It's GA "line" shenanigan time!

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The queueing in Europe is simple- there is always a defined place to queue, and unless you must be on the rail getting to the venue about an hour before gates open will get you to the gold circle. I dont understand the need people seem to have to be on the rail at a stadium show, on the last stadium tour the stage was so high you wouldn't see anything

This is my second U2 tour in Europe, first being the Innocence tour, I was in the US for previous tours since Vertigo.

it's much more relaxed in general here, no crazy line Nazis... there are lines, but no lists and plus ones and all that nonsense. It's basically a clique of certain people in the US who try to pull it off.
Remember Gregory, the French fan who accused that person in Toronto of faking their injury? Well, he was in Foxboro tonight. He tried to elbow my friend off the rail. He can eat a giant bag of dicks
Well his cuntiness was already established anyway.

Btw the amount of bad to not bad satire this is bringing up on Twitter that I'm seeing is why we live in the best of times.
The real reason these people have to resort to their lists? They're too old to wait in the heat all day and night.

Oh well, guess you have to change your Depends at some point, right?
haha I love how these people see themselves as heroes saving the line from descending into anarchy.

If they weren't there people would just show up, stand in a line and enter the stadium without being bossed around, sounds like fucking chaos.
The funny thing about today's mess is, they essentially threatened violence to get their way, by saying their was a "riot vibe" in the line. Can't even express how shitty it is to give these people their way for such bad, entitled behaviour.

I don't know what battle royale was going on in that line, but our line was super chill. Everyone was in a great mood. Not giving a fuck where you end up does that to you.

Also, the view from the middle of main stage rail is great. I saw nothing while they were on the tree stage but expected that. We got lots of love from Adam. I could see the entire band even when they were further away, though Larry was tough to see. And Bono sang In God's Country and Beautiful Day right in front of me. Not too shabby for parking in line at 3 pm. I'm going to Cleveland on Saturday but will probably stick to my original plan for today and do soundboard. But this spot is a hidden gem on the floor
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haha I love how these people see themselves as heroes saving the line from descending into anarchy.

If they weren't there people would just show up, stand in a line and enter the stadium without being bossed around, sounds like fucking chaos.
"I'm in Berlin, what should I do...I know, sit under an overpass so Bono can pretend he's not sick of my leather face!"
on the last stadium tour the stage was so high you wouldn't see anything

tell me about it - 360 was the only time i've ever made it to the actual rail (total fluke - got to the stadium mid afternoon, my doors happened to open first and i just legged it across the footie pitch and ended up next to some guys who'd been queuing since 4 am haha) but i couldn't actually see a bloody thing :lol:
it's much more relaxed in general here, no crazy line Nazis... there are lines, but no lists and plus ones and all that nonsense. It's basically a clique of certain people in the US who try to pull it off.

That might be the case previously for U2 tours but many fans of other bands have the line and number system in Europe these days. Muse fans do it, Pearl Jam fans do it, Neil Young fans do it, and the Springsteen number system in Europe makes what is going on in the US look like kindergarten. Lines starting 5 or 6 days in advance is common place, people skipping night 1 shows to allow them to start night 2 lines and I have seen numbers even being handed out in hotel receptions.

So do not be surprised if the same extends to U2.
It's GA "line" shenanigan time!

So now, instead of a very obvious sign that people are lining up early and if you want the rail spot you'd better join the line before it gets any longer, you have one person sat somewhere off site with a notepad and sharpie holding spots for 200+ people?? Sod that.

Off site? I can only speak to 1 so far for this tour (Toronto) but on this one and since 360 it's been pretty obvious to me where the line runners have been set up - because I showed up and took a look around. For what I could tell, they were only just technically "off site" because security moved them..but usually still right there and highly visible. Mind you..I didn't do dozens of shows these tours so maybe I got lucky..
Off site? I can only speak to 1 so far for this tour (Toronto) but on this one and since 360 it's been pretty obvious to me where the line runners have been set up - because I showed up and took a look around. For what I could tell, they were only just technically "off site" because security moved them..but usually still right there and highly visible. Mind you..I didn't do dozens of shows these tours so maybe I got lucky..

A few things I’ll throw out there about the line, based on the prior two experiences on I&E and this tour…

  • I noticed that the people who appeared to be starting the lines in these cases were not the ‘usual’ people that were known for running them in the past. In fact, I had seen them at prior shows and at the time, they were just people who got in line at some point and not actually ‘running’ anything. If I had to guess, I assume that they just saw how things were run in the past, then decided to take it upon themselves to get a line going in their hometown.
  • For all the talk about a select few going from city-to-city for shows, I’m don’t think it’s at a point where they’re literally making themselves the top 10 or 20 at every show. I don’t doubt that there might be some cases where people are signing their friends or whatever up once they get somewhere, but I think this varies a bit from gig to gig. I know that I've seen some of these faces farther back than me on shows since 360 too.
  • At the Chicago shows this year, I was a bit surprised by not seeing a few familiar faces who’ve I usually associated with these line running things in the past. Again, could’ve just been that they went to other shows on this tour (and most likely was). But in a way, that sort of goes against the idea that there’s some people that try to go to literally every show and be right at the front going in. A few might try and do what they can each time, but again, it might not be the top 50 each and every show or whatever.
  • For my Chicago 1 experience, I went over to the south end of the stadium, which is where I typically saw these line runners when I went to shows there in the past. Again, that was based on prior GA experiences at the same place, so I probably knew more about that than someone going to their first show. But when I asked questions after signing up, one of them had told me of where they planned to go in case security kicked them off the property “again”, which was a nearby depot or whatever. I didn’t get the impression that they were keeping it a secret, since one of them said “tell everyone” I might know who wanted to sign up to go there if they couldn’t find them at the stadium.... granted, they weren't screaming the alternate location out on Twitter or Facebook for the world to hear (and maybe they did, since I didn't keep a close eye on it). But I never got the idea they were trying to keep it a secret and holding it off from people. In fact, I think that they probably wouldn't have found that in their interest anyway, since the more people they signed up, the more 'legitimate' their line would become, I'd assume.

I don't know... I don't condone what this system is either, but it's what it is until someone else steps in and creates a more fair process for everyone. Which might not happen at this point anyway. And after my Chicago 2 experience of walking in ten minutes before doors opened and having a great spot eventually a row behind the rail, it's also opened me up to just walking in and having a good time wherever. Which is what these shows should be about for everyone anyway.
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Other than a few smarmy assholes, I don't fault the people who set these things up or who take advantage of them. I have plenty of friends who've been involved, and while I may needle them about it offline from time to time (like when a top 20 # at MSG 1 was sitting next to me at the bar day of show), I don't blame them for the band's management's inability to organize things themselves, and make it public to everyone.

I do think check in are bullshit. You show up, you sit, you wait. Other than a couple of bathroom and food breaks, that's it. He/she who waits longest gets the first spot, and so on and so on. THAT is how it used to be, the camping you referenced Gabe, but that's not this. It's kept in semi secret because a whole lot more people would come and "check in" if they knew that was an option.

Blatantly ignoring the requests of venue security is also BS. If they tell you to scram; scram. Setting up shop at the Dunkin Donuts a mile down the block? Who in their right mind would think to look there unless they had an idea beforehand? And then people show up at the place they're supposed to be at according to the information given out by the venue, at the TIME the venue says they're supposed to be there, only to be replaced by a marching horde of cruller wielding fans who were off site.

And the people who do things like toss Manchester out as a reason why they do check-ins are the worst assholes on earth.

The band makes enough money off of these shows to set up a true system and have it staffed properly. The only thing that stops them is management indifference. They'll send people out if/when there's a percieved issue, but that's it.

If the band wanted to say that the current system is the way they want to go, and a designated "check in" spot will be established a few days out, but by a certain time on shoenday you must be in your spot in line, no exceptions other than potty and food? Okay. Great. But say it and publicize it. Don't keep it in the dark where only fans who know or know where to look can take advantage of it.

With the exception of a few overly vocal douchebags; this is on management, not fans.
I'm generally interested to know where... considering there's absolutely nothing near MetLife.
Ok so this is exactly my point...

Yes, it only took me about 2 minutes of scanning Twitter to find the information on the MetLife 1 GA line... which was started at 10 pm LAST NIGHT mind you.

But the only reason why I was able to find it was because I recognized a Twitter handle from this thread. If I didn't already know that this person was involved in the line setups, mostly due to Ian being blocked by him and posting here about it, it would have taken me significantly longer to find. Including the #U2JT30 hashtag? Yea, swell... there's a million of those. Doesn't really help.

So who in their right mind would know to go to the Hilton if you want to be on the list?

If U2's management wanted this to be the way it's done? Fine. Publish that info on now. Then it's fair to everyone.
And oh by the way, there's two lot A's.

The one he's referring to I'm guessing is the parking garage, as it's probably open for the state fair.

Here's a picture of the list location for anyone who's wondering

mostly due to Ian being blocked by him and posting here about it, it would have taken me significantly longer to find

Not to mention I only had the information from another source I don't intend on selling out on lest they get backlash from the Jamie types.

The fucking Chinese whispers involved is crazy.

Just can we not go to the venue website, and see "Queue opens 6am at Gate 5" and go "Cool, let's head there at that time"?
I walked in at 6 last night. Walked around, grabbed a beer, caught up with friends sitting in the stands, went back down and enjoyed the concert. No Bono sweat to show for it but I enjoyed myself just the same.

I'm glad that the U2 line people haven't bled over into beer geek culture. The neck beards at the breweries would love to have secret lines forming at some offsite location that no one knows about.
Blatantly ignoring the requests of venue security is also BS. If they tell you to scram; scram. Setting up shop at the Dunkin Donuts a mile down the block? Who in their right mind would think to look there unless they had an idea beforehand? And then people show up at the place they're supposed to be at according to the information given out by the venue, at the TIME the venue says they're supposed to be there, only to be replaced by a marching horde of cruller wielding fans who were off site.

The day before the first Chicago show, someone I knew wrote online that he was "very disappointed" in the security at Soldier Field for "bullying" people that were lining up for the concert. This was the day before the show and security was presumably asking them to leave the property because they couldn't loiter on it. And of course, it wasn't an actual line-up... just one of the "check ins" they had and waiting around to sign up more people for their list.

I've also seen a few people get ripped into for following the venue's advice or be called "line budgers" for doing so. One lady in particular ripped into a couple that just fell in line where security told people to meet up, saying that she'd been there for "two days" because she signed up for the list then and checked in twice the day afterward. I felt bad enough for them that I went up to them later on in the day and apologized for how they were treated, after they moved back to the end because of the verbal abuse they received once everyone sat down.

So yeah. I'm sure a few other bands have enough hardcore fans that line up early too, but it's never close to being the drama that it is for this band. The first morning of Chicago, maybe 250 people were there at sunrise. And, like you implied, a lot don't even stay the whole day anyway. And for a stadium gig, it just makes you wonder why people can't just line up the day of and let the cards fall where they may. That's how it is most of the time.
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Other than a few smarmy assholes, I don't fault the people who set these things up or who take advantage of them. I have plenty of friends who've been involved, and while I may needle them about it offline from time to time (like when a top 20 # at MSG 1 was sitting next to me at the bar day of show), I don't blame them for the band's management's inability to organize things themselves, and make it public to everyone.

I do think check in are bullshit. You show up, you sit, you wait. Other than a couple of bathroom and food breaks, that's it. He/she who waits longest gets the first spot, and so on and so on. THAT is how it used to be, the camping you referenced Gabe, but that's not this. It's kept in semi secret because a whole lot more people would come and "check in" if they knew that was an option.

Blatantly ignoring the requests of venue security is also BS. If they tell you to scram; scram. Setting up shop at the Dunkin Donuts a mile down the block? Who in their right mind would think to look there unless they had an idea beforehand? And then people show up at the place they're supposed to be at according to the information given out by the venue, at the TIME the venue says they're supposed to be there, only to be replaced by a marching horde of cruller wielding fans who were off site.

And the people who do things like toss Manchester out as a reason why they do check-ins are the worst assholes on earth.

The band makes enough money off of these shows to set up a true system and have it staffed properly. The only thing that stops them is management indifference. They'll send people out if/when there's a percieved issue, but that's it.

If the band wanted to say that the current system is the way they want to go, and a designated "check in" spot will be established a few days out, but by a certain time on shoenday you must be in your spot in line, no exceptions other than potty and food? Okay. Great. But say it and publicize it. Don't keep it in the dark where only fans who know or know where to look can take advantage of it.

With the exception of a few overly vocal douchebags; this is on management, not fans.

Co-signed! Either queue outside the gate indicated on the ticket* or don't queue at all. If security say no queuing, starting a queue in the carpark of a fast food joint or a hotel SHOULD. NOT. COUNT. You're not in the location that every fan has been told to go to, and you've been told not to be there. Rocking up and saying you've had a queue elsewhere should be viewed as cutting the line.

*Or, for some venues, the designated spot from which you will be admitted to the actual gate (Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne does this; GA queue outside the main entry during the day, then late afternoon that is opened and you go to queue in front of the internal doors to the standing floor). You get what I mean.
For what it's worth, the list line was started and maintained in Toronto in a highly visible position on the courtyard right at Gate 6, the gate that was indicated by officials as the GA entry gate. Officially and very publicly published days in advance by Rogers Centre.
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