Kevin Brown breaks hand.

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ONE love, blood, life
Aug 29, 2000
Verplexed in Vermont
Kevin Brown breaks third and fifth metacarpals of the left hand, punching something in dugout during Wankees loss to the O's. I love watching Goliath screw themselves up the bum.
just setting red sox nation up for a bigger disapointment...

ok i'll stop that now.

yea this was just plain stupid on the part of kevin brown. his team's falling apart and he goes and takes himself out for no reason... dumber than dumb
it was his non pitching hand so he says he'll try to splint it and pitch... good luck fielding...
After the incident, Brown was seen running around the locker room chanting, "I am smart, S, M, R, T..D'oh!"

Then Mr Steinbrenner threw another calzone off the wall in his office.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

ok i'll stop that now.
No you won't.

BTW it looks like your Mets can exceed my prediction of a 70 win season with 11 wins in their last 26 games, its in their grasp.
Rag on the Sox all you want. If it was the Wanks who hadn't won the WS since 1918, everyone in NY would be a Mets fan.
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