Kaikoura, Te Wai Pounamu, Aotearoa (Kia Kaha, Aroha to all) Superthread

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For the record Ian is not lying.

About Four Seasons. I await proof about the joint.
Funnily I was actually joking with you about Neil. I heard the soundcheck and it didn't sound like Chris Martin, but I went down a "fuck it why not speculate" path. Absolutely one of my favourite concert moments.

Hang on a minute, I believe I was the first of us to speculate it could be ol' Neil!
Also I should deffo stop on the wine but a). it's delicious and b). for once I'm at home on a Saturday night and I can do whatever the fuck I want.
You do make a point. I encouraged you because he's on a "fuck yeah let's do anything!" run

I love this point in his career. He's just all "yeah hey I'm Neil Finn and I'm gonna do a thing, stand back".

Take notes, Bono.
I love this point in his career. He's just all "yeah hey I'm Neil Finn and I'm gonna do a thing, stand back".

Take notes, Bono.

"What's that Mr Martin? You've got 47,000 people in my city? Step back for a sec"

Actually it was a really cool false start before Neil came on stage. Absolute highlight for me.

Also Bono, try this have fun thing. It's kinda cool.
Because Neil hasn't been involved in enough people's highlights recently.

That fucker.

On the other hand last night the bassist in one of my favourite bands suggested we jam sometime, so you know.
I... hope not. His hand accidentally brushed mine at one point.

OH SHIT. It's the singer I really like!
The singer is female, by the way.

And actually no I don't want to hit on her either.
I thought of having some space cake as a dessert earlier. Why didn't I?!
Well I must give credit where it's due.

You're finally out of the clos...

Wait no, good to hear, I hope it gets something interesting!


She makes awesome music and I don't want to fuck off somebody I like personally and respect as an artist and hope to see live for many years to come.
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