It's Official***Zonelistener Has My Goat

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
zonelistener said:
I am in thee United States.

I think there are some states that allow you to mate with goats.

Looks like Green Acres is the place for you then.

theSoulfulMofo said:
so YOU'RE the father of 'em clone goats... :|

Actually, despite my raelian appearance...I am not involved with goat clones...or any clones.

In fact, I just got off of the phone with some Maybeline executives....Binky will look good in eyeliner. they are running some tests.

using animals for cosmetics research :up:
Oh I'll send a Burning Ring of Fire to greet you. The Chizzer isn't busy... and he'll "walk the line" to Minnesota to deliver your Johnny Cash.


Give me the goat. :mad:
This whole thread really frightens me. I used to always think Cujo was asking me if I wanted to have a ride on his "BOAT". Now I'm really wondering if I just miss-heard him.....
I'm glad communication was bad... you'd probably exploit poor Binky.

Just because it's legal mofo, doesn't mean you can open up Utah's first Heaving Petting Zoo.
This is the thread that never ends
oh yes it goes on and on my friends
some people started posting it,
not knowing what it was,
until zonelistener shipped Binky to Utah
in a sturdy burlap sack.

Lamb Chops anyone?

My very own goat, eh?

I wonder if they allow you to marry more than one goat in those polygamist colonies in Southern Utah.......

I'm going to have to look into this.


I didn't think it was biologically possible... but zoney found a way.

Jeff Goldblum predicted it, and zoney saw it through.

I'm speechless.
Zoney lives "where the sun don't shine".

Curious. Most curious...


Crotch-monkey you be.
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I think it came from the foothills of the midwest and the Northern States... especially Minnesota.

We should start calling you the Hot Zone Listener.

Outbreak Monkey, don't break out your monkey :down:
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