LCD Soundsystem: One Thread Is Never Enough

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Father John Misty posted this on his FB page today:

An Open Letter To James Murphy,
tonite and call the cops are just wow wow wow holy hell this shit is miraculous
Would never buy this anyway.

Better than I expected it to be, based on those three songs that came out before. Oh Baby, I Used To and How Do You Sleep are all pretty good. It goes downhill in the second half though. Probably their weakest for me, but I am somewhat pleasantly surprised since my expectations were very low.
Why would you not buy it?

Also, is it fun being so miserable?

I'm miserable because I'm not worshipping a new LCD Soundsystem album. :lol: Despite mostly writing about the stuff I actually do like about it!
About to listen after this new album from the incomparable Susanne Sundfør.

Hmmm I haven't checked out her new album. Is it good? I think I started listening to her at your recommendation a couple of years back.
Hmmm I haven't checked out her new album. Is it good? I think I started listening to her at your recommendation a couple of years back.

If you liked:

Tales of Us by Goldfrapp
Vulnicura by Bjork
Loud City Song by Julia Holter

You will like it very much. It's a very quiet, very subtle album, and it was one of those situations where I went in with misplaced expectations based on her previous (amazing, very radio-friendly) album that I had to adjust mid-listen. Bedtime Story and Undercover are fantastic ballads and Mountaineers has one of the better buildups of the year.
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I'll say this about American Dream:

It ain't a damn thing like the cover: it's not sunny, it's not tasteless, and it doesn't suck. This is one of their darkest, murkiest releases. Lots of creepy synth tones that I've never heard on an LCD Soundsystem album before. It still is danceable on occasion and there's a fair amount of energy pushing these songs along, but it is probably their heaviest album to date in terms of tone and tempo. There are a few rock songs on here too that really kick.


Oh Baby
How Do You Sleep?
Call the Police
If you liked:

Tales of Us by Goldfrapp
Vulnicura by Bjork
Loud City Song by Julia Holter

You will like it very much. It's a very quiet, very subtle album, and it was one of those situations where I went in with misplaced expectations based on her previous (amazing, very radio-friendly) album that I had to adjust mid-listen. Bedtime Story and Undercover are fantastic ballads and Mountaineers has one of the better buildups of the year.

Interesting. Those references are not what I would have expected for her. Definitely curious to check it out now.
First listen: I love it and am very happy with it. The constant Bowie homages are so nice. Fav tracks so far are How Do You Sleep, Tonite, American Dream, I Used To and Black Screen. Full reviews of each track to come.
No need for spoilers now. My five favorite albums so far this year:

1. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
2. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me
3. Jay Som - Everybody Works
4. Ariel Pink - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson
5. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream

It's fucking fantastic.
Kanye and Radiohead, that's about it. Kendrick is heading that way but needs a couple more albums.
You know what I mean, dickhead.

I forgot about Kanye. Yes. Radiohead right up there but they feel like a 90s band as well. Kendrick well on his way.
Haven't made it through the full album yet, still working on it. Good so far!
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