MERGED ----> Lyrics link broken? + what happened to the lyrics page?

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Blue Crack Addict
Jul 4, 2002
In the wrong band
Lyrics link broken?

Hello, Hello!

i've just tried a few times to get onto the lyrics page, and well it just takes you back to the home page...just thought i'd let Mods/Elvis know ;)
The site isn't making money off printing the lyrics is it? I'd think that as long as the authors are given credit there wouldn't be a problem with posting them for curious fans of the band.

In fact, when I first became a U2 fan and came to this website, reading the lyrics from albums like The Unforgettable Fire, and October made me curious to hear the albums, therefore I bought them. Had I not been moved by the words I may have never bought them. Did they ever think of the free advertising the band is getting by posting their work?

I agree. Complete and utter bullshit.
what happened to the lyrics page?

i've noticed for a few days now, that the lyrics link at the top of the forum page doesnt work. will it be coming back soon?

Hard to say. Interference has run into some copyright issues with both the lyrics and the tabs.

I know Joel is trying to get it sorted out, but for right now, we can't offer them, I guess.

Just a suggestion...... instead of the lyrics link taking you back to the main page, why not go to a page explaining why the lyrics have been (hopefully) temporarily taken down. I think that would cut down on the confusion.
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