ONE love, blood, life
what do you folks think of it? is it any good these days or over-rated?
on a personal note, i can't remember the last time i was in the midst of some sort of sexual activity and not thinking "wtf is this. what am i doing here. this is all completely outrageous, i could be reading or something."
maybe not verbatim, but i suddenly become very aware of what i'm in the middle of and it dawns on me that maybe it wasn't such a great idea to be sucking off gary while getting my chest licked by debra.
needless to say, it's hard to recover from this. sex is clearly about getting lost in the act, but i keep FINDING myself! that's like, honestly, the last thing you want. no finding, no awareness... just mindless fucking.
of course, this is probably why nobody has ever accused me of being good at sex or even making out when i was younger. it's like people could smell it on me even back when i was coming of age. you don't exactly need a metal detector to detect an android or a methodical/inhibited individual who is more about manufacturing things in the form of scientific processes. sexual activity is almost by definition the furthest thing from this sort of line of thinking.
yeah. "finding" myself. don't get me wrong, i can be wooed and manipulated into getting into these situations to begin with, that's never the problem. i'm as good at being seduced as the next guy (granted the opportunities have always been few and far between, i'm certainly not suggesting anything to the contrary), so that's never been the problem.
it's just... in the midst. the middle.
anyway, feel free to discuss how you folks get on with this sort of thing. i'm not actually interested in reading about it, so i probably won't but the floor is yours.
on a personal note, i can't remember the last time i was in the midst of some sort of sexual activity and not thinking "wtf is this. what am i doing here. this is all completely outrageous, i could be reading or something."
maybe not verbatim, but i suddenly become very aware of what i'm in the middle of and it dawns on me that maybe it wasn't such a great idea to be sucking off gary while getting my chest licked by debra.
needless to say, it's hard to recover from this. sex is clearly about getting lost in the act, but i keep FINDING myself! that's like, honestly, the last thing you want. no finding, no awareness... just mindless fucking.
of course, this is probably why nobody has ever accused me of being good at sex or even making out when i was younger. it's like people could smell it on me even back when i was coming of age. you don't exactly need a metal detector to detect an android or a methodical/inhibited individual who is more about manufacturing things in the form of scientific processes. sexual activity is almost by definition the furthest thing from this sort of line of thinking.
yeah. "finding" myself. don't get me wrong, i can be wooed and manipulated into getting into these situations to begin with, that's never the problem. i'm as good at being seduced as the next guy (granted the opportunities have always been few and far between, i'm certainly not suggesting anything to the contrary), so that's never been the problem.
it's just... in the midst. the middle.
anyway, feel free to discuss how you folks get on with this sort of thing. i'm not actually interested in reading about it, so i probably won't but the floor is yours.
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