May 22, Wachovia Center in Philadelphia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Just an awesome show!! It was way better than the 1st Philly show. I thought the sound was much clearer than the 14th as I could hear Bono perfectly, word for word. From the start it seemed that the band was having fun and just giving it all they had. The crowd was very interactive and loud. The crowd seemed to impress the band alot as Bono kept saying "Wow!" to the band and taking his earpiece out to hear the crowd sing. Even Kings of Leon mentioned that this crowd was way better than the one on the 14th.
My buddy had seats behind the stage and read the setlist with binoculors before the show and WOWY was on it, so it really wasn't a surprise addition. Also, Bad was supposed to close the show, but I think they didn't have enough time for the song, or Bono didn't feel he could sing it. Or maybe since the crowd sang so loud, he wanted to hear them sing the "How long's.....".
I can't wait for this bootleg to come out, it should be awesome!
jbj said:


Can someone make me an avatar of this :drool:
I agree that last night's show was awesome, better than 5/14 in Philly. Great energy from Bono; he really communicated with the crowd. I was happy that the 2 people pulled up on stage were obviously big fans as I saw them both there waiting in the GA line super early in the morning. My ears are still ringing really badly, too. I hope it goes away soon, I don't think I want to have to get used to this. Anyway, I'm already looking forward to October's show.
I gotta warn you, this is an awfully long one...

This is a review by a complete concert n00b. I have never seen U2 before, and the only other concerts I have seen I had seats. I was a GA and U2 virgin. :)

My wife and I rolled into Wachovia at 5:30AM, and ended up 25th and 26th in line. They split the line into regular and fan club early (8:30) and we ended up being 6th and 7th in that line.

We ended up with a spot on the rail along Edge's side, about 10 people or so from the tip.

Kings of Leon took the stage a little after 7:30. My wife hated them. I was a bit iffy about them. I though they played well, but the music was louder than the singer, I couldn't understand a single word he said ("I paint my fingers, I paint my toes, I let my furry nipples show"?). The bass player was pretty good, and I think the drummer had a ONE bracelet on. Besides that, I didn't care for them. Most of their songs sounded alike, and they looked like some odd combination of country/The Doors/Marilyn Manson. It was funny, seeing how small the drumset was compaired to Larry's in the background. I cheered anyway, to be nice. They seemed happy with the audience, which made me feel good. By 8:20, they were off stage. I was about to wait the longest 50 minutes of my life.

Once the "Everyone" chant started, we saw Edge first, strapping in to his guitar on stage. Larry and Adam took their places, and finally, Bono emerged at the tip of the ellipse and the place caught on fire...

City of Blinding Lights: The perfect openning song for this tour. A love letter from the band to its fans. The blinding lights that used to accompany Streets now light up the floor with the beginning of this song. Confetti fills the air, falling over the lucky fans in the Bomb Shelter "Oh, you look so beautiful tonight!"

Vertigo: The riff is rocking, the floor hops up and down, singing along to the chorus. Bono falters on the last "feeeeel" before the middle eight (he doesn't even try it). That's OK, we love you! I've been told that they did part of Stories For Boys (I've heard bootlegs too), but at this point my ears are ringing and I just can't make it out. Bono goes around the ellipse. I've never been this close to someone this famous in my life.

Elevation: I was a bit iffy on this song through the first couple of bootlegs, but moving it up really helps keep the pace and the audience is into it. We break into the "ooo oooo oo"'s unprompted, and Bono looks impressed. "Only in Philly!" he says, near the end of the song. Larry singing was awesome! I'm glad he's singing. :)

Gloria: The crowd sings along, even though they don't know the words. The floor was into it, at least. Not sure about the seats.

The Ocean: They should have played The Electric Co., then Gloria, and skipped this. I'm sorry, but they just didn't connect with this song. It's digging a little too deep, I think.

Beautiful Day: Awesome song, with beautiful lighting. The lights around the ellipse were awesome. If memory serves, Bono got Adam to sing into his mic. First time I've heard Adam sing. Dan the Tattoed Man came up on stage. We met him in the GA line, and he seems pretty cool. Apparently this is his 5th time on stage (3 times during Elevation and twice this tour). There is a snippet of Ultraviolet (Light My Way!) which I barely hear. Bad ears!

Miracle Drug: I think of Sian and Terry Schiavo (I know, I know...) when I hear this song. In the intro, Bono talks about a pregnant woman they saw at the airport, but I didn't get to hear much about the details.

Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own: Such a sad and beautiful song. I doesn't feel right for me to sing along; this is a song to his father. I like the figure animated in the light beads. Bono looks so sad. His voice is spot on and crystal clear with "Do you hear me siiiiiinnnng...". He walks by us, and as he sings the "No Regrets" snippet, he changes one of the lines to "I want to die." :(

Love and Peace (or Else): The Boys rock the house. Peace signs wave all over the place. It was great to see Larry up at the tip on the drums (and singing, again!). Bono was really into this song, and goes wild on the drums at the end. One of my favorite songs on the album, just awesome.

Sunday Bloody Sunday: A good rendition, although I think Bono might have lost us somewhere talking about conexistance. It seems like he wanted us to respond (scream Coexist, maybe?), but quite frankly I couldn't hear a damn thing he was saying. We all did manage to scream "No More! No War!"

Bullet the Blue Sky: To be honest, I think I liked the John Lennon/gun version on the Elevation DVD better, but they did a bangup job. It was great to hear live. We also sang along with Edge's background vocals.

Running to Stand Still: Very sweet and sad. Edge was awesome on keyboards, Bono did well (as well as Bono does) on guitar. The harmoica was great. The audience did a great job with the "la la la la de dayeyay!"'s

Pride (In the Name of Love): A great performance of a song I don't love as much as I used to.

Where the Streets Have No Name: God enters the house. My favorite U2 song, and the one I was most excited to hear. While i love the red background with the blinding lights on the crowd, I think the flags were more appropriate for the context (being part of the Africa Set). Besides, we got the blinding lights earlier, so I'm good.

One: Bono talks a little about Live Aid and the One Campaign. He points out that Dikemebe Mutumbo is in the audience (Dikemebe helped launch the one campaign last year in Philly. He also used to play for the 76ers). The cellphones at the end of the song were just beautiful.

Break: Some people in the stands actually start getting up to leave. Oh, yeah of little faith!

Zoo Station: The Actung Baby ("Mama!") slot machine comes on the screen, and we are back in business. Edge appears as if out of no where from the smoke and light, and starts his strut down our end of the ellipse. The song is tight, and Edge is rocking the house. Just fantastic.

The Fly: One of my favorites. It was good, but I ended up getting mesmoried by the words on the monitors and didn't pay close attention to the music. Silly!

Mysterious Ways: The audience is a-swaying and away we go! Awesome song. According to one of the ladies behind me, the girl Bono picks from the Bonb Shelter was 16 and had gotten the tickets for her birthday. What a present. She's shy and dances a little, but wants a hug more than to dance. I can understand.

With Or Without You: Depending on who you talk to, this was a last minute addition to the set. Very good, with the possible exception of deafening feedback from Edge's guitar. Bono pops his earpieces out before the end.

Break 2: Again, people start to leave. *sigh*

They set Larry's keyboard and a mic up at the tip, but they come back down again a little later. Hmmm, are they going to skip Yahweh? If so, my wife would be really upset.

All Because of You: I didn't really like this song on the album, but it is incredible live. Everybody sings along,; the floor is hoppin!
As the song draws to a close, Larry's keyboard makes its appearance on the main stage. It's a bit of a disapointment they decided against going out to the tip, but they are going to play Yahweh, so what right do I have to complain?

Yahweh: God enters the house once again. I so love this song, especially live. I feel compelled to raise my arm high to the heaven, lift my face, and close my eyes as I sing praises to my Creator. I start to cry (as doew my wife), for I know the end is near.

"40": And so it ends. I half wanted to hear Bad, but my day would not be complete without a full version of "40". My hopes were confirmed as Adam and Edge strip guitars and change sides of the stage. This performace was the best I had heard (probably because I was there *grin*). Bono leaves, making the experience bittersweet. Every good thing must come to an end. Next Adam, and then Edge. We continue to sing as Larry drums, then stops. 1...2...3...4, and Larry's drum solos kicks back in, before he, too, finally gets up and leaves with a wave. "How long, to sing this song?" How long, indeed.

Until October! (hopefully we can get tickets)

Some final thoughts...

Bono's voice was not in top form, but I didn't notice any major foibales. He seemed to be sufferring, and drank a lot of water, but he was a constant showman.

If you got this far, thanks for reading. :)
My first, and probably only show of this tour (expecting a son in October!). I have seen this band since UF tour, and although I still think Zoo TV was the best, this was pretty close. I ended up with expensive seats, where presumably the rich, elderly and idle reside. No problem. After jumping up and down for the first fifteen minutes (me, not the expecting wife), mashing the toes of those around me, throwing my arms into the air, and generally making a fool of myself, I managed to get a few of the infirmed off their collective asses, and bounce with me. One bloke actually thanked me for improving the concert "elan".

The sound was okay, my ears still hurt, but the performance was excellent. And Gloria? Forget about it. After he is born, I will gladly tell my son (to be named Sam) that the first show he attended, was a gem.
Harry Vest said:
Does anyone have any theories on why BAD was not played???

My wife had the theory that Dallas and Stuart had put the wrong guitars on stage accidently.

Either that, or maybe Bono didn't trust his voice last night? Or he wanted to hear the crowd (which did well with Elevation) sing the "How long to sing this song"

Who knows. :eyebrow:
one4u2 said:

The bigger the better :hyper:

200 width was what the FAQ said was the max width for an avatar, so here you go. I didn't add any words or anything, i just resized it for you.

If you think it's too big, you can probably resize it in MS Paint or something. :)

wydok said:
We ended up with a spot on the rail along Edge's side, about 10 people or so from the tip.

Miracle Drug: I think of Sian and Terry Schiavo

Bullet the Blue Sky: We also sang along with Edge's background vocals.

Pride (In the Name of Love): A great performance of a song I don't love as much as I used to.

Where the Streets Have No Name: God enters the house. My favorite U2 song, and the one I was most excited to hear. While i love the red background with the blinding lights on the crowd, I think the flags were more appropriate for the context (being part of the Africa Set). Besides, we got the blinding lights earlier, so I'm good.

Break: Some people in the stands actually start getting up to leave. Oh, yeah of little faith!

Zoo Station: The Actung Baby ("Mama!") slot machine comes on the screen, and we are back in business. Edge appears as if out of no where from the smoke and light, and starts his strut down our end of the ellipse. The song is tight, and Edge is rocking the house. Just fantastic.

Break 2: Again, people start to leave. *sigh*

"40": And so it ends. I half wanted to hear Bad, but my day would not be complete without a full version of "40". My hopes were confirmed as Adam and Edge strip guitars and change sides of the stage. This performace was the best I had heard (probably because I was there *grin*). Bono leaves, making the experience bittersweet. Every good thing must come to an end. Next Adam, and then Edge. We continue to sing as Larry drums, then stops. 1...2...3...4, and Larry's drum solos kicks back in, before he, too, finally gets up and leaves with a wave. "How long, to sing this song?" How long, indeed.

wydok, I was probably in the section above you guys in the GA on Edge's side. People started leaving in between the encores! :shrug: :rolleyes: I don't get it. Well, guess U2 can't please everyone. The guy next to me and I were looking at each other like, "Why???? What the?"

Anyway, I thought of Sian too, during Miracle Drug, especially during the part when Bono just let Edge sing and looked at him.

Bullet The Blue Sky: I always sing Edge's vocals ("Sky!!!") too. :D

Pride...I feel the same way you do.

Streets....I :heart: how this song has continuously evolved from the 80s to post-9/11 Superbowl performance and Bono's emphasis on Africa on this tour. Isn't he singing some African tune in the beginning (right after the Africa speech)? Ohh, I just love it. So cathartic.
Harry Vest said:
Does anyone have any theories on why BAD was not played???

The woman in front of me made a 40 sign that she waved for half the show. She's convinced that's what did it. I was disappointed they didn't play Bad, but the ending of 40 was amazing.

I had a wonderful time at the show--my first GA experience, and I was right on the rail outside the ellipse. I have plenty I want to share about my experience, but after 3 hours of sleep last night, an early train, and a day of traveling and work, I can't write another word. More soon!
wydok said:

200 width was what the FAQ said was the max width for an avatar, so here you go. I didn't add any words or anything, i just resized it for you.

If you think it's too big, you can probably resize it in MS Paint or something. :)


Thanks :hug: I'll have my friend upload it for me because I can't figure that out yet :reject:
one4u2 said:

Thanks :hug: I'll have my friend upload it for me because I can't figure that out yet :reject:

Actually, as it turns out, I did screw up the size. Avatars are supposed to be 72 pixels wide and 72 pixels high. I can resize again unless your friend can help you with it. Hehe. :)
BonoIsMyMuse said:

The woman in front of me made a 40 sign that she waved for half the show. She's convinced that's what did it. I was disappointed they didn't play Bad, but the ending of 40 was amazing.

I had a wonderful time at the show--my first GA experience, and I was right on the rail outside the ellipse. I have plenty I want to share about my experience, but after 3 hours of sleep last night, an early train, and a day of traveling and work, I can't write another word. More soon!

The woman who made the "40" sign should have had it taken away!!! I wanted to hear BAD!!! Two Philly shows and no BAD!!!
got there at 8:30. was 54th in line!!!!! didnt really think i was gonna get inside the Bomb i was pretty calm all day. had my Ipod. went back to my car to sleep for a bit. walked around the arena. waited at the gates for the band. at 3:30 when there was like 300 ppl there i stopped wasting my time knowing they were not gonna get out with that many ppl there, which i heard at 430 when they came by they didnt glad i didnt keep waiting. last week when we got in seperate lines they walked us through the fence maze thing - this time they were just like lets go so everybody ran which pissed me off cos some ppl did try to butt but we spoke up pretty quick and i used my arm pretty effectively as well! hehe! so we wait for 10 hrs and its ok, but the last 30 mins when your in line wiating for the to open the doors is the worst. nerve racking , kept telling myself "be zen-like"...haha. so again when they did my scan to see if i was inside the Bomb Shelter or not i didnt expect to be...but when that light flashed green! wow!!!! and they gave me that 2nd bracelet...even the Roadrunner couldnt have been fast than me!!! i was gone!!! got insde and BAM...first on the rail...3 feet from the stage!!!! right in front of Bono and Edge!!!! craziness!!!

yeah my ears are still ringing too!!! i cant believe i was on the rail inside the bomb shleter in between bono and edge!! unbelievable. everything still hasnt sunk in - i think that will take a few days. some highlights tho for me:

COBL - just an incredible opening song!!! Bono coming right in front of me for that one

Vertigo - nothing more said then Edge just goes off the charts! again he comes down right in front of me!

Dallas Schoo tuning up is like a mini concert of its own. the guy is a guitar genuis!!!! I like when "tank girl" asked him to play something on the telecaster "the blue Vertigo" guitar and he smiled and was jammin some great riff (non-u2). He was diggin it too - had a great smile on his face.

Dallas saying "oh wow!!!!" and shaking his head in amazement at the tshirt i made for him! definitely the nicest guy in Rock n' Roll.

hearing Gloria for the first time live!!! wow!

not being a great fan of was actually one of my fave moments of the show. Bono went beyond himself on that one getting the entire place to do the sing along! great experience on that one.

with Elevation being one of my fave all time songs, i was disappointed by the arrangement early on in this tour but last night it all came together again. Larry gave us a wink on that one - cool moment!! great song for justjumping up and down like a maniac - which i most happily did!

meeting a nice husband and wife in the GA line...super nice. made the day go by pretty quick.

Bono going guitar bezerk on the Fly....he impressed me on that one!!! I think his guiatr sounded better the Edges on that one!

Zoo Station - another one of my all time fave songs - just rocked! all 4 members are so highlighted on that one! the banging drums to kick it off with Edges riff, with Adams thump and Bonos persona....4 boys at their best!

haha. soneone threw and old little alien stuffed animal on stage which Bono commented "only in Philadelphia"...which of course Dallas was there in no time to get. lol. Larry laughed his ass off at Dallas on that one!

at the end Dallas giving me Edges pick...and me giving him the shirt i made him, and him in return giving me the setlist! wow!!! did i say he was the nicest guy in Rock'n'Roll. Ok, i lied....the nicest guy EVER!!

like how Adam moved around a lot. even coming right in front of us and looking down with that classic grin of his - Streets, Zoo Station, and a couple others as well.

overall just the cool people i was around on the rail. just adds to the overall experience.

meeting Big John Sampson! what a super nice guy! just said "Big Johnnn" and he smiles, stops, shakes my hand, and talk with me for a few. didnt expect that. what a teddy bear! ha!

thats it for still a bit head weary from it all - and with no sleep still a bit fuzzy.
will do pt 2 soon enough!
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Philly 5/22 FANtastic SHOW

It was great to see the crowd so into it...i've heard some bad things about philly crowds not being into u2 shows before...this was not the case last night whoooooooooo ears are ringingggggggg

Bono definitely said "WOW" to how loud and into it the crowd was...i think it was during Pride. But every chance the crowd had to be loud we were....whoo oo oooo oooo oooo ooooo in elevation, to how long to sing this songggg

Bono was all out showman last night...took someone's straw hat put it on his head...then gave it back....took someone's camera took their picture and handed it back to them....took the girl on stage and played wowy (I wonder if wowy was didnt seem like it) tatoo boy was great....instead of "see china right in front of you" Bono said "see tattooed boy right infront of me" then he brought him up on stage and tatooed boy was estatic singing his heart out hugging Bono then raising his arms then covering his face with his hands in disbelief...

Not the best sound in the tour...probably thanks to the arena...but had to be one of the best shows they were great!!!!!!
I'm a big U2 fan, like the rest of you, have been since 10yrs old. I've been to plenty of U2 live concerts in the past. With great excitement, I paid $500.00 to sit in section 109, but was disappointed with the sound. Thank God, I knew the words to all their songs, so I knew what was going on, because, the sound was really distorted. You could'nt hear what Bono was saying(his comments during/and in between songs). Lucky me, I get to read some of the postings here, to at least know what was said. People around me were complaining about the distortion, but I tried to make the best out of the situation. I wish I was closer, maybe not only would I have had a better view, maybe the sound was better too.... However with the ticket sale event that happened with this tour, I guess I was lucky, just to get the ticket.... Signed not so Melodic.
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I feel the same way about Bad, Andy. And I tell you, with as much as I kept having to move because the dumb sign was blocking my view, I wanted to take it from her and ball it up.

This was my first GA experience and my first U2 show since Popmart, and I have to say, it was the most amazing show I've ever seen. I'm usually a very quiet and mild-mannered person, but when the band launched into "City of Blinding Lights," I was jumping up and down and singing along at the top of my lungs.

My friend and I got in line around 9 and were very close to the front of the regular line. It was really cold in the morning, but when the sun came out in the afternoon, it was great. I saw the band arrive and knew it was too late for them to come out to the large group of us gathered, but I was still thrilled to get to see Bono when he rolled his window down!

Getting inside was the worst part of the day for me. I'm not sure why they went through the trouble of putting us in two orderly lines when people just rushed to the cattle shoot before we went in anyway. To be honest, I wasn't that disappointed that we didn't get into the ellipse. I loved my spot right in the corner on the rail on Adam's side of the ellipse, and the people around us were all really nice. I didn't get pushed once the whole night, which surprised me.

I've liked Kings of Leon for a few years, and maybe I'm the only one, but I thought they did a great set. My only complaints were that it was too loud (I wore earplugs for them but not U2) and that all the endings of their songs sounded the same. Many of the people around me were being pretty rude during the set, but I ignored them and enjoyed it. I think a lot of people have been narrow-minded about KOL on the tour so far, and I hope they give them a chance in Boston, because even though they're a lot different from U2, they're a great new band. Caleb Followill, the lead singer, actually walked right past us not long before U2 came on, and I got to say hi, which was cool.

It goes without saying that I loved U2's performance. I thought the lighting was beautiful, and aside from "With or Without You," I thought the sound was great. I don't know if it was where I was, but I didn't have any of the problems hearing that others have mentioned. Bono spent a lot of time on my side of the ellipse, and I was glad that Adam, Larry, and Edge came over, too (though I wish Edge would've paused long enough for me to get a picture of him!). I couldn't believe the energy of the crowd, and I feel like the band really connected with us.

Even though they used the standard setlist for the most part, I wasn't disappointed, except that 40 was played instead of Bad. Gloria was amazing, as were all of the new songs, and even Elevation, which I hadn't really liked in most of the tour recordings I've heard, was fun to sing along with. I have a new respect for Edge, because he was on fire, especially during City of Blinding Lights, Sunday Bloody Sunday, and Mysterious Ways.

My friend and I were so happy to see that Roxy got pulled up. She and her parents had been in line a little bit ahead of us all day, and not long before we went in, I heard her say, "I can have a birthday party any day, but I knew I wanted U2 for my birthday." What a perfect gift! Could she have had any sweeter of a sixteenth birthday? She was so starstruck when she was up there, which made me remember how crazy I was about U2 at her age.

The view from my spot was amazing, and I really hope my pictures come out well enough to share with everyone. Bono was dancing on the ellipse right in front of us for a lot of Zoo Station, and he sang in front of us a lot, too. Overall, I think Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own was my favorite song of the night. It's a gorgeous song, but seeing the expression on Bono's face while he sang it and looked out on the crowd singing it with him brought tears to my eyes. He puts his heart into it, and his eyes were so full of emotion as he was singing.

Not getting to hear Bad after they were supposed to sing it was a huge disappointment, but I really think they'll do it at another of the shows I'm going to in the fall, so I wasn't disappointed for long.

After the show, I waited in the merchandise line for probably at least half an hour. A lot of people were being jackasses and cutting in line, which was why it took so long. At that point, I was so tired I was ready to collapse, but it was great that people were still singing the end of 40.

I can't wait until the fall, when I'll be going to both Philly shows and the one in Buffalo. If I'm lucky and can afford it, I might also try for the October Boston and Pittsburgh shows. U2 is definitely getting better with age!
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I loved my spot right in the corner on the rail on Adam's side of the ellipse[/B]


Hey, I bet I saw you! I was wearing a black tank top, tan jeans and big red shoes. :wink: I'm short with shoulder length brown hair. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the show as much as I did. :)

Here I am if you recognize me

I wrote this the afternoon after seeing the Philadelphia show and I really think it sums of my feelings about the vibe and purpose of the Vertigo tour as I understand it...

Memories of a Philadelphia Sunday

Two- thousand hips moving to sex on four strings
A kind of union that hinted at creation
Hands joining- a kind of holy blasphemy
Eyes lusting-for each others intimate glances

In that moment- we abandoned our chains
Our shades of cool cast out
We could see each other--
Like lovers do.
Hey MikeSt. I've been telling people that I was 54th in line....but now I realize that I was 45th in line. I'm still so excited about this show! I drove all the way from Toronto (ps...the people I gave bootlegs to, the show I gave you is NOT the Hamilton show....I is the 1st leg Toronto, Elevation boot)

Anyway....the sound was I made it into the ellipse for my 1st Vertigo show....and my 11th show overall. The sound I heard was mostly from their own it was amazing.....I thought they would be tired from playing MSG but they were bang on!!! SO MUCH ENERGY.

The sound was good...but also the view....check out the pictures!






I've never seen Larry smile and sing so much. I have never seen Adam and Edge switch instruments. Never knew Adam and Larry could play a keyboard. Never knew Bono could hit the drums.

Always knew why U2 is the F*cking best band on the planet! Can't wait for Toronto iin the Fall!

My friend (Bono from the tribute band October) managed to grab the set list. Only disappointment was that there were no songs from POP.
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mkdominatr said:
Wow, it was an awesome show, a very loud crowd and i dont know if maybe that caused them to turn up the volume, because i had GA's and my ears are ringing like hell the next morning. ive never had a u2 concert or any concert do that for this long. anyone else.

Yep, my ears were still ringing the next morning too and that`s never happened before. I hadn`t realized they had turned up the volume.

The crowd was great as far as singing along - the most of their last 3 shows but the Boston crowd on tuesday was definitely the loudest as far as applause (MSG was good for that too but Boston was LOUD!, verrry loud!)
I have talked to a number of people who were at the gig. It appears that the sound was good but loud in the GA and adjacent area but really horrible in the 104-108 block - this may be the result of the acoustics of the particular arena. This presumably explains why I had a different experience to others at the concert.
One of my colleagues was seated right beside the Edge's position and claims that the final song on the setlist was slated to be Bad. Whatever. Hope they play it next time in Philly.
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