iTunes U2 Catalog problem...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Sep 17, 2000
San Diego
I'm experiencing a problem with the catalog from iTunes. My buddy is doing the downloading since he has a mac and a fast connection.

He says this happens:

Downloads 47 songs (all appear to be ok). After 47th song, new song/file appears, but instead of doing the download, it looks like it's getting erased. The next song goes, same thing happens, and so on.

Tech support told me to go the Purchased iTunes Menu and retry, but there was nothing there.

anyone else had this or seen/heard about it?
In iTunes, go to Advanced and then select Check for Purchased Music.... That should start right up again with the first skipped song.

Good luck! :)
Friend said he did that. Nothing was there. He said it looked like something crashed and that the songs were being erased.

I plan on playing around with it tonight. But he was telling me it looked like the catalog was erased.

This was not his first iTunes download either. He has a ipod himself and uses iTunes.

Tech Support told me to do the same thing as you did. I replied back with what I mentioned above. Should be interesting to see what response they have.
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