MERGED --> Detroit Rock City Part II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, I'm not going to the show on the 24th...just the one of you...PLEASE call me and share the details so I can know what to expect!!!
How about a sign that says, and I probably suck at the verbage

"Why wait here in the rain - the real line starts across the street at The Post - keep warm, have fun and lets do this thing properly"


it likely wont work


:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

God better help us. Bono better visit us.

I'm a seventeen-year-old boy skipping school for all this fun on the 24th (my parents won't let me go GA on the 25th :sigh: )

and we're planning maps and plans and paths and...

it'l be an awesome show, right? Bono will pull me on stage and we'll start playing Acrobat AND Dirty Day AND Ultraviolet, right?

And I'll be able to sneak into The Post with you guys, right?

Only 4 days...
thanks for recapping everything that happened over the past 33 pages. You forget to mention that: Romi is male, unlike what his nickname on this board may suggest;)
Ah yes! :lol:

Also, as a reminder, tomorrow is the day we were told to check back for updates... sooooooooooo

Guest Relations
(248) 377-8278



Bonochick said:
Well, I'm not going to the show on the 24th...just the one of you...PLEASE call me and share the details so I can know what to expect!!!

Ditto. PM me, or post the 24th's details so we'll know what to expect on the 25th.

But let me get this straight: They're not even gonna set up portapotties for us? It's not like we're planning to go throw folding chairs and beer cups at a basketball team, right, people?
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

And for those only doing one day of GA. Bonochick has my cell number. We ont have computer access. So she can call me and then she can pass the info on to you guys...

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
miroslava, you'll have to give us (me, eep, etc) the low down too. i have seats with the family for the 1st night. i'm up for sticking it out in the median of the damn 6 lane, as long as it is ok with the palace. honestly, they should learn from the UC in chicago...if you're nice to the fans and let them camp out, nothing bad happens and everyone is happy.

as promised I've been keeping track of the weather for the exact location of planned and controlled gathering of fellow fans:

......Wilma could improve things tremendously according to the National Aviation Weather Service.....It's likely they will not broadcast the possibility of improvement in our weather because it isn'ta definate....but it is hope. From what I have witnessed on the last few days on this website, one thing U2 fans have is hope and.......

senses of humor
Thermal blood running throught thier veins
the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.........

Ok guys, just for the record, I probably will not touch a computer again until Sunday mid day and that may be for just a bit. After that, I am off til AFTER the Detroit shows, so expect no direct updates from me. If you have my phone number, and god knows I have passed out my cell phone like halloween candy these last couple days. You may call me and request an update, but please feel pass that info on to everyone else so I dont end up with 20 calls.

God I am ready to :combust:


The only thing I worry about is all the non-blue-crackers pitching a fit at some point along the way that, they have been there since Xpm, who says we get to be the line-starters when it's not on Palace property, boo-hoo etc. I can see the ugliest line-up wars yet of the tour :|

But I did see this on the Post web page:

Park at The Post and we will shuttle you across the street to the Palace. The Post will be the perfect meeting place for events at The Palace, The Silverdome, or the DTE Music Theater

The big question is what do they do when the bar closes down - do they call the cops to kick us off the property?

BTW - i somehow missed out on Miroslava's cell # if someone can PM me with it I would be most grateful :)
Anyone have a vote on whether we post at about the info here? Or just let them figure it out? I just want to avoid fights as much as possible...
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bonoloveslave i've already been in contact with the manager (not specifically about parking) but she is well aware that we are ganging the place Sunday night in the intention of us using it as a base for the 3 nights. I am to speak to her when I get to Detroit on Sunday on some other business as well so I will definately inquire as to the parking situation after hours. I think they can be persuaded that it would be in their best interests to accomodate us in some way (maybe in a less obvious spot or something) for the three nights :) After all, I believe the plan is to party there after, and I will likely grab my dinners really my car is on their property while Im a customer, both before and after...

make sense? that is the tack I will take with her...we'll discuss Sunday at dinner?

You guys really have thought of it all....I haven't even been near since I found the blue room.....

Hey, weather looks like it's improving...I'm keeping a bi-hourly check on it for now....have to head to granddaughters b-day party at noon, but will check again afterwards.

I won't be over yonder until around 7 PM Sunday night, but if there is anything I can do, I will send Bonoslovesalve my cell number. (or did I do that already?)

I know I'm old, but I'm not dead yet! Megs (daughter) is totally crazed about meeting all of you....she said I could tag along if I like:huh:
Quick little update - i drove by the Palace on the way to work this morning, there was no parking lot nazi because they were setting up for some big car sale in the lot so I got to drive around a bit.

The drive at the most southern entrance off of Lapeer Rd (Championship Dr) - the loading dock is right there, basically the SE corner of the building. There are barricades coming out from it in a V shape that will give a decent amt of people to stand up against (MUCH better than the Chicago setup).

If it is the West entrance they are making us line up at, it is more the SW corner of the building. Once they let us park in the lot our cars will be very close to grab stuff, put things away etc (at least I would think).

Also drove in the Post parking lot, a decent amt of parking but not really any good overflow nearby in case a ton of people show up during the business hours of the restaurant. Their driveway is right across from the more northern entrance to the Palace off of Lapeer Rd (Isiah Thomas Dr) - on the picture that you have The Post marked on, it is actually a little south of that oblong orange marker - it is just to the right of the little red arrow that is between Isiah Thomas Dr and Lapeer Rd on the pic.

Not sure that is helpful to anyone but those are my tidbits for the day!

Shoot - I meant to look to see if there were any porta-potties - I didn't specifically look but they are doing an addition to the building on the NW side so they may have a porta-potty for the construction workers, but I can't confirm that...
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Bonochick said:
I'm thinking I'm just gonna say screw it and show up at whatever time they say is allowed. If it stays at 2:00p, then I'm showing up at 2:00p. I'm stressed out enough just by the pure and simple fact of being surrounded by a ginormous amount of people, let alone everything else. :crack:

Best advice yet! :)
48 hours until I'm done with my first U2 show ever!

Now the biggest question of them all. Are we gonna buy lots of pizza for Bono? (Or have a sign that says Me + Stage = Pizza) :drool:
Forgot to add earlier - the McDonalds that is about 1 mile north of the Palace does have a 24 hour drive thru, but I believe they close the dining room/actual building after 11pm so not a bathroom option overnight. There is an Amoco next to the McDonalds but not sure if they are 24 hours. I am almost positive that the gas station across the street from the Palace is not open all night....
You guys are amazing, with the satellite images and all!

I do appreciate all your work to get details from the Palace--sorry it has been so frustrating to deal with the staff there. I've never been to the venue goodness it looks like a prison compound area! You'd think some minor economy would spring up around a big events venue, jeez. Detroit area is unfathomable to me sometimes...

The weather forecast looks much better than it did a couple days ago..cloudy with showers possible, and pretty chilly at like 50 degrees F, but it's better than the solid showers they were predicting before! Hope everyone has a great time! I have no idea what time i'm getting there, probably not til like 5 or so, so maybe I'll not even try to say hi to the folks like Miroslava going on red alert by then at the front of the line lol!
I haven't been keeping up with the procedures on regular versus fanclub lines...I take it nobody pays any attention to that these days?
cheers all! stay safe if not dry...
Looking forward to it also. Actually, the Palace is really beautiful and an excellent place to see a concert. It is well a well run facility. They used to have a small wooded parking lot next to the main parking lot and I used to park there for free for years. Would of solved everyones problems but this year the palace brought the land and redid the parking lot to include this parcel into paid parking. Too bad :(

Enjoy the concerts!
Just if anyone is wondering... It's real easy to walk across the street to the Palace from The Post. Then after the show you can take the bus back for free. I think they charge like $2.00 to take the bus but they never check after the show... ;)
I'd love to give the Post some business and my car to grace it's lot during the show, but that road just doesn't look easy to cross somehow?! where do you do it?!
now the forecast, by the way, looks wetter again...40% chance of showers for tomorrow so they say. cheerio!
I'm getting so excited!!
It's not the easiest but its not bad... There is a traffic light in front of the gas station next door to The Post. That's where I usually cross.
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