ONE love, blood, life
it's officially sunday
a day to reflect and look forward
so much to draw upon
and so much to anticipate
lets take a look here, folks
lets look back and forth
get settled in cause this could take a while
let's get started shall we?
you've got a nice place
a fair job
yes, you even wear a collar
most people think it's a leash
but you're one of the lucky ones who likes his job
but there's a problem you see
it dates back to childhood
when you said all along
"one day things will fall into place"
just wait
the waiting turns the most patient
after years of waiting
nothing came
and you realized
you were looking
looking in
all the right places
at one moment
it did come
it came
and like everything else
like everything else that ever came about here there for me for you for them they and those in between
it fucking left
nothing stays
life isn't for the dogs
they're loyal to the end
but that's not what this is about
you know what i mean
you know
this is about the feeling you get
no folks
we're not talking about emotions
we're talking about a sensation
the realization
that ever since you were a kid
and you said
like i said
"one day things will fall into place"
the sheer satisfaction
beyond joy
it's an accomplishment unlike any other
because it takes everything you have
it's the connection
it's the sense that the waiting
the patience
was worth it
it's the sensational rush of self-worth
the knowing that finally
it all makes sense
sorry for giving the next part away in the beginning of this piece
but while life might feel like a fairy tale
or a lovely film
too often it's a fucking sitcom
with predictable outcomes
this, folks, is not like the movies.
this is worse than the most average 'friends' episode you've ever watched
this is not want
this is not waiting
this is having something that made sense
fall onto your lap
and steal your insides
a mutual affection
yes, there were no cruel intentions
not until the very end
i don't mind you leaving
but why the fuck do you have to leave so bloody slowly?
it's been a long time coming
but mobile phones and easy internet access have to go
this talk-on-demand shit has to stop
this weekend business that leaves me cold
will end
oh yes
i will put a very nice stop to it all
your intentions were never hurtful
but the road to hell is paved with good intentions
and i reckon the same could be said about soured relationships too.
so consider this my formal declaration
of me once again
giving my only true bride another go
yes, europe
europe is calling again
this is a fuck you
a middle finger
the evilest eye
to you
in the mirror
for falling down
and taking far too long to get back up again.
you know what i mean
you know well
what i mean.
a day to reflect and look forward
so much to draw upon
and so much to anticipate
lets take a look here, folks
lets look back and forth
get settled in cause this could take a while
let's get started shall we?
you've got a nice place
a fair job
yes, you even wear a collar
most people think it's a leash
but you're one of the lucky ones who likes his job
but there's a problem you see
it dates back to childhood
when you said all along
"one day things will fall into place"
just wait
the waiting turns the most patient
after years of waiting
nothing came
and you realized
you were looking
looking in
all the right places
at one moment
it did come
it came
and like everything else
like everything else that ever came about here there for me for you for them they and those in between
it fucking left
nothing stays
life isn't for the dogs
they're loyal to the end
but that's not what this is about
you know what i mean
you know
this is about the feeling you get
no folks
we're not talking about emotions
we're talking about a sensation
the realization
that ever since you were a kid
and you said
like i said
"one day things will fall into place"
the sheer satisfaction
beyond joy
it's an accomplishment unlike any other
because it takes everything you have
it's the connection
it's the sense that the waiting
the patience
was worth it
it's the sensational rush of self-worth
the knowing that finally
it all makes sense
sorry for giving the next part away in the beginning of this piece
but while life might feel like a fairy tale
or a lovely film
too often it's a fucking sitcom
with predictable outcomes
this, folks, is not like the movies.
this is worse than the most average 'friends' episode you've ever watched
this is not want
this is not waiting
this is having something that made sense
fall onto your lap
and steal your insides
a mutual affection
yes, there were no cruel intentions
not until the very end
i don't mind you leaving
but why the fuck do you have to leave so bloody slowly?
it's been a long time coming
but mobile phones and easy internet access have to go
this talk-on-demand shit has to stop
this weekend business that leaves me cold
will end
oh yes
i will put a very nice stop to it all
your intentions were never hurtful
but the road to hell is paved with good intentions
and i reckon the same could be said about soured relationships too.
so consider this my formal declaration
of me once again
giving my only true bride another go
yes, europe
europe is calling again
this is a fuck you
a middle finger
the evilest eye
to you
in the mirror
for falling down
and taking far too long to get back up again.
you know what i mean
you know well
what i mean.