009 Part 2

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I'll guess we'll have to see if he does better in the playoffs this time.

We will, but if he pitches like this for them every regular season then he's worth it either way, as I see things.

Then again, you're talking to someone who thinks getting to the MLB playoffs is a huge accomplishment and does not think that the WS trophy belongs to the Yankees by divine right.
Divine right? Is that like manifest destiny?

Dalton is going to be pissed, my friend.

Scotty Pods (who is a terrible defensive outfielder) made probably the best catch I've ever seen him make a couple innings ago. I'm still hanging in there with the team, as masochistic as it may be.

Scotty Pods (who is a terrible defensive outfielder) made probably the best catch I've ever seen him make a couple innings ago. I'm still hanging in there with the team, as masochistic as it may be.

I was talking with the Sock fans at work, and we're all agreed that it's still too early to just stop watching. Not quite yet.
Six games back really isn't anything terrible, especially with six remaining against the Tigers. The Thome thing probably has everyone quite despondent, though.
How many bombs do you have tonight, Josh?


Wrong. You have two.
Cole Hamels has returned from his World Series celebration, albeit five months late. Welcome back, Cole.
Ozzie certainly isn't going to miss the House That Favre Built Shat On.

Speaking of Ozzie, this is still one of my favorite Onion articles ever:

Furious Ozzie Guillen's Lineup Card Full Of Expletives

CHICAGO—Still fuming after his team blew a late-inning lead in a loss to the Rays Sunday, White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen filled out Tuesday night's lineup card with a series of expletives, insults, and personal attacks on his players. The lineup card, posted in the dugout at approximately 6 p.m., referred to the team as the "Chicago Shit Sox," and read in part, "1. Orlando Fucking Cabrera, 2. Goddamn Motherfucking Neckless Bastard A.J. Shitbag Pierzynski DUMB!!! FUCK!!!, 3. Jermaine Fucking Gonna Dye Fucking Shit 0-For-5 Shitfuck Fuck Fucking Fucknuts Asshole Just Try Me Motherfucker." Guillen also announced that Nick Shitlicker [Swisher] would be starting in centerfield and Jim Thome would be the "designated fuckface." Upon noticing that "Cocksucking Assbag Motherfucking Shitfucking Numbnuts Fuckhole" was penciled into the No. 4 spot, Paul Konerko expressed delight that he was batting cleanup.
That was a big win for the Sock. Now if the Injuns take care of business, things can get interesting.

Kazmir makes his LAAAAAAAA debut tonight against King Felix. Here's to hoping he gets shelled.
Raising the white flag my ass.

Adios dump dome. Blow it up.

Joe Nathan :down:

I went to the game on Tuesday night. It will be my last MLB game at the dome. Good game!

Well, I have questions about it, actually. He's awesome, but I'm not sure that he's this season's MVP. Let's see how things finish first.

I agree with you here. I am not sure if he deserves ALL of the credit. Morneau is in quite a slump, but Cuddyer and Kubel have stepped up in the last 13 games to do their part. And the Twins would have to make the playoffs, and I am not sure if they will be able to get by the Tigers.
That was a big win for the Sock. Now if the Injuns take care of business, things can get interesting.

Kazmir makes his LAAAAAAAA debut tonight against King Felix. Here's to hoping he gets shelled.

Didn't light up Kaz, but King Felix strengthened his petition for Cy Young candadacy.

I mean, come on. How often does Seattle light anyone up? Right handed hitters don't do well in the Safe, and our biggest hitter's probably done for the season.
I think you mean Anaheim debut, because there is only one team in LA county and that's the Dodgers.

Were the multiple capital letter A's too subtle? That was one of the more obvious jokes I've made in a while, apart from the majority of my Lance's Mom fare.

Didn't light up Kaz, but King Felix strengthened his petition for Cy Young candadacy.

I mean, come on. How often does Seattle light anyone up? Right handed hitters don't do well in the Safe.

A loss is a loss, so I'm pleased. Kazmir getting his tits ripped was obviously a pipe dream, but I want the Angels to go out and lose by ten runs every day. So I can dream big.
Were the multiple capital letter A's too subtle? That was one of the more obvious jokes I've made in a while, apart from the majority of my Lance's Mom fare.

Someone just got Imp'ed!

And speaking of Our Lady of Ill Repute:

"designated fuckface" is funny.

Sounds like something the madam says to Lance's Mom right before the brothel opens.
A loss is a loss, so I'm pleased. Kazmir getting his tits ripped was obviously a pipe dream, but I want the Angels to go out and lose by ten runs every day. So I can dream big.

I'm glad to know Seattle is helping Texas out, one way or another, by winning the season series against the Angels. Now if only we could help Texas into the Wild Card slot somehow so that the "junior circuit" is represented by two teams in the playoffs....
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