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The Fly
Aug 19, 2000
Long long tima ago,In a Galaxy far far away.
I just want to be sure that I`m not the only U2 fan in the world who thinks that LEMON is th best u2 song EVER made. I know I have a strange taste but still I can`t help but hoping that there are some other lunatics out there who think the same.
If so...SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!
If I just HAD to pick 1 U2 song as my favorite, it would be Lemon.

I think those are some of the best lyrics Bono has ever written. According to the book "Into the Heart," the song was inspired by Bono seeing a home video of his mother, and the only color that was still visible was the lemon yellow of her dress.
The music itself is glorious.. those shimmering, echoing chords.. that low, brooding cello. It compliments the lyrics and the subject matter as perfectly as any U2 song, and maybe just a little bit better than most. Bono seems to use his voice more like it was one of the instruments in this song. It is so subtle and nimble, wavering just the right amount at just the right time. And the "solo" is simply transcendant. Such a simple melody can bring so much pleasure.

The first time I heard it.. well, it was love at first lemon.

"..and I feel like I'm swimming out to her.."
H good ot know I`m no the only one who think`s so.
I hear you Trav my man!

What I realy like about LEMON is the melody. MY friend who heard the song for the first time told me later that she had nightmares afterwards .She said it had some strange scary emotion and it gave her the shivers.
And that`s from a non fan point of view. Bono has THE best voice he ever had on it and it makes me sad that one of the reasons he`ll never sing it again is because he can`t reach those high tones. The video is yet another level of greatness. As strangely orgasmic as the song itself.
Defenatelly the best U2 ever made and I wount exadurate if I`ll say one of the best EVER!
Lemon is not my favorite song. but i like it very much.
i think i like this song because of its melody ,it's monotonius music and words which makes me relax, & of course bono's amazing voice.
i think that there are some good sentences in this song like
" A man makes a car
and build a road to run them on
A man dream of leaving
But he always stays behind
and these are the days when our work has come assunder
and these are the days when we look for something other "

i think that Bono meant to say in these words that sometimes people do things without thinking well about them like people first making cars and only after making roads for them...
which is absord ..
maybe Bono wanted us not to be able to figure exactly what the song is about like we don't understand all the time why things are like there are in this world.
lemon in this song is something we can't figure out or explain.

Or maybe Lemon is something we want so bad because of it's atractive color but inside of it it's taste is sour.... absord again....

I think this song is very interesting and we can find lots of meanings in it!!
Brilliant song, though it doesn't come close to the sheer incredible nature of 11 O'clock Tick Tock.
Not my top favorite, but it's definitely one of my faves :) There's just something about it that makes it stand out... and the lyrics are pretty deep, even if they don't seem so at first. (When I first heard it, I didn't think it was anything special, but it grew on me)
Hmm...top 3 for me...maybe even top 2 :wink:

They played the most brilliant live performance of the song during the Zoo TV tour. It would have been a shame not to release it on video.

It's the best song off the Zooropa album. All the shimmer and the sham, icluding a well played Mr. MacPhisto. In Sydney, I love that dance Bono gave while Edge was singing. Really Cool
A great song! "A man melts the sand so he can see the world outside." It's about what sparks the creative spirit, and the despair that might lead to someone taking tremendous creative risks (like someone losing his mum at age 14). After all, "midnight is where the day begins".
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travu2 said:
According to the book "Into the Heart," the song was inspired by Bono seeing a home video of his mother, and the only color that was still visible was the lemon yellow of her dress.

Oh, really? Aw...:hug:. That's gonna make me look at this song totally different now...

I like this song, too. Heh, I remember the first time I ever saw the video for this song, I was like: :eyebrow:. Now I like it. Both the song and video are very unusual-and I like that. :).

bayernfc said:
who says POP and Zooropa were a big mistake??

Get out.

Lemon...absolutley amazing track! I knew I wasn't alone in that, there's just something about the whole song that hooks me like that. From the opening shimmer until it's faded out and gone, absolute musical (and especially lyrical) genius.
I am a sucker for lemon. The piano in the chorus, Bono's falsetto voice, the lyrics. Lightning struck. Pure Genius. Underrated. I think Lemon is U2's "Bohemian Rhapsody" :wink: ...or something

I am going to go hear it now. You've inspired me.

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