Geez, no wonder my sister couldn't get through last night. 137 times? 120 times?
Anywho, so, that's that. Ruben's our new American idol.
I'm very happy for him. Yay, Ruben!

I felt so bad for Clay, though...he always tried his hardest during his performances, and he's such a nice guy (I was really, really impressed with how he took his losing to Ruben. The way he handled himself tonight...that just increased my respect for him). And last night and tonight in, Clay just blew me away. He did a superb job on all his performances tonight and last night...some of the very best performances from him I've ever seen. Last night was one of very few times I disagreed with Simon-I don't know what he was on last night, Clay kicked butt, in my opinion.
But both of them will be just fine. I'm happy both of them made it as far as they did.
By the way, that little bit with Simon and Paula...geez, I cracked up during that. That was very...odd.
So, yeah, congrats to Ruben.
And to Clay, as well.
It's been fun.