ITS OFFICIAL # Valentine's Day Fiasco

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
So I come home yesterday about 5:30 from my dance rehearsal and Jim is outside with this HORRIBLE look on his face. I'm like what's wrong.. what are you doing? He said he was looking for Saki!! I immediately started freaking out. He said he must have ran out when he came home.. that he shook toys and treats in the house and couldnt find him. OMG this was unreal. We spent 3 hours walking around the neighborhood calling him and shaking treats. I was ready to just die :( I didnt care that when I got home there was a dozen red roses on the table, a cute stuffed cat and a balloon in the bedroom. All I could think about was how mad I was at him for letting him out. I was ready to kick his ass right out of here.

Come 9pm I'm sitting at the computer with my head in my hands just trying to think of all the ways I could find him. I walked around the building and sprinkled used cat litter everywhere hoping if he smelled the scent he would stay around the building. Anyway all of a sudden I hear Jim say "no fucking way. oh my god. no fucking way." SAKI WAS UNDER THE BED!! The balloon must have scared the shit out of him and he didnt come out for NOTHING. 7 hours he was under the bed :crack:

So.. Valentine's day was almost ruined.. we were both drained emotionally and physically. We didnt even get to drink our wine :slant:

Fucking cat! :scream:
damn! well, it's something you'll be able to look back and laugh about someday.
:ohmy: I've had that happen with one of my cats before now and I know it is SO scary. We had someone come to fix our tv aerial and I'd put both the cats in a room and asked the repair guy to please not go in the room. Only apparently the instruction "do not enter that room" wasn't clear enough for him because about ten minutes later I found the door open and when I looked for Molly I couldn't find her anywhere. After running around the whole neighbourhood frantically looking for her for ages I eventually found her hiding INSIDE the sofa. Part of the lining of it was all torn and she'd been so scared by this guy that she'd squeezed herself through the lining and was hiding inside the sofa. Poor baby. :(

Anyway, I'll shut up rambling now, lol. I'm really glad you found him somewhere safe. :)
I "lost" Mia once, about 4 years ago around Christmastime. It was 9am, and snowing like crazy outside, when my mom came home from grocery shopping. She propped the side door open to bring the groceries in, and when I woke up, I couldn't find Mia. :| I looked all over the house, till finally I got in my car, just my pjs on and drove around the neighborhood screaming her name. :sad: My third time around, my mom yelled at me to come inside, that she had founf her...

The little brat was under my mom's bed the entire time. :mad:

Glad you found Saki ok! :hug:
Thank God Saki is OK. How scary! One time my sister's house cat (she was living in Manhattan at the time) got out. Fortunately she was found around the corner, but not before my sister practically had a nervous collapse. It was a nightmare. Losing a house cat in Manhattan=:yikes: :crazy: :yell: :shocked: :censored:
Sicy said:
So I come home yesterday about 5:30 from my dance rehearsal and Jim is outside with this HORRIBLE look on his face. I'm like what's wrong.. what are you doing? He said he was looking for Saki!! I immediately started freaking out. He said he must have ran out when he came home.. that he shook toys and treats in the house and couldnt find him. OMG this was unreal. We spent 3 hours walking around the neighborhood calling him and shaking treats. I was ready to just die :( I didnt care that when I got home there was a dozen red roses on the table, a cute stuffed cat and a balloon in the bedroom. All I could think about was how mad I was at him for letting him out. I was ready to kick his ass right out of here.

Come 9pm I'm sitting at the computer with my head in my hands just trying to think of all the ways I could find him. I walked around the building and sprinkled used cat litter everywhere hoping if he smelled the scent he would stay around the building. Anyway all of a sudden I hear Jim say "no fucking way. oh my god. no fucking way." SAKI WAS UNDER THE BED!! The balloon must have scared the shit out of him and he didnt come out for NOTHING. 7 hours he was under the bed :crack:

So.. Valentine's day was almost ruined.. we were both drained emotionally and physically. We didnt even get to drink our wine :slant:

Fucking cat! :scream:

I assume that your title of "That Fucking Cat" is a sequel to the Disney movie from the 60's... "That Darn Cat!!!" :lol:
:whew: ... glad saki's alright.

i'm sorry to hear about your bummed Valentine's Day. :(

has Saki grown any? :)
And to top off my weekend I just got rear ended and ended up hitting the guy in front of me too :| :sad: :mad:

*kills this weekend
Mr. BAW :mad:
Thanks again for the advice Mr. Insurance man. I am just glad I'm not at fault.

I am staying home now :(
I'm glad to hear that everyone is ok and safe!!!


And I'm thankful that my mammoth cat is too big to hide under beds

The car isnt too bad.. both bumpers front and back are scratched up.. I dont think I saw any dents. Gotta love the Mustangs.
Fords :drool:

Actually, gotta defend the old Holdens (GM) as well, back in high school a friend and I took off for a few free periods and on our way back from the shops in her Torana with her P Plates proudly showing, she careened to a griding halt outside the police station to try and avoid hitting this stupid little Barina making an illegal turn. After thinking, ok we are in major trouble being P Platers in a V8, wagging school, having an accident outside a cop station of all places and probably speeding we got out to inspect the damage. A cop came out at the same time and had a look under both cars and got up laughing. "Gotta love these old Toranas eh? You have a dented bumper, but this Barina has a snapped front axle"

Sorry for highjacking. This is why I drive a big car though.
Here is my damage. I'm surprised its not worse considering how hard I was hit.


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